Chapter 7

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Steve was in the kitchen at the stove. His food and that of the person who, according to his belief, is upstairs in bed sizzled in the fan. Music was playing in the background and Steve sank into his thoughts. He forgot what was happening around him, who was there and what he was doing virally."I wonder what Eddie's doing. I bet he's wondering where he... wait, is that...?" He didn't get any further as Eddie ran in and yelled, "FIRE!" Then Eddie put out the fire with some water. Steve was in shock and stood rooted to the spot. He couldn't get a whole thought when Eddie spoke: "You idiot what did you do?" Steve couldn't form a proper sentence so he just stuttered: "I... I... I wanted to make breakfast." He looked in Eddies eyes and thought: those beautiful eyes who scram into my face that He is a thief wo steals friends. Then Eddie started to talk again:" Wait a second. This is your house and I've slept in your house. And when I woke I didn't have so many clothes on... I swear to god." "What?" "Oh you know what I mean. I wanna know if we..." "We what?" "You know..." "No I actually don't." Eddie said his last scentence really quick :" Did we fuck?" Shortly afterwards there was a silence like in a cemetery that one visits at night. You don't notice it on the outside, but they make you scream because it's just bad the first time and maybe even every other time. The silence, these dead silences that just stay that way for a long time until you find the grave you were looking for and start talking to the person. Even if it's just you speaking. That's how it was for Eddie and to some extent for Steve too, nobody said anything. It was quiet. But then Steve finally reached the point where he could talk again. Steve said, "I know how it feels, but nothing happened. You were in the pool and then you just fell asleep in my bed, half naked. If you don't have a problem with that, I would like to eat now. I'm hungry. Don't you?" Eddie just nods, then Steve pointed to a chair at the table and indicated that Eddie should sit down. Then Steve put two plates on the table and sat across from Eddie. Steve started talking: "So ...are you single?"

Mike ran up the stairs to his room and tore open the closet. He rummaged back and forth between his clothes and the first thing he found was a t-shirt that Eleven gave him as a gift two weeks ago. It was black and something was written on it in German with glowing red letters. Mike looked at the shirt for a long time but then put it back. As he was hanging it back on a hanger the doorbell rang. Several times. VERY LOUD! It could only be Dustin and Lucas, for two reasons. Firstly, Will is already there and El isn't coming because it's supposed to be an all boys day (+Charlotte maybe ) and secondly because nobody in the whole world rings like that. It was hellish torture. The doorbell didn't seem to stop ringing, but then, finally, you heard the door open and three male voices talking to each other and then going into the basement. Unfortunately it was already too late. The ringing woke Charlotte up. She rubbed her eyes and then looked at Mike with an expression that couldn't be directly interpreted. Disgust because she had to get up so early or anger for the same reason. Whatever it was, it almost rivaled Vecna, but only almost, Mike thought.Then she started talking: "You're not really clear-headed. Waking me up so early. I hope you have a good reason for it." She looked deep into Mike's eyes and he swallowed. "What would be a good reason for you?" Charlotte sat up and motioned for Mike to sit next to her. Then she used hers to indicate that he should tilt his head towards her. When his head was close enough to her, she brought her mouth close to his ear and spoke quietly, "There is none." Mike looked at her with a smile and said, "That's a lie. I noticed last night that you like Will, so if I tell you he's here you won't be mad at me anymore, will you?" Charlotte looked at him and said: "Listen: Firstly, I'm in a relationship and secondly, I wouldn't have a chance with him anyway. I mean, firstly, he's pretty gay. So think of a better excuse.""I thought maybe you wanted to come with us... Wait, Will is gay???" "Yes, of course you never noticed that? Anyway, I would like to keep you company and I will as soon as you get dressed. So, what is it?" "You...I...Will...Will isn't gay. Just because he hasn't had a real girlfriend yet doesn't mean anything." "From what you've always written to me and from what I saw last night, he's definitely not straight... Why? Are you a homophobe?" Mike shook his head quickly and began to speak, "I'm not homophobic, but if Will is gay, why hasn't he ever told us?" " I have no idea. Maybe He isn't sure of what you are going to think. It is a hard time rught now and has always been a hard time for gays. He probably is scared of what you are going to think about him." "Wll he shouldn't be. I am his best friend he should tell me." "Stop stop stop. There are only two things you are going to do. First of all don't ask him about it he will tell you when he is ready and second of all please get dressed. I don't want to see your chicken breast anymore and I bet the other guys you're leaving rotting in the basement don't either. So." Charlotte stood up and continued her sentence: I'm going to go to the others now. We'll pretend this conversation never happened, so forget it and get dressed now. See you soon." With that she walked out of the room. Mike looked after her for a moment and then took a random T-shirt from the closet. He put it on and went to the basement. Even though Charlotte had said he should forget the conversation, he kept thinking about it: Will gay ? That doesn't work, or does it?


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