Yukinaru -Landfall- 1

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I gaze up watching the lightning dance in the clouds to the beat of booming thunder, beautiful trails of energy weave like a spider's web above the sea. The beauty of the elements are always worth admiring.
*How lucky am I to be witness to such storm.* I think to myself.
I flick my finger down and watch the lightning follow my whim. It strikes the water, increasing the velocity of waves. They beat against the side of the little boat, filled with power and force.
However the motion is gentle as ever, merely rocking me side to side. Makes me feel as if I were a tired infant in a cradle, heading off for sleep.
"I have been on this vessel for what feels like months and I'm growing increasingly bored, there isn't much I can!" I scream out into the storm, my frustration only growing.
"The Family decided that I should live on the mainland from now to continue training with the added change of environment. My Father just picked me and basically threw me in a boat!"
Huffing out a deflated sigh, "I get why yet not even an explanation and no other orders besides to get stronger."
A boom of thunder echos out with my complaints, I smile feeling relief as the wind rushes through my hair.
I do know of one city on on the mainland and that is Yorknew. From what I read in a book it is a pretty good place for me to start. However I have no idea where I am gonna land.
Something must have happened at the estate, there really is no other reason as to why they would allow me to travel like this alone. Of course no one will tell me anything, as per usual I am reminded that I am not like my brothers.
*Not like that is new, most of the time I never even felt like I belonged there but it is still odd to be sent away so swiftly.* I shake my head to reahift my thoughts.
My first priority is to get a safe base sorted, having somewhere to plan my course of action. I shouldn't worry about anything else yet but honestly I don't even know where to begin. I did hear mention a hunter exam as a good start to my training but Elder Brother says that there is a fighting arena that would prove useful in basic training.
I stretch my stiffen arms out, groaning as I feel my joints crack and pop. Repositioning myself, I lean up against the railing, facing out over the raging water. I suppose I might as well play with more lightning, I do very much enjoy that little ability.
Maybe I can learn what it is one day, all I really know is that it responds to my intentions. I snap my finger down hard, watching the lightning twist and turn to my whims once more. In a bright flash, a loud explosion echoed from the distance.
That sound could only mean one thing, I have finally reached land. It is so close yet still feels so far away, I will never take land for granted again. I release my focus on the energy, freeing it from my control.
I watch as one last bolt flicker down, hitting the land violently and the brightness illuminates the darkness. It nearly appears like someone is standing there, their figure barely outlined in the light. I focus intently on the mysterious shadow, trying to sense life yet nothing is given.
Such a feeling of concern takes root in me, it is not common for anything to really hide from me. Deciding it be best to remain unnoticed, I hide my bloodlust immediately and conceal my aura.
Hopefully if there is something up there it didn't notice my existence. I can't help but wonder though what kind of creature would be out in this storm. Glancing back up to the cliffs praying that whatever it is won't be any trouble. I don't want to return home before I even have a chance to see what it's like to be free.
No longer under the watchful eyes of anyone. No more living trapped in a stone castle with cold and barren walls. Taking this moment I reflect back on who I am. Reminding myself I am a Zarin, trained in the art of combat and stealth. I am ruthless predator, coming from a long line of assassins that live on the Dark Continent.
The head of the family is Kenji, he is stern and fierce while his older twin, Uncle Renji, is soft natured but still has such terrifying skills. I will miss him the most, he was the only one to ever treat me like I wasn't a burden. Then again being the only female Zarin, it is not surprising that even my three elder brothers treated me with such indifference.
The twins Aruki and Yenra, specialize in assassinations on the mainland but only take high priority contracts. They honestly never even said one word to me before, they look through me as if I do not even exist in their world. Even for Zarins, the twins are undoubtedly odd and didn't fit in with us.
My Eldest Brother Kaijiru, on the other hand is a contract hunter for beasts that roam our lands. He is always challenging me randomly as well. He seems to take great joy in pushing me as far as he could. As close to affection one could ever hope for from him.
