Chapter 26

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Oki doki my pookie wookies
Let's start

Eddie POV :

"Well, maybe he drove somewhere else?",Dustin said. "Wait, drove?" "Yeah he took his motorcycle. I told you before, didn't I?" Eddie turned pale.
It was Steve? Steve crashed?
"Sorry , I need to go and the bar closes in a few minutes anyways. You should go too." Then Eddie took of.

"Whats up with him?" "Love. He is in love." "Oh, is it really that simple?" Charlotte nodded. "Naturally. You were already in love or not." "No, he wasn't. Otherwise he would have told us. Will has never been in love. He probably hasn't found the right girl yet," Lucas said. "Sure," Will said with an undertone. "So I think we should go now. The bar is about to close and it's almost 1 am and it's school time. Tomorrow is our last first day." said Dustin. "Agreed, let's go." The four went to their bikes only Dustin left them right after they came out of the bar. Charlotte watched him go and asked what was wrong with him. "He has to go on foot because Steve isn't there and he took him with him." "ah" The four of them started cycling and one after the other one left until only Will was left. He cycled slowly down the street and kept thinking about Charlotte's words. Of course he fell in love before, but only once. Then he thought of Mike. These black hairs that he wanted to slowly stroke through, these lips that he always wanted to touch with his own, these cheeks that his one hand should rest on. His finger would slowly stroke back and forth his other hand would slowly ruffle the hair, their bodies standing close together, the purest touch that drove him crazy and those feelings he had had for years. Then he shook his head and focused on the road again. He locked his bike and went into the house, everyone was already asleep. It was dark and when he went up the stairs they creaked. Then he was in his room, changed his clothes and fell on the bed. With one eye still open, he imagined the scene from just now. Charlotte and Mike, that she whispered something to him.
What was that?
He needed to know what it meant.


The two woke up their bikes and went to the front door. Meanwhile, Charlotte kept talking and talking about this Thomas. "I think he's a perfect match for Will. And you could tell Will liked him exactly. And those eyes, Mike, have you seen them?" Mike snorted and opened the door. "I think something else is happening." "For fucks sake, be quiet. We'll never see the guy again anyway. I want to sleep now." The two became silent and went into Mike's room. The two changed and lay down in their respective beds. Mike lay in bed with his eyes on the ceiling. Why does the guy suit Will? Will doesn't need it, they don't fit together at all. Mike lay there for a long time, imagining Will... along with Thomas. In his eyes it didn't fit. Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it now? Meanwhile, Charlotte snored peacefully next to him. She could relax completely differently than Will and Mike. However, Will knew why he was thinking all of this, Mike didn't.


She slowly opened her eyes, it was still dark outside. When she looked at the clock she saw that it was only 5am. That was the time when her alarm clock always went off in Germany. Now she could sleep longer, but her body is probably not quite used to it yet. She sat up and looked around, when she looked at Maik's bed she saw him lying there with his eyes wide open. "Good morning." Mike turned his head towards her. He looked anything but good. "Have you slept at all? You don't look like that." Mike shook his head. "Why?" He shrugged his shoulders. "We both know what's going on so just say we have time." Mike didn't respond. "Then just tell me. I'll go get dressed now." "Wait, I don't know what's going on myself. I've been thinking about last night all the time. That idiot Thomas. I don't know why." "What exactly is your problem?" "I don't think he suits Will. He's too cocky, too rich, he literally smelled of money and his nose was too high and how you talked about him all the time." Mike groaned in annoyance. "I noticed that you didn't like that and I'm sorry. But do you have any idea what you're feeling?" Mike shook his head.
"Jealousy," she said slowly, letting the word melt on her tongue.
"Why should I be jealous?" "I think you'll know that for yourself at some point?" Charlotte winked. "You're weird" She got up and put on some clothes. A short cropped shirt and a leather jacket, with a wide pair of baggy jeans. "This is what you wear on the first day?" Mike pointed to the pile of clothes in her hands. "Sure, I'm the new one and I have to make an impression. You should think that way too, because that's the best way to get into a relationship. Look at me, I've had the same boyfriend for three years." "If you think like that. I don't think I want to be in a relationship again for now." "Yes, exactly. Well, I'll leave you with that idea and go change. Then when I'm done, we'll take your best clothes so that you make an impression. After all, we want to get the right attention and even if you look bad I can't show up with you, otherwise I'll be canceled immediately. Don't take it personally." She went into the bathroom, leaving a stunned Mike behind.

After a few minutes, Charlotte came out of the bathroom, changed and perfectly styled. "Wow." "I know, right? And now it's your turn." Charlotte tore open Mike's closet and looked at the clothes. "Everything here is boring." Then she wore a white shirt and black pants. This stuffed itself into his hands and sent him to the bathroom. When he came back she gave him two silver rings, black boots, and a silver chain. Then ruffled his hair so the curls came out more and unbuttoned his shirt a little. "Perfect. I'm a genius. And no, you can't move around. That's forbidden. Leave everything as it is. Now come on, I'm hungry."

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