Hisoka -Mission- 24

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     We set the trap up in a dingy alley way behind a bar. The client had a very detailed way in which he wanted the mob boss to die.
    Illumi made use of my bungee gum to hold his pins at set locations and we wait on the roof top above for me to spring the trap. My thoughts drift back to Yuki wondering if she is enjoying the moonlight, it has been three days since I left.
     I feel a spike in the back of mind and then out of nowhere a her little cat of a creature materializes before me. His deep black eyes staring directly at me then to the moon. Crying as it gazes back and fourth. An urgency washing over me as I feel a sharp pull in the back of my mind.
     "Illumi? Are we almost done? I want to return quickly." I look at his still figure, crouched over the ledge.
     "Soon. The target will be walking out of that door. Trip the trap at my signal precisely." He never breaks focus.
     I sigh, pushing the cat from my mind, returning to focus on my task. With one last glare at me it disappears into the wind.
     "Now." Illumi states.
     I release my hold on the strand of nen, watching it flicker across the alley way. Pins launching in different directions against the man's body. Some lodging into his flesh and others just grazing his torso before my card finishes by slicing his throat.
      I watch his body fall and his cuts pouring blood out, almost taking the shape of wings against the ground. Then it hits me.
   "Illumi who put you too this?" I speak tentatively.
     "My Father called me to see if I wanted this assignment nothing more." He shrugs pulling out his phone, "Task completed *click*" he turns towards me "Let us return now."
     Some time passes but finally I arrive at where I feel my flower. She seems to have made herself alittle hut, how adorable ♡~. Just as I near the door I hear a most unwelcomed voice.
    "You have become my own keepsake. An eternal jewel, a precious light. You are my treasure Yukinaru." I watch as he moves to mount my flower. Her aura taking on a fresh desire, filled with lust and craving.
     "And your response just now, shows /MY/ possession over you as well." I watch Chrollo lean in and kiss her.
     His silver violet eyes lock on me, such a fierce threat. I feel such emotion right now as I see her wings flutter.
   *How can this be! She is going to pull him into herself? My flower is blossoming for Chrollo! She wants /him/!*
     "She is MINE Chrollo ♤~!" I screech, my bloodlust surging and my killing intent true. He will die this time!
    "To be honest I am no one's and I can do whatever the fuck I want!" She yells drawing my attention as she sheds her restraints. I feel her power and it is even stronger then before. It crashes on me quickly, my knees nearly giving out.
    Her eyes are still that deep oceanic blue but now they appear like treacherous waters. Such a powerful storm carrying pure rage across the waves.
    I am frozen under that fierce gaze and pinned beneath her bloodlust. I watch as she pulls Chrollo into her never looking away from me.
     My flower moves her hips up against him, grinding him into herself steadily moaning as I can smell her sweet juices buidling.
     She puts on a show for me, my how splendid ◇~ I wish to move, I want to grab her and take her as mine right now ♤~. She continues to hold my gaze with her eyes as she pulls herself out from under Chrollo.
     "You dare leave me alone days before my fight! No words, no explanation just gone. Then you return days AFTER my match and dare interrupt me with such callious disrespect!!" She stands looking over me.
    I am locked within myself, her beauty traps me like no other. I watch unable to respond as she brings her face lower to mine. Her slicing me like knives, such ecstasy coursing.
     "*SLAP*" I see her hand only after it connects. My ears ring hard, and my face already feels like it's swelling.
      "Bad boy JESTER!! BAD BAD BOY!!" She screams at me with such ferocity,
and then just as quick, she manipulates her body.
     Returning to an unblossomed rose, she dresses hastily tossing her torn dress aside. Leaving me still trapped unable to move until my little Yuki takes my hand, pulling me with her through a shadow.
     At least she left him behind without even speaking a word to him, damn Chrollo makin a move the first chance he got. She only lets go of me once we reach the city limits.
    I stand finally fully free, my legs heavy and my voice still missing. I feel a breeze swell around us then Haiji shows himself.
     "YOU! You were supposed to WARN me before he arrived! What were you doin Haiji?" She scolds him just as she scolds me. "You are supposed to be my guard!"
    Watching her correct Haiji with the same intensity she shows me, I fully realize I merely am nothing but a pet to her.
     "He was showing me where you disappeared off too." I hear Illumi's calm voice.
     "Well now you have found me. Where were you guys? You missed my match and kill!" She sounds slightly disappointed.
     "Your kill?" Illumi questions.
My voice finally returning, "Indeed, I'm curious too." I coo.
     I would rather be a pet then not around her. However I will end whatever Chrollo has planned.
     "Yea! That match that Hisoka set up was interesting and she made a lovely expression as she choked on her own blood." She giggles, leading the us back to the tower.
     She goes on tell us all about her match but leaves Chrollo out of the conversation. I am fine with that, I don't to know what they were up too.
    "Such brutality Yuki ♡~" I finally respond once she seems done.
    "I must go then if that is all. Call to the if you need me." Illumi swiftly turns and disappears after we enter the tower.
     "Hisoka, you understand why I was so furious earlier correct?" She questions me so seriously.
     *How scary ♡~ Perhaps Chrollo could be useful after all. Such incredible growth!*
     "Hisoka! Are you even listening?!" I can feel the power emanating off her. Fully controlled rage.
     "Do you understand why I am so pissed at you right now?!" I can feel a threat lacing her tone.
     "Hmmmm I believe so ♧~, why don't you enlighten me♤~" I motion for us to take this conversation to a more private location, "Should this not be dealt with in the room♡~?" I coo helpless.
     "Fine. You want a private location. I got you pet." She grits her teeth and pulls me out the tower.
     "Where are we going ◇~?" I ask surprised by her sudden change.
     "To my training grounds." She yanks me into her chest and I willingly wrap my arms around her. "Lower Hisoka. Grip my waist." She jumps up and we rise high above the tower.
     As we fall back down, her manipulation disengages and I see her wings jet out catching the air. She leans towards the broken down city, the forgotten world.

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