Many times Uncle had to step in, Kaijiru loved to torture me even beyond what is normal for combat training. For the longest time the Family just treated me as a weak and unwanted creature forced upon them. I figure most families that live as we do must also be the same, after all we are predators ment solely to kill.
Sadly I have more range of emotions then them, even if I don't understand them all. Probably why they sent me away, I am just a nuisance for Kenji.
Uncle on the other hand told me a story saying I'm a blessing born from the lands we live on, he always has such odd tales. Uncle Renji is like me, we both show compassion and affection for certain things.
I should be grateful that I received basic training and education from Father. Kenji doesn't show any emotions at all towards me aside from that. I may be nothing more then a mere pup to him right now but I will take this chance to show them all that I am worthy to have the Zarin name.
I have hunted ferocious beast and battled for my survival for 100 cycles. If I can survive such a deadly life style then these humans in this isolated land will be of no threat to me.
The raging storm slowly dies down and the waves begin to calm. The change of weather pulls me from my thoughts. I feel the sand grind against the bottom of the boat, finally coming to a stop as it reaches land. I climb down the side quickly and push it back into the sea, watching the waves carry it further away.
A single drop of water rolls down my cheek, the warmth of it surprises me as the rain feels cold. I stand still on the shore and look out over the horizon, the storm slowly moves back out into the lake. I watch the boat fade with the night stars, turning swiftly to look back at my new surroundings. I know nothing will ever be the same again.
Such a radiance these trees give off, there are not any trees like these back home. Even the air feels softer and it is alot easier to breathe. Truly the humans here live such easy lives, free from the pressure of threats and death.
*Focus* I slap my hands to together and gather my aura into my finger tips.
I am still not sure where I am so first thing is first. Bending down to my knees I press my fingers into the moistened dirt and start feeding my aura into it. I can feel the presence of so many tiny creatures hiding amongst the forest. Each little life force no stronger then an ant. Pushing further out, my roots spread till I feel human life towards the north east.
*Well that is the way I'm going I guess.* I walk towards the source of life hoping to find a place to eat and sleep.
The moon is setting as I near the city outskirts and sun beams peak through the buildings causing the city to appear in flames.
*So beautiful* a sliver of my bloodlust leaks out momentarily.
I feel a slight smile dance on my lips with this thought as I walk towards a bonded pair holding hands. They have meek expressions making me grin even harder. Turning my head around, I take in the surrounding views. A number of stores and cafes line the streets, such a new sight. I only ever seen such things in books and the stories told to me by Renji.
To think that such a peaceful place exists where creatures can crowd in such a large pack is mind blowing. A few humans litter the pathway from over drinking last night, the stench of crap booze heavy on their clothes. I continue to walk aimlessly forward looking at all the different types of people and pathways that branch around me.
One human in particular catches my eye however, I may not have met many of these creatures before but everything about this guy puts me on edge instantly. How exciting to see such an interesting human already. He clearly isn't like these other mindless rabbits though.
*Is this really a human as well?* I watch with some interest as he approaches with clear purpose.
He is tall with a slender build, probably just over 6 feet if I were to guess. His hair is bright pink and spiked straight up with the tips almost frosted red. He has deep golden amber eyes and wears a twisted smile that feels like a reflection of mine.
*So sinister.* I think to myself while continually sizing him up.
He is wearing a white outfit with playing card symbols on the shirt, the diamond & heart decorating it. He also painted a star and a teardrop under his eyes, completing the jester feel.
What catches my attention the most out of this whole situation is his bloodlust. I inhale deeply, trying to pick up on a scent with how alluring and out of place he is, I expected it have a scent. As he closes the distance between us, mine starts to radiate as a response.
"Oh how I want to play but I am exhausted." realizing I spoke outloud I bring my hand up to my mouth quickly.
*I need to focus, there must be a resting place around here.* I can't play properly anyway till my engery restores.
I stop walking and wait for him to pass me. It feels like home seeing this man reeking with the stench of death and choas. A few memories drift through taking me back to a hunting trip with Uncle Renji.
