Hisoka -Foolish Jester- 6

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"Thanks for the meal Hisoka. It was lovely and yummy. You did not disappoint" she nods her head as she shuts the door in my face.
This woman, no this female demihuman taunting me yet again. I want all her secrets, all her knowledge, all her power◇~. "She will be mine to grow and to kill♤~" I whisper to the door as I leave.
I head back down the hall to go meet up with Illumi and ask him my questions. I feel my bloodlust oozing out in excitement, knowing she will sense it too makes me all the more lustful.
"Hisoka enough. " Illumi's voice echos through my thoughts.
"Ah just the man I am looking for. Hmm as you know by now I been having encounters with Mrs. Zarin." I pause shifting my gaze to Lumii sensing his bloodlust rising.
"What of her Hisoka? She is not some toy for you to collect and kill." Illumi says sternly with clear killing intent.
"Settle down dear Illumi ♡~ I wont dare to get on the wrong side of the Zoldycks. I am not foolish enough for that yet." Such a waste then. I was really hoping to get to kill her, "I'm merely curious and wish to know more. What is she, why is she here and why are we really here♡~" I inquire innocently enough.
"The terms of the contract I was given, states I'm to watch over her growth and insure her training continues. I am to assist in awaking her nen abilities and prevent her death." Emotionless and direct as usual, he is so predictable ◇~.
"And what is she? I've seen her form-" Illumi wraps his hands to my throat instanly and his killing intent unleashed upon me.
"What did you do to the her!?" Such rage! Such hatred! Oh Illumi how you really are my favorite toy♡~.
"Easy there Lummii ♡~ you might just over excite me. I did no harm, just asked her questions." How peculiar she must be to get him to react so strongly, she must be important.
I raise my hands in defeat as Illumi regains his usual demeanor. "You really do need to learn to relax alittle bit more."
"Hisoka, I ask you to aid me, not to sabotage everything." Illumi turned away from me and walked out of the room, leaving me to ponder alone.
Illumi has been gone awhile now, I have been so lost in my own thoughts I nearly forgot. I wonder what he is up to. I wonder what Yuki is up to as well ♡~ maybe I should go and check that she remembered to lock her door ♧~.
Making my way down the corridors, I over hear Illumi's voice faintly coming from her room. I creep closer and catch part of their conversation but decide to be scarce till she was sleeping.
"Oh Illumi, he is always so serious about his contracts, poor Yuki must be so lonely. Seems she is familiar with always having a leash on her life." I wonder around the airship lost in my thoughts.
Maybe instead of killing her, I free her. That could be interesting, it is no fun killing something that has never lived. Something in me is awaking as the thoughts stir, what is this strange feeling she is creating ♧~?
Before long I found myself back at her room. I listen to the soft whispers radiating inside, before I realize it I'm standing over her. Staring at this hypnotizing silhouette, my heart starts beating faster.
"Hisoka.." She is talking in her sleep! She said my name. ♡~
"Yuki dear, what is going on in that head of yours?" I speak, barely a whisper.
Leaning in closer, smelling her growing sweet scent, I trail my fingers along the side of her face. The moon light shining in lights up the room, revealing the flawless skin under my fingers.
She moans my name again and I can no longer restrain the lust in my heart. I gingerly slip into bed next her. I can feel the warmth of her body against mine. Some hidden force bubbling fourth encouraging my actions.
I hear the slight whimpers from her lips. I must touch her, I must hold her♤~. I press my body all the way against her finally, wrapping the small, delicate frame in my arms. I never noticed exactly how much I wanted to feel something like this. To have an experience as such.
"Yukinaru Zarin, what hold do you have on me? A spell of sorts? Why can't I just leave you alone ◇~" She is sleeping soundly in my arms. Poor little flower must have been really exhausted.
Yuki turns in her sleep effortlessly, her face now facing me. I watch her eyes dance beneath her lids, so many expressions play across her face. Such a beautiful scene before me, a moment I did not realize I wanted.
