Yukinaru -Family- 51

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I wake after having some of the best sleep ever in years! My body fully recovered, no sore spot left. Truly well needed. I stretch out and reach for Haiji. Feeling his fur, I cuddle into him waking him up.
"MASTER!" He erupts loudly.
"YES!! Fucking shit Haiji!" I jump sideways off the unfamiliar bed, completely startled.
I cringe waiting to hit the floor but instead I land in warm arms pulling me into a tight embrace. I feel an echo of relief surge through the room. An edge looming I didn't notice.
"Jester." I pull away and inspect him, "What mischief have you been up too?" I motion to the injuries adorning his face.
"None♤~" he moves closer to me and begins to lift my arms, "Does it hurt any where still♧~"
"No...No... I feel fin-" I don't get to finish before my throat locks up.
Blood. All I can think about is blood, an overwhelming desire just like last time. I'm thristy, so thristy. I was gravely exhausted before even daning, it makes sense my body needs refueling.
My throat starts to burn and I wrap my hand around it. I try to put the fire out, patting my chest as my lungs start to burn too. My body still lacking one thing after all.
Suddenly an arm reaches into my blurry vision. A silver chalice appears with a dark red liquid, completely taking my focus. I watch as it ripples and flows. The fire in my throat picking up, as the scent enters my nose.
My bloodlust surges and my aura erupts, I reach for the welcoming elixir. I drink quickly, reaching for another cup immediately after.
Another enters my waiting hand and I drink it slower now. The fire dying down as the sweet dark elixir flows over it. I feel it permeating through my body. My insides greedily absorbing it, replenishing my own reserves. The red blood mixing into my black..
I focus on the texture as it enters my lips, the sensation so cooling and such a sweet taste. It carries its own feeling of dark excitement. I recognize the taste of this blood.
His name flickers across my mind, freeing me from my blood craze. I look around the room and see all 3 men sitting close by. They are completely still, even Hisoka had joined them. If I had not seen them I wouldn't dare say they are even here.
I toss the empty cup aside, listening it to shatter on the stone floor. I look around alittle and see I am in a new place. I went to stand but my head starts to get foggy with the movement. My thrist still not satisfied, I reach expectantly for another helping. Surely they know I need more.
When I saw no sign a movement I grew annoyed, my irration spiking at the unmoving presence. Suddenly Haiji rubs against me drawing my focus.
Uncaring and still wanting more, I bite into his neck effortlessly. His fur tickling my lips as I drink more. Haiji's blood is exquisite and reminds me of the homeland but nothing can compare to Chrollo's.
I pull away from him and hug him tightly. Grateful for his help but not wanting to sour his affection I conceal myself and snuggle my kitty. He purrs grateful for return of affection.
"Flower♡~" I hear Hisoka call tentatively.
"OH HI GUYS," I say with extreme sarcasm. I stand and face them, "Ya, all you 3. What the actual fuck is wrong with yall."
I look at them all beat up. Fresh blood dripping from Hisoka and Illumi's lips. Clearly the two have been going at it on and off while I was recovering. Taking in Chrollo, his injuries seem to be more defensive, at least he behaved.
When no one dare spoke I continue, "Can't yall just get along!" Pointing at Hisoka and Illumi. I roll my eyes to Hisoka first, "You first Jester!"
He steps forward boldly... and that was the wrong move, "You dare leave me completely vulnerable to go deal with my personal matter! I knew what I was doing! Don't ever undermine me like that again!"
I cuff him upside the head and point to the bed, "Go sit next to Haiji."
"Now Illumi! Our dance was ours! Our wounds were ours! We expressed ourselves!! You dare dishonor my affection by adding Hisoka's wounds over mine! You lost control and ruined a good moment. Go home!" I watch him instanly vanish.
"Is it my turn now?" Chrollo ask stepping to me calmly.
"Yes actually," I reach and pull him into me, "Come here. I want more."
I trail my nose along his neck, still wanting more of his blood. I haven't tasted it in so long, I need more. I press my lips against his neck, and feel his sweet darkness filling me.
He brings his arms up my back, his aura starting to ripple around us. I moan as a familiar sensation erupts from my neck. He bites into me and drinks. Strengthening the bond between us once more.
I can feel Hisoka come up behind me, jealousy radiating. His hand slipping around my waist. The jester pulls one of my arms up, letting my hand rest in his hair. I feel his teeth sink in as he joins Chrollo and drinks excitedly.
