Hisoka -Storm- 68

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Her irritation was practically punching me before she even landed. As she steps forward, shockwaves hit me like fire. Her mouth was twisted into a frown that wrapped her shapely face so much she looked maniacal.
I can't stop the snicker of arousal from escaping to which I get an instant response, "Of fucking course it would be you."
"But who else would Haiji allow? His barriers are exceptionally, annoyingly effective. ♤~" I step close to my still raging flower, "You seem to be in such high spirits after departing.."
"Yeah..I'm superb.." she rolls her eyes and walks towards me none the less. "You should have waited till I called for you Jester."
"And miss the fun along the way♡~?" I motion with my hand her appearance.
I watch as she looks down realizing the state in which she has found herself, "Rather appealing and added your aura.. I dare say seductive.◇~" I chuckle watching a quick blush creep across her cheeks.
"Mind yourself Hisoka." I hear her faint chuckle as she turns to Haiji, "Give me fresh clothes." She reaches out her hand towards him and I watch as an outfit materializes.
"More skills?" I ask questioningly.
"No, just applied differently. Figure it out yourself Magician." Haiji still carriers distaste for me as usual.
"You speak with such malice yet you do enjoy my company ♡~, just admit it kitty." I chuckle darkly stepping closer to him.
"You two play nice now. Hisoka ready a fire while I go dress and Haiji go fetch a meal. Be swift now." She turns her back and walks off towards the lake.
"Move Magician, stop staring at the master." He walks past whipping his tail towards me.
Dodging easily, I fall in step behind him. "Tell me Haiji, her mental state-"
"Is shattered, even I stay out now. I only say this as I fear.."
"I understand." I cut him off knowingly.
"Magician...nevermind." Haiji turns and instantly disappears leaving me to my thoughts.
I gather wood quickly and return to her tree she was resting in. After setting the fire, I notice a blanket at the base. Haiji must have left it for her, I take it and layout. Knowing she will wanna look at the stars.
Once that's set I look for her and it doesn't take long to spot her alittle ways down the shore. Her figure stands waist deep in the water still, her wings flushed out in the descending moonlight. Such beauty before my eyes, the glistening of water against her skin gives a porcelain appearance.
In this moment I truly understand why her uncle called her a doll so often. With her pure white hair tapering off around her waist and the glow of her wings coupled with her fair complexion. Doll, Flower, Jewel.. of all the names she has been called none of them befit her.
Before I realize it, I'm standing directly infront of her. She stands still beneath my lost gaze, her violent eyes a glow. I lean forward and trail my hand down the side of her face. This sensation of being bewitched is compelling.
I feel my excitement build as I watch a blush form beneath the tips of my fingers along her cool skin. Her aura growing and lust beginning to ripple through me.
"When did-" I lean in and kiss her before she could say anymore.
She lifts her arms and wraps them around my back, deepening the kiss between us.
I pull away and chuckle softly, "And you say we tempt you with lustful actions♡~."
"Just shut up for now." She chuckles leaning up and begins kissing me again.
I lift her effortlessly into my embrace, as she begins to kiss down along my neck. I feel her fangs trail along my nape, her intentions clear.
Before I could respond she has me pinned against the sandy ground, the splash of water against my feet. I feel her fangs pierce my flesh and her light groan of pleasure as she drinks.
I can feel her exhaustion through our bond, she tries to block it but as Haiji says its too much for even herself. I lay still on the ground fighting the urge to ravish her body.
I dig my nails into the loose sand, struggling to hold myself in control. I watch her wings flutter out above me, I feel the soft silk strands of hair fall against my face. My flower's moans tickle my ears as she continues to fill her craving.
"Flower♡~" I surrender in pleasure and bring my arms up to embrace this creature who has captured my mind.
Wrapping one around her waist and the other I lay against her back, resting my hand on her head. I hug tightly and bring my own lips to her exposed neck.
It's not long before the jagged emotions her blood carries fills my essence completely. Flashes of pain, rage, love and despair course rapidly into me. Then its over, just darkness, an endless void envoples me.
Once again I'm greeting death like an old friend, how reminiscent. Nostalgic yet new each time. Wonder how many times my flower has died.. These feelings... Are they echos of her own or reflections of mine..
"Hisoka" I hear her voice faintly whispering from the darken depths . It's exceptionally annoying I can't seem to locate the source.
"Wake up damn it!" Finally a ripple appears across the endless emptiness, stemming from a flickering white flower.
"Yukinaru♤~" I reach out for it earnestly, "My Flower."
The star filled sky explodes before me, it feels like I'm seeing it for the first time. It doesn't take me long to feel her sitting atop of me, her breath held as she watches me.
"Why do I always glimpse death around you♤~?" I chuckle softly and bring my hand to cup her face.

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