"What are you dreaming about flower?" I lean into her ear and whisper softly. Another moan escapes her lips, such a musical note to mine.
My eyes focus in on her lips, such a rich pink. They are elegant and appear anglic in this moment. Again she moves, this time deeper into my body she curls. I lean forward as she moans my name again.
I lay my head closer to her lips. Feeling their warmth, hearing the whimpers. Such sweet ecstasy coursing through me. The final push into bliss is her trembling lips, moaning against my ear.
"I can not restrain myself anymore Yuki ♡~" I bring my lips to hers and lightly trail over them. I feel my insides heating up as her breath warms my face. Her lips tremble as my name escapes her with a moan. I press myself up against her and connect.
I kiss her earnest and true. I can taste her, sweet as honey. I feel her starting to turn beneath me, deeping the kiss I wrap my leg around hers. "Yuki ♡~" I moan into her ear.
"Hisoka" she moans, rolling back into my chest, I feel her hands wrap around me.
Gripping my back, nails pierce my flesh. I look at her face, eyes still closed and moans still coming. I try to hold myself back, struggling to restrain my craving. This is not something I would normally do. I shake my head slightly, it's like a fog is looming.
I can feel lustful desires rising from her, stirring the heat inside me. It pulls me back in. I can't help the smirk knowing this situation is fueled by her♡~. I move myself out of her tight grasp to position more above her. Trailing my eyes down her sleeping figure being hugged by her silken gown.
I bring my hand to her plump breast and slowly begin to squeeze them, feeling their softness in my hands. Slowly I bring them out into full view, I press my lips against them lightly tasting her skin.
Unphased, she adjusts under me, her arms now resting along her side, cradling her head. Slightly on her side, her legs fold over one another. Such a deep sleeper, she is so vulnerable♡~. Her breathing steadies, and her movements finally settle.
"I want you Yuki ♡~ and I am not letting you go this time."
I lean in and lick her nipples, feeling them bounce off my tongue. She starts to moan my name under me now.
I take hold of her breast and start to stimulate them. Kissing and licking, I leave a trail of bite marks up to her neck. A need to lick my bites, some unknown crave to taste her blood stirs.
Letting the impulse lead, I find myself already biting her neck. Yuki's blood is a deep black but rich and sweet none the less, almost addictive.
Such sweet sounds emanating from her with each bite too. My lust is nearing its peak, I can feel the sweat forming and my bulge rising. I spread her legs, feeling up the thighs all the way to her special place.
"Not wearing anything under that dress I see, how crass as usual." I feel the heat and wetness there. I slowly move my fingers against her clit, hearing her moan my name again.
"Such a sweet dream you must be having ♡~." I break completely, I insert my fingers and play with her insides. I can feel her getting wetter as her hips move with my rhythm.
Her lips tremble and her back starts to arch, as pleasure escapes her body, pooling before me.
"Yukinaru ♡~ only you" I remove my fingers and taste the sweet juices that are flowing from her.
"You are ready now my little flower", I pull my pants down and slowly remove her gown. "I'll bring your dream to life sweet Yuki ♡~ I'll try and be gentle."
I lean forward stroking my member and kiss her once more. I feel myself twitch in anticipation. The warmth growing in her, the sweet juices flowing fourth.
I slowly start to slide into her, savoring every sensation. The tight way her walls hug my member. The warm juices slowly starting to trail down as i move in and out. The moans that are emanating from under me, ever testing my control..
"I want to hear more Yukinaru◇~, I want to feel more" I whisper to her as I continue to move inside her."I can't control my desire anymore Yuki ♡~ Time to wake up."
I slam myself hard into her walls, reaching as deep as I can, again and again. I pump into her hard releasing my lust into her. Her eyes shoot open, staring deep into mine. The depth of the blue sea before me completely sucks me in. I place my lips on hers and begin kissing her ravagenly.
"More, I need more," I said breathlessly as I repeatedly continue thrust myself into her.
