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"You're into someone else?" Will was snapped out of his thoughts. Mike is into someone else? That's why he broke up with El? Will looked intently at Mike.

He looked absolutely shocked.

Had El told anyone about her stupid thoughts?

"Where did you hear that?" Mike asked. "El told Max and she told me. So, who is it?" Mike looked quickly at Will and then turned his head back to Lucas. Mike could calm down quickly. No one should think they like someone else. Because he doesn't. At least that's what he thinks. "I don't like anyone else that just got Max wrong." " Sure? " Mike nodded vigorously and Will was relieved. He exhaled deeply into his heart, calmed down again, he heard the music again and his eyes say all the lights in the bar again, he heard Lucas say ok unconvinced and let it go. Will wanted to believe Mike, just like Lucas, but he can't. There was Somebody else Mike likes. He was sure of it.


Steve was wearing black shoes with a small neckline and black baggy pants. His upper body was covered only by an open leather jacket. Although Steve was disappointed and sad about Eddie, he didn't want to show it. Why should he? Steve took another quick look at himself in the mirror until there was a knock on the door. Steve opened it and greeted Dustin. Then the two drove off. As they went through scriptures, an inhabitant feeling spread through Steve. He looked around and saw Eddie immediately. Eddie wore a black crop tshirt with a skull exposing his belly button and baggy jeans that went just above his waist. Around them he had tied a red-black checkered shirt, which reached just above his knees. he also wore a black necklace with a black plectrum as a pendant.Around his right wrist was a silver chain bracelet and on his little finger he wore a ring. On his left hand he wore a ring on his index finger and middle finger. His shoes were doc Martin with small heels.

He looks hot, Steve thought.

While Steve was in his thoughts, he didn't notice that Dustin had already walked away and a girl approached Steve. She wore a dress that was much too short and high heels. She was Steve's ideal type, but somehow...
She started talking, but Steve didn't answer. He just said sorry and went away. The rest of the time the girl came back and forth, but Steve kept walking away, she followed him. He wanted to ignore Eddie and the girl...did she help? He doesn't know. All he knew was that he didn't want to talk to Eddie he , he didn't even wanted to look at him.(If it wasn't for Eddies look, he wouldn't have looked at him.) He just wanted to get through the evening without any problems, maybe that girl , that followed him , could help with those matters.


Dustin slowly approached the three boys. Mike and Will exchanged looks the whole time , but their eyes never met. Lucas on the other hand tried to start a conversation. Nobody answered. Lucas felt such a relief when Dustin came. Lucas wanted to start talking but then Mike was faster. Right when a new song started he said:" I don't know, but we're at a bar, with music , i think we should dance. Who comes with me?" Lucas and dustin shaked their head as a no but Will nodded. They walked on the dancefloor and slowly started moving their hips to the rythm of the music When they got more comfortable they moved more bodyparts. The the two of them slowly seperated started dancing with other people. They did that for a few minutes till the next song came on. It was slow and it just came out. A few minutes into the song the lyrics said: Friends , just for now ,but friends don't say words that make friends feel like more than just friends, jut for now. Now i'm pretending so let's put the end in friends.
While these lyrics were sung the two boys looked around and theire views met. It was different then usually. The eyes of them lightend up und all they could do was getting lost in the eyes of the other one. They held it till the next song came on. Then they quickly looked away. After a few minutes they stepped of the dance floor and walked back to their friends. Will tried to make eye contact with Mike again but he just ignored him.
What was that, he thought. El wasn't right, right?

Eddie felt bad all evening. What did he just do? He should have told Dustin the truth. Of course he would have, why not? Now he stood behind the bar and stared into the crowd. He ignored anyone who tried to talk to him and followed Steve with his eyes. This leather jacket. The next song started. One last time by Ariana Grande. Eddie spotted Steve and a girl. She touched him, stroked his arm down his stomach until... It was too much for Eddie. He walked out from behind the bar and grabbed Steve's wrist. "What are you doing?" "Look, I'm sorry. I should have told Dusti the truth, so I'm doing it now. Better later than never." Eddie pulled Steve to the middle of the dance floor. Eddie pressed his lips to Steve's. To Eddie's surprise, Steve pulled him closer and stuck his tongue down his throat. Eddie moaned softly into the kiss. Then they pulled their lips apart and pressed their foreheads together. They looked into each other's eyes and whispered quietly, "Missed you." Then Steve dragged him behind him to the toilets.

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