Chapter 15

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15 !
I am very sorry for updating so slow but let's get into this

Wil shuffled along the sidewalk in front of Mike's house. Charlotte came towards him and they nodded to each other as they passed. I wonder what Mike is doing now? Will thought to himself. Will was disappointed that he had to leave so early, but El was his girlfriend and he was just a friend. Will's mood was getting worse by the second. Why did he like the wrong person? Are Mike and El arguing right now? Was El jealous? Why shouldn't she visit him? If they fight now it was his fault. Will became slower and slower, wondering whether he should turn around and explain it to the two of them. The thought stayed in his head for a long time. Mike is sick and now he's even more stressed because of him. Will stood rooted to the spot for a long time until he heard a familiar voice. El came closer and closer to him, she got upset. On the one hand, Will thought, well, El is here so Mike can relax now. On the other hand, he thought not. Will just ran. He didn't want El to see him. Will ran, getting faster and faster until he reached his front door. He unlocked it and threw his shoes and jacket into a corner. He calmly went into the bathroom to shower and change clothes. He took off his clothes and laid them over a chair. Then he stood in the shower. Will turned on the water and closed his eyes. Will imagined today with Mike. Will thought about Mike's smile, his sick yet beautiful eyes, and his sweaty, perfect body. Will wanted every inch of Mike for himself. Will was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud knock. "Will, are you in there? We need to talk." It was El. "Can we talk tomorrow, I'm tired." Will tried to talk his way out of it. He didn't want to talk to El today or tomorrow.Will got out of the shower and put on his pajamas. Will unlocked the bathroom door and went to his bed. He lay down in it and closed his eyes. He thought about Mike and El and Mike and Mike.

Halfway through the film, Charlotte suddenly asked, "How do you feel about Will?"

Mike didn't hesitate to say, "He's my friend." "And now an honest answer." "If I'm honest, I don't know." "What do you think if you want to see." "His eyes are... and when he smiles, then..." "Full sentences?" "El turned my world around and Will turned it right around again. He solves my problems and I always want to be with him, he's my best friend." "If you think that's what friends feel for each other, then you should ask Dustin or Lucas." "I'm sure they say the same thing." "Aha, yes. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight." Charlotte left a confused Mike behind. He took a blanket, spread it over himself, closed his eyes and fell asleep from the couch. He kept waking up and thinking about what he actually wanted to do. Will's eyes are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and his smile brightens up any room.His hair is silky soft and his body is just perfect. The light muscles and the perfect curves. When he looked at Will, he forgot everything and everyone, every problem. If he's feeling bad, he wants to talk to him straight away. Will turns everything right again, but he is calm and composed. When he's with Will, he never wants to go away.

Eddie was walking through the streets of Hawkins, he looked around, thought of nothing and then it came to him. "I forgot my belts at Steve's." Eddie turned around and ran. Eddie hurries up. Faster, if I'm late again because of something like that my boss will kill me. Eddie thought. He ran to Steve's house and saw Steve saying goodbye to Nancy. Eddie hid and looked at the two. He only saw the back of Nancy's head and the edges of Steve's. Eddie saw Steve lean in and kiss her. Eddie's eyes widened and he felt a feeling he didn't recognize. What was that? It stung his stomach. Eddie turns around and quickly jogs towards the bar, Steve and Nancy running through his head the whole time. He and Eddie aren't a couple so why shouldn't Steve be allowed to do something like that, but for some reason it still hurt.Eddie pushed open the door to the bar and looked around, drunk customers everywhere. Sure, it was after nine. No wonder. Good tip for him. He stood behind the bar and pushed drink after drink across the counter. He didn't forget Steve, Eddie just got more upset that Steve made him so jealous.

Steve kissed Nancy goodbye on the cheek. "We're not done yet, I want the name of the person who turned your head so much." Steve laughed and then noticed a silhouette slowly moving away from the house. Steve closed the door, left Nancy standing there and ran off. She laughed and called after him: "You are very convinced of your love. But I still need the name." She shook her head. Steve went after Eddie. He didn't want to race, otherwise Eddie would only get faster. He lost sight of Eddie and looked first in the cinema then went into the bar. Steve looked around and didn't see Eddie. He went behind the bar and saw...

Eddie pushed the glasses harder and harder over the table. Steve didn't want to leave his coof and that was exactly what made him mad. A young guy came up to him. "Could I please..." Eddie looked up and thought to himself: If Steve can, I can too. "You can have anything you want." 10 minutes later the guy and Eddie were smooching against the wall of the house. "Eddie."

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