We went hunting for a Spindres, there was a request for the creature's massive claws. It was a bloody hunt and an enormous beast. My job was locating it and Uncle's was to kill it. Everything was going smoothly but somehow incredibly wrong.
"Hello dear." Such a velvety tone drifts into my ears, pulling on my senses and taking me out of my memory.
I look at the man more closely, his face devilishly flawless and pale. I can see a barely hidden smirk and feel the lust emanating from his entire being.
"Can I help you with that leak of yours?" *Damn was that too much.* I think just as quickly as I spoke.
"Well aren't you full of attitude ♡~, a simple hello would have sufficed." The stranger says with laughter hugging his words.
"Hmm then hello and goodbye." I say simply and push forward.
I am definitely intrigued by this stranger but I don't have time for small talk. I may be a predator however I'm on the verge of collapsing, all creatures have their limits including myself.
"Hold on now dear, ♡~ I haven't even had a chance to introduce myself yet. I'm Hisoka and you are?" Hisoka reaches out and takes my hand as he says this.
I stare at this man, I have never been addressed like this before. *Hmm how should I respond...* "Ah what the hell. I'll humor you jester." I mumble under my breath.
He looks down at me questioningly, "I'm Yukinaru and I'm not fond of being touched." I remove my hand from his and cross my arms. "Since you are so incline to talk, would you happen to know which way a hotel is?"
A grin dances on his lips as he answers me "Why, I'm heading that way myself. Why don't I escort you ~♡ your bloodlust seems delicious."
"Thanks and I do have to say your own is quite impressive for a rabbit." A devilish smile accompanied with alittle more of my bloodlust slips out. It is as close to a compliment I could give.
"Oh?♧~" He responds with more interest then I thought he would.
*Shit.* I face palm myself, "Never you mind that. Just take me to the hotel please, I'm exhausted from travel." I start walking away, quietly yelling at myself.
The rest of the walk is in silence as I follow behind Hisoka. I stare off in different directions as more and more people fill the streets. The town has woken up and all I wanna do is rest.
Making our way down the sidewalk after a few blocks, we pass an amazing fragrance emanating from a little diner sidetracking my thoughts of sleep. I pause and turn towards it, following the alluring scent.
"Hmmmm it's been so long since I smelled delicious food." I mumble as I felt my mouth watering. It's been like 3 days since I finished my rations, now that I think about it, I'm friggin starving.
I look over to see Hisoka, who noticed my interest and he leans around me, "Are you hungry then?" He coos, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
The way he is staring at me is adorably annoying. I remain still and glare up at him, "I am if you must know. Just tell me where the hotel is, you don't have to wait for me."
I straighten up and take a step back. *Who does he think he is getting so close and staring at me like he wants to eat me.*
"Are you sending me away? How rude ◇~" Hisoka is taunting me now, I know it.
"Yes I am, I want to eat alone. Maybe I'll see you around elsewhere Hisoka." I turn and storm away before he has a chance to respond. I walk up to the counter and take a seat, a young girl approaches with a wary smile.
"Hello, welcome to Cozy Loaf. What can I get you started on this morning?" The girl seems polite enough so I put on a sweet persona and smile.
"Yes can I have a black coffee and whatever that delicious smell is filling the streets?" I request cutely and smiling, waiting for her.
"So that's one black coffee and the French toast platter. That comes with eggs, home fries and a bread muffin."
She looks up at me and turns to my left, making me also turn to my left,
"And what can I get for you sir?"
*Hisoka, of course.*
"Nothing thank you" he turns away from her and looks at me like he is so clever.
I wait for the waitress to leave then I look at this strange, strange man sitting next me now. A smirk threatening to break my façade.
"Listen you creepy jester-"
"I'm a magician." He interrupts me.
I roll my eyes. "Creepy /magician/. Why are you here? I told you to go away."
"Well you left before I could tell you where to go." He says so simply it takes me by surprise.