Haiji comes up instantly and bites the back of Hisoka's neck before he was satisfied with me. Haiji forcefully removing Hisoka away from me. I giggle as I hear Hisoka argue with Haiji a few feet away.
"Master said sit. Leave her and the Young Master alone."
I giggle inside even harder, I now have both of my pets together and Haiji is gonna keep Hisoka straight finally. I moan with pleasure feeling Chrollo drinking alittle harder. I pull my lips from his neck and push him from mine, ending our little fun.
"I have missed you Chrollo, and I am very pleased to see both my pets getting along so well." I giggle leaning away from Chrollo, "How long have I been sleeping?"
"Nearly a full 7 days. Yukinaru, have you considered my request at all since then?" Chrollo takes my hand, a deep yearning burning in his grip.
"I will carry the Spider Chrollo. However I will never be a spider of your Troupe.. If you can accept that then yes I will walk by your side." I smile motioning Hisoka over.
I jump and he catches me instantly, "Jester I am hungry. Can we go get food?" I tease him smiling.
I look over and reach for Chrollo's hand from Hisoka's embrace, "Come Chrollo." I laugh lightly as I feel him take my hand instantly.
I know I will have to face Illumi at some point but I want him to really think about my words. Our relationship would never be the same as with my pets or even the same as Chrollo's.
As we walk down the street, I don't see anything familiar. The streets are bare and hardly any people. Realizing that I have no idea where we are.
Hisoka sets me down to walk in between him and Chrollo. Each taking my hand, Haiji walking in front. I smile facing the sun, everyone content and together.
"Naru, I have to depart now sadly. Do enjoy your vacation though." Chrollo leans down and kisses me. Then he vanishes just like that once more.
Hisoka picks me up and sprints forward. I giggle and kick my legs in the breeze. I hear familiar voices vaguely calling my name. Turning in Hisoka's arms, I see Gon jumping in the distance.
I wave excitingly towards him. Giggling as Haiji pounces playfully on Killua. Hisoka has me infornt of them seconds later. I leap from his arms and join in the pile up. I hear the sweet laughter coming up from under Haiji. It makes me truly smile.
"Hii boys!!! So we are on Whale Island then?" I giggle helping Kil up. I pull them in for a hug, "I have missed you guys!"
"It has been awhile! Glad your finally awake. You have been asleep for like a week!!" Gon grins happily at me.
"Ya that's good an all but why did he come?" Kil looks over at Hisoka behind me.
"Where she goes, so do I♤~." Hisoka pulls out his deck of cards and shuffles them.
"Well he is not allowed at my Aunt Mito's." Gon crosses his arms.
"Don't worry Gon." Kil pulls us away.
"Lets go get some food. I bet your really hungry sis."
"Hisoka?" I call him forward.
Hisoka already knowing what I want, picks me up swiftly. I don't feel like walking, I giggle.
I hear the boys laugh loudly as Hisoka carries me, "Hush now, I don't want walk." I stick my tongue out.
We camp out in the woods for a week. The sounds of crickets beneath the crescent moon truly was well needed. Me and the boys had so much fun.
I wanted to spend more time by the crackling fire. We spent our nights on a rock ledge, jetting out in the water flowing towards the sea.
Gon showed me around the island and all his favorite spots. Hisoka drifted around but always lurking close by. Killua spent alot of time with Haiji, them two certainly have some bond pulling them together.
After a week of basking in the sun on the beach, I got the call I been waiting for. I am summoned to the Zoldyck Estate. I walk back over to the boys, Kil is burying Gon in the sand. Haiji is off in the shade with Hisoka, both of them with eyes in me.
"Boys, I need your attention." I call them over to me, "I got to get going now. I got work todo."
I pull them into a big hug promising to meet them again soon. I watch them wave as I jump into the shadows, heading back to the family manor. Arriving in my room, I change into some jeans hastily.
"Hisoka, go do what it is that you do. I will meet up with Chrollo after I am done here. I will call if I need you." I motion him and he disappears off instantly.
Opening my bedroom door, I face Zeno.... I am completely unready for this conversation.
"*Fuccckkk Haiji help.*"
"*Ok ok! Fine... Jeez thanks.*"
I roll my eyes at Haiji, following Zeno to the courtyard. Grateful he chooses my favorite place for the Family meeting.

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