Chapter 25

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OKI doki

Let us do this


Eddie ran out of the bar like lightning and left the boys standing. "Well, he's in love," Lucas said. "I've never seen anything like it, not even with Chrissy," Dustin said. Mike nodded in agreement. "What do you think is going to happen?" Will asked. "What? Where were your eyes when they kissed? The two are not sweet or romantic, the two are horny. If Eddie was able to catch up with him, they won't be out of the house for another two days." Charlotte laughed."Where are you coming from?" "I was on the phone with my boyfriend and now I'm here," Charlotte replied to Will's question. "So the two of them are a couple?" she asked, looking back and forth between Will and Maik. Then Dustin started talking and turned her head away from Maik and Will. "If everything goes well tonight." " And you're all okay with it? " "Sure, why not. The two of them are our friends and they don't argue anymore," Lucas said. Then he nodded to Dustin and the two woke up. Then Charlotte turned to Mike and brought her mouth to his ear. "See," Charlotte whispered. They thought no one heard them, but Will heard loud and clear. But he couldn't do anything with it. What did the girl mean? "What are we going to do now?" Just as Charlotte asked, Dustin and Lucas came back, pointing undelicately at Dustin's hands. In this one was a huge bottle of liquor and in the other vodka."Aren't we too young?" Charlotte asked. "Who cares?" Mike said with a laugh and filled several shot glasses with alcohol. Then he grabbed one and tipped it down. The other powers are following suit. WILL felt the heat alcohol run down his hold and slowly he forgot everything that had happened before. More and more glasses and his stock said goodbye more and more. That's exactly how it was for the others. After a few minutes, Charlotte said, "How about we play a game?"



Eddie ran down the street to Steve's house. He got faster and faster until he couldn't take it anymore, but he kept running. Before Nancy is faster, he thought. Then he was momentarily distracted. An ambulance with its siren on drove past him. Then Eddie quickly ran on. Passing the scene of the accident, a cursory glance at it, it was a motorcycle accident! But he didn't have time for that, he had to find Steve. He kept running until he was standing in front of his front door. He knocked and rang again and again but nothing moved. Eddie looked around and saw a fancy car. Steve's? No. He rang the bell again until a middle-aged woman opened the door for him. She had her hair pinned up and an apron wrapped around her. The woman looked Eddie up and down and gave him a disdainful look. "And you are?" she raised an eyebrow. "Eddie." "Eddie who?" "Munson." "Oh, you're the son of the Munson guy down the street." She looked him straight in the eyes, but Eddie didn't mind. "No, he's my uncle. Is Steve there, I have to talk to him." "No, he's not and even if he were there why would we tell you?" "Because I'm his friend and it's important." The woman snorted ironically and slammed the door in Eddie's face.
Where should he go now?
Back to the bar?
Getting drunk?
Eddie nodded and walked back.

"How about we play a game?" "Which?" "Never have I ever?" The boys nodded and filled their glasses to start. Dustin began: "Never have I ever had an expensive vacation." Charlotte drank. Then it was Lucas' turn: "Never have I ever made out with a complete stranger." Charlotte drank again. When Will wanted to ask his question, someone bumped into him. Will turned around and saw a brown-eyed, black-haired boy. They were about the same age. "Apologies." Will laughed lightly. The boy had a British accent. "It's all good. I'm Will by the way." "I am Thomas." They shook hands and Thomas indicated that he would leave now. "See ya." Mike looked at Will, who looked after Thomas. A British? They always think they're better than us. Will turned back to the others. "He used to be cute! Isn't it?" Charlotte remarked. "Who are you asking?" Lucas asked sarcastically. "Will." Dustin, Lucas and Mike looked surprised into the round. Will blushed. "You're like Eddie?" "No, I'm pretty sure Eddie is man and Will isn't," Chalotte said. "I'm gay." "Oh" "And you're into British?" asked Dustin.Will shook his head. "No. Of course not." "Have you ever had a crush on one of us?" Lucas asked, whereupon Dustin hit him and indicated a shake of his head. "Of course not." " Then I don't see a problem. ", Lucas said. But this does not apply to Mike Graf. He had a problem, which one he didn't know. Maybe the Briton? But why?


"Well, the way I see it, you should now go to this Thomas and have a little fun. If you know what I mean." Charlotte winked. Wills tinkered with his head. No way. He didn't even have his first must, but the others shouldn't know that. "No, I'd rather stay with you" "Are you so sure about that? The guy literally nibbles you with his eyes and he's not ugly." " Not today. " Mike felt like a stone from his heart.Luckily, he thought to himself. This Thomas made him feel bad, why didn't the others notice? Hopefully he will never see him again.Lucas and Dustin still didn't quite know what to think of the situation, but it wasn't bad. Then the doors slammed open and... "Where's Steve?"Eddie ran to her and asked the question again. "Where's Steve?" Dustin shrugged his shoulders. "He was not at home?" Eddie shook his head.


Love yall.:):):)

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