Yukinaru - The Talk- 52

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"Grandfather! He shows nothing! Ever. Stoic, blank, untrusting.. Words don't mean much to him either! Clearlycause he doesn't listen to mine!" I cross my arms, my annoyance radiating strongly.
"Illumi expresses-"
"I know exactly how he expresses himself. Truly! I still have the faint scars." A ripple of excitement triggers my bloodlust, "But I need much more from a /spouse./" I reflect back briefly though and counter my words.
"However when we danced, it was beautiful. Both of us expressing hidden longing for each other, reflected clearly in the seemless slices we exchanged." I huff, "Our wounds basically reflecting an unspoken bond of sorts I guess." I need to keep some semi peace between us all I suppose, saying some things they wanna hear shouldn't hurt.
"Then why did you leave him after?" Zeno questions firmly.
"Well....." I blush instanly ashamed of the state I was in after that dance, "I.. I needed to recover... privately was my initial wish." I look to the ground, desperately not wanting to reveal the true depth of the injuries I allowed... *I need help.. I really do not want to have this conversation..*
"It is as she says ♤~" Hisoka, coming to my rescue instantly.
"So extreme was it then?" Zeno questions him darkly, Hisoka fully stepping from my shadow now.
"Why don't you ask Illumi ♡~ I am sure he could tell you ♤~" Hisoka wraps his arm around me, resting his head ontop of mine.
"She nearly died you know♤~ had yall not interrupted I am sure Yuki would have danced straight to the grave."
"He hasn't left his room for weeks now that I think about it. Surely he is reliving the amazing experience." Zeno states bluntly.
Kikyo walks out join us now, "Yuki, dear. Please go and see my son soon. I couldn't imagine the strength of yalls offspring, hurry along now." She giggles maniacally, moving to grab my arm.
"I will do no such thing Kikyo. He dared to dishonor my affection by adding Hisoka's wounds over mine." I stand, motioning my Jester to sit.
He is under me instantly and I sit on his lap comfortably as I glare fiercely at Kikyo, "Illumi can sit in his little world and mull over my words. And there will definitely not be any little offspring!"
"But Yuki-"
"Absolutely not. Stay out of it." I warn her darkly, pressing my bloodlust in her direction.
I feel Hisoka tense and wrap his arms firmly holding me in place. I watch as Silva appears next to his wife. I don't waiver though she will not interfere, I will press this fact into her being.
"*SLAP* I told you not to meddle!" I hear Silva's voice boom.
I look and see Kikyo on the ground, a hand held to her cheek as she vanishes in front of all of us.
Silva turns to me and bows, "You and Illumi are left to yourselves. Keep that in mind as well Father." He vanishes with locked eyes on Zeno.
"It is always so much fun when I come here ♡~" Hisoka chuckles behind me.
"Well Silva has spoken. I won't ask anymore questions. It was good seeing you Yukinaru." Zeno vanishes leaving me and Hisoka alone.
"So does that conclude your business here Flower ♤~"
"Shortly, Jester. Go. I'll be heading to Chrollo soon." I walk into the house heading straight for my room.
I jump onto my bed and burry my face into my pillows I scream out my frustrations. Grateful that at least Silva will keep the family from bugging me.
I still don't understand why they all hold such care for me. In each of their own ways, I can't see nothing but true concern for me. I roll over on my back and stare up at the ceiling, questioning my own sort of emotions I feel with them.
Such an unexplained bond, burried deep in my chest, "Why do I even care this much.... I don't even really know these people and they don't know me either." I have heard stories and fairytales of affection but I never wanted it. It is just not an emotion I think I can ever be familiar with.
I