"Well aren't you a nice /clown/" I smile and laugh.
He looks at me and leaks his aura hard, startling a few other people near by. "A magician is what I am Yuki~♡ why are you so mean?"
The waitress brought my coffee and food, then quickly stumbles away. I look up once more and see Hisoka leaning towards me with a glint in his eye, telling me so much. This jester wants to fight, I recognize a challenge.
I stare at him feeling his aura trying to crush me at this point. Slowly his bloodlust is increasing.
*Hmm I have some strength left, so I'll play his little game.*
Releasing my own bloodlust, I glance at him as I feel his lust disappear being replaced with clear annoyance. "I win" I say giggling.
Hisoka lets another smirk dance across his face as I start eating. Tension lays thick in the atmosphere, just getting worse and worse. With our bloodlust fighting, trying to prove who is stronger, the lovely Cozy Loaf is no longer a fitting title.
Here we are, having an unseen battle as I enjoy my coffee and eat my first real meal in months.
*What a wonderful morning!*
"Well Hisoka, if you think I'm mean" finally responding to him, "I don't think we can play together." I let my own smirk dance on my lips and turn my back to him.
*Damn that jester I'm too tired for this to continue.* I pull my bloodlust back and conceal it.
"I only jest dear Yuki ♡~" To say he looks satisfied is an understatement.
He just grins at me like a drunk man in a booze store. I head to pay my bill and am surprised to find no one is here. Shrugging I walk out of the diner.
"You still haven't told me where the hotel is" I causally say as he continues to follow me.
"Oh? I thought I was showing you the way ♡~. After using all that /energy/, you must be tired" he steps closer.
"You call that using my energy? Ha! Such is the mind of a jester. All in all, full of jokes." I'm beginning to like this rabbit, he makes me laugh.
"I knew you were holding back, I just wanna see more◇~" he looks me up and down as we round the next corner, "I'm sure you want to see m-" he didn't get a chance to finish.
I grab his arm instantly and yank him to the side alley way next to us. Putting another hand over his mouth, I use my small body to pin him against the wall. Easily holding him still as he does not put up any resistance.
My head barely reaching his upper chest, I attempt to glance around. I try to feel the hidden threat looming in the air. Something triggers my instincts into defense mode, a predator is close by but where.
I can feel Hisoka trying to mumble under my hand "Shut up Hisoka" I growl lowly. Every cell in my body is on high alert and I still can't see the reasoning for it.
I scan the area closer, kneading my energy into the ground from my feet, nothing can hide from me this close. There, a very faint ping, I gaze in the direction hoping to see whoever it is. Feeling Hisoka relax under me, I move my hand from his mouth.
Looking at the buildings down the road, I see the hotel. It looks really lovely, I wonder... Nope, now's not the time. I finally spot an odd fellow standing on the curb in front of the Siazo Hotel. Its extremely faint but I can sense the insatiable bloodlust swelling, he is the unseen predator.
Hisoka brings his face closer to my head and whispers into my ear, "Is this some form of role play? Restraining me in a dirty alley? ♡~" I stare up at him dumbfounded for a second.
"Can you not feel the predator up ahead in waiting? Even babes in the wild have better instincts then you." The amount of seriousness in my tone and the expression written on my face snaps Hisoka out of his little world.
"What do you mean?♧~" He looks around honestly lost. I grab his narrow chin and point him in the direction of this person.
"Oh, him. I see but I'm surprised you could sense him at all ~♧. He is a well trained assassin and is my business partner. He is why I am going to the hotel."
"I think that's the longest sentence you have said to me all morning." I laugh, shaking off his curious stares.
"Well then Hisoka, I'm gonna go." I walk off leaving him behind.
I avoid Hisoka's partner and make my way inside the hotel. Its stunning on the outside but inside is simple and plain.
"What a misleading appearance.." I giggle.
I got to my room quickly, paying little mind to my surroundings. All I want to do is decompress as I start recalling the day in this dump of a space.

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