Chapter 24

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Will sipped his drink from time to time and looked at Mike from time to time, but Mike didn't return his gaze. Then Eddie rushed past them, holding a surprised Steve by his hand. Before Will could wonder what was going on, it happened. Eddie kissed Steve? Will smiled in amusement, he always thought he was the only one... But Steve ? With Eddie, you could guess it. WILL smiled broadly until he looked into the faces of the other guys.Dustin rejoiced, "Finally they don't argue anymore." Will wasn't sure if Dustin understood what was happening or not. Will didn't even know if he understood. The two of them were ALWAYS arguing! Lucas tried not to look too shocked, but it didn't work out. He didn't look disgusted or just shocked. Just like Will and Dustin, he didn't know how this could happen. "Did you know about it?" "No dumbass, of course," Dustin said. Then Will looked at Mike.His mouth was wide open, as were his eyes. The hint of a smile was nowhere to be seen. His gaze was instructive and frozen on the two kissing boys. Will thought that Mike didn't think it was ok and his smile disappeared. Meanwhile, Mike thought, "It's not that bad. They look cute together. Then the four boys say how Steve moved from the whole area to the toilets and then the two boys disappeared. " What was that?"Dustin asked the others. "What was what?" asked Will. "Yes, the kiss and the sudden disappearance." "No one can explain the kiss to you," Will said. "But I think you know why they disappeared so quickly," Lucas claimed with a smile and a wink. "Ha ha, very funny." "Mike, mate, are you okay?" Lucas asked. Willy's head snapped to Mike and made brief eye contact. "Sure. I just find it surprising like you. It's not bad."Wants a lot of a stone from the heart. He already knew why. All his friends, including Mike, who he had a crush on, were cool with that.A smile spread across his face. He never felt such a relief before. He looked at Mike until his head went off and Will looked into the eyes. Then he started to smile. Maybe El was right after all. He might try to figure it out. Maybe Will wants him yes and maybe just cool he doesn't want to love Will a little bit as Dustin and Lucas. Only possibly.


 Steve pulled Eddie to the bar's restrooms, not to make out with him, but to talk to him. He wanted to know why Eddie had done this and why he had suddenly changed his mind. What happened? Steve wanted to know if that would happen again, because he didn't want to take part in that. As much as he wanted to be with Eddie, if Eddie doesn't dare to openly admit that they're together, they won't be together. Because apparently Eddie only has a problem admitting that he's into men too. So why can't he admit they're together? Steve stopped abruptly. He almost pushed against the bathroom door, but Eddie pulled him to him by his hand. "Can't wait." Steve shook his head and pulled Eddie into one of the cabins. Eddie leaned his back against the door and stuck his head forward. Just before the two of them had to meet again, Steve woke his head.Eddie looked at him, confused and a little offended. I apologized." " A must and a sorry is not enough. " "What then?" " I want an explanation! " "Of what?" " why you lied to boss. " "That was, that was..." "Oh, now you're quiet. You trumpet every three seconds who you had something with again, but when it comes to me. God forbid, when it comes to Steve Harrington, you're quiet very quickly. " Steve was getting more and more angry. Eddie got a lump stuck in his throat. He didn't utter a sentence, just said, "That's not the case." "Oh, isn't that how it is? It's always like that. Soon you can say it's not because of you, it's because of me. Eddie, I know that. Just say if you don't want me. Steve's eyes glazed over, just like Eddie's. He didn't say a word, he just shook his head quickly and reached for Steve's hand, but Steve's hand withdrew.Then Steve shook his head and whispered softly, "Just say it. What is going on? "I can't. I'm sorry." Eddie's voice grew quieter and quieter. Then Steve turned awake and walked out of the bathroom with quick steps. He ran, ran and stormed out of the bar. Boss called after him how he should come home now, but there was no answer. Eddie was left in the dressing room feeling guilty. "It's really not your fault."After a few minutes, he walked out of the cabin and freshened up. Nobody, really no one, should notice what just happened. He was fine. At least that's what everyone should think. He quickly scurried behind the bar and went to work as if nothing had happened. What else was he supposed to do? Running after Steve? 


Dustin and the other 3 talked a little bit about Steve and Eddie. For fun. But then he saw Steve rush out of the bathroom. "He doesn't look happy," Dustin said. " "But neither did he." , Will pointed to Eddie, who just scurried back behind the bar as if nothing had happened. The four boys nodded to each other and walked over to Eddie.


"Hey loverboy, that's the other of you two?" Lucas asked sarcastically. "Shut up." The four of them gave each other confused looks. " What happened? " "Nothing. Everything's fine Dustin." Eddie inhaled sharp through his nose. "Obviously not." "Everything is good. We kissed a couple of times, argued today and then he went home." " How a few times ? " asked Will. "A few times means a few times." "Since when?" asked Mike. "For a few weeks or so." "Weeks?" Eddie nodded. "You never stay that long with one person," Dustin noted. Eddie shrugged. "And?" " Could it be that you have fallen in love? " "I don't know." " Does your heart beat fast when you see him? " Eddie nodded. Mike thought for a moment and then thought to himself: Yes "Do you feel a Sensation Everytime sou touch. Does your body ache after him?" Eddie nodded slowly. Mike thought for a moment, just like Will did at the same time: Yes, that's true, "You see.""What?" "You're in love. And if you still want to save that, there's the door, so hurry up, he's here with the motorcycle. Eddie looked at the four nodding boys and then he ran. "What was that?" he thought to himself.



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