Chapter 28

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"If that's the case, maybe you want to tell me what's going on?" I don't know myself."

 "That's a total lie. If you didn't know then it wouldn't mean as much as if you weren't sitting here, but you are, so..." Mike stopped for a moment and looked deep into Will's eyes and whispered, "What is going on? You can tell me, I'm your best friend, right? We talk about everything." 

Mike smiled at Will. Will smiled back, ever so slightly and weakly. Was he really ready to tell everything? How would Mike react? This wasn't supposed to happen like that. Will lost himself in thought until Mike gently squeezed Will's knee with his hands.

 "Tell me, please. You're not feeling well, everyone can see that and I just want to help. So let me help you. What did Max say? What happened?" 

Will looked at the floor for a long time until he took a deep breath and started talking: "Max found out." "Found out what?" "That I'm gay," Will said incredibly quickly. 

He was afraid to look Mike in the eyes, so he looked at the floor. What would Mike think now? Mike thought about what he could say for a long time, too long. Will's body began to tremble again and his upper body began to rise and fall rapidly.

 Will breathed short and not deeply, as if his air were being cut off, and he began to whisper again, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. It shouldn't be happening like this. I'm sorry sorry. I'm sorry." Will became quieter and his breathing became louder.

 Then, finally, Mike thought clearly. He took Will's hands, placed them on Will's knees and placed his own hands over them. 

"Will. Look at me. Neither I nor Dustin nor Max nor anyone else is mad, why should they be? Besides, you don't owe anyone, no one, an apology for being yourself. I'm happy that you confide in me and of course it would have been okay.It could be different circumstances, but Max is definitely sorry. Please come out with me and I'm sure the others will." 

 Mike stood up and heard Will whisper "thank you." Mike nodded with a smile and pulled Will by his arm out of the toilet and into the school hallway. 

Then he let go of his arm and walked forward to the others. Will walked slowly behind him, gathering his courage. Although he couldn't say he was happy, he was sorry that Mike reacted that way. He got through the most important thing, Mike wasn't mad. The most important person accepted him.


Mike stood next to Dustin and left space for Will on the left. Will stood next to the others and received looks from all sides.

 Mike smiled encouragingly, Dustin and El looked excited and Max looked at the floor. Nobody dared to say anything until: "Look, will. I'm really sorry. I know it sounded like I somehow thought it was bad that you were gay. I'm really sorry but you didn't have to overreact like that .We're all your friends," Max said. 

Mike gave her an angry look. "He had every right to react that way, but you didn't." "Ok, we'd like to relax for a moment." "We're really happy for you and we know it probably wasn't supposed to happen like that but it's so make the best of it. We finally know so no more secrets." Dustin said in a serious tone. 

"Well, I think it's pretty cool. Back home in Germany, my best friend came out as bi and now she's doing much better. Before, she was just unhappy not being able to tell me because she was scared. I'm really happy for you, Will." said Charlotte.

 "On that note, what do we have in first period?" "Maths." "Mike, look at me." Charlotte looked deeply into Mike's eyes. "We both know that this can't be true. Never. Not maths as the first thing after the holliday." 

"Hate to tell you, but it is true. I hope you brought your stuff. But first you are going to get introduced to the class." 

As if on command, a loud 'DONG' came and the 6 went to their classroom.

Eddie woke up with unbearable pain in his head. He was lying on a couch in the bar and had a hangover, of course. Last night he was downgraded on his looks and he still didn't know where Steve was, but unfortunately he had an idea. He stood up and knew one thing: Today he will find Steve. And nothing and nobody  can stop him from finding him.

  Finally school was over. It was exhausting. 

Will felt as if everybody was looking at him, thinking he was a faggot.  It was the worst.

 Even Mike.

 Obviously he wasn't but, it felt like it. Everything was wrong. Even though he was accepted he just felt wrong. He didn't want to be in school, he never wanted to, but especially not today. He was outed in front of all his friends without him wanting it.

 Only Lucas was not there and now he had to tell him. Will was almost as afraid of Luca's reaction as he was of Mike's. Lucas would certainly be just like Max. He didn't feel like telling him, but he couldn't go home either, El. was there. 

 Now that she is no longer with Mike (luckily) she has way too much free time. Max doesn't always have time. And then there's his mother at home, who still has far too many worries about him. Sometimes it's nice, but he gets more attention than a celebrity and he hated it. He only wants three minutes of rest, that wasn't possible at home.

 But if he doesn't go home, it means he'll probably be with one of his friends.After the morning he didn't want to see any of them. 

Will was standing at the entrance of the school, deep in thought, when he was jostled from behind. "Sorry, that was my fault." Will turned around, in the direction from which the apology came and looked into a familiar face. 

" Thomas, right? " "Ah, yes." " I am will. From the party in the bar? "Ah, yes. I remember." " What exactly? " Will didn't know why he asked himself this question, he did it. "Of your fabulous Outfit in that gorgeouse Body of yours." , he said quietly with a british  accent und looked at Will from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top again with dreamy eyes.

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