I feel her meek struggle to push me off, a smile dancing on her lips, "Now now little flower" I use my nen and tie her down. "The more you struggle the less control I'll have ♡~" I whisper in her ear, nibbling it as I trail my lips back to hers.
I begin to thrust deeper, making her moan even louder then before. Her bloodlust is rapidly rising and fueling my excitement. I lean my face away from hers as I slowly pull out and push back in. Watching the pleasure meld with her rage, her bloodlust seeping with desire.
"Hisoka..." she moans arching her hips upwards, her sweet voice pulls me in.
I kiss her roughly, sending my tongue to play with hers as I grind up against her body. Her hips moving with mine, causing such warmth to form. I start panting heavy as I release my next load into her.
"Yuki, I need more of you. Scream my name.♡~" I feel the urge to go faster take hold and I roll her over onto her belly. I use my bungee gum to lift her ass up.
I trail my member along her spot, feeling the desire pouring out. I bind her hands under her breast as I slide back in. I can feel her tightening around me, trying to swallow me.
I slowly pull in and out feeling her body craving for it to be harder. Her moans echoing desire through the room.
"Yuki do you want me to go harder ♡~" I coo into her ear.
Heat flashes across her face as hatred and desire fills her gaze, "I'll take that as a yes" chuckling, I slammed into her hard and fast making her scream out in painful pleasure.
I look down and watch as I begin to move in and out once more. "Oh what's this, such a flow ♡~" I run my fingers through the juices running down her thighs.
"Sweet as nectar Yuki ♡~" I say as I lick the substance from my fingers, re-energizing me releasing another load inside.
I release my hold on her and she instantly pins me down. "Such a hunter Yuki ♡~"
Pure instinct has taken hold of her, her movements primal and animalistic. I can feel the straving nature of her actions, her body craving me ♡~. She climbs on top of me, her wings reveling themselves. She pins my shoulders, I look at her carefully. Fangs start to form as she smiles darkly at me.
I feel goosebumps speckle my neck as my own anticipation builds. Yuki trails her fangs along my nape and grinds against my body simultaneously. I feel her fangs sink into my neck followed with the sound of sucking reaching my ears.
I raise my hands to her hips and move her faster against me, encouraging the blissful sensation i am feeling. Her clit gliding against my region makes her body quiver. Yuki's bite intensifies along with it. The breeze from her wings stirring the air around us, feathers fallin like fresh snow upon us.
"Slow down, Yuki ◇~ you want this to last yes?" I coo teasingly watching her slowly pull away from my neck.
Taking in the full spectacular veiw unfolding. My precious flower, blooming while riding me, blood trickling down the corner of her sweet lips. Her energy is breathtaking.
I take this chance to stroke her horns and feel the pricks against my fingers. She lowers her head as my hand moves along them. They feel different then the rest of her. Some how out of place. I slowly move to her wings, I weave my fingers along the edges. Finally experiencing the softest thing I ever felt.
"I would imagine this is how clouds would feel."
She just growls as a response and moves herself harder. She leans down and starts to nibble my lip♡~. Slamming onto me, moaning as she cums viciously, making me release once more.
Our moans intertwine, our sweet juices blended. The atmosphere is damp with lust and instinct. Losing track of time, I have no idea how long we stayed connected drunk on sex. At some point I ended up pinning her down.
She lays naked and glistening beneath me. Her eyes reflect a calm ocean after a storm, her wings still stretched out, fluttering lightly along the bed. I trail my fingers around, savoring the feeling of them as I move slowly inside her.
Just wanting to imprint the feeling I have being with her, like I have absorbed some of her into me. I feel her tightening around me as one final release ripples through us.
Breathless and exhausted I feel my little flower start to wilt under me now. Her wings slowly coming to a full rest, signaling she is done.
"Hmmhm enough playtime for now," I whisper into her ear, watching her body tremble under my words.
I roll myself off of her and lay beside my precious little flower. "Yuki?♡~" I call out quietly and tentatively. I can feel a sudden shift in the atmosphere around us causing me to tense. Something isn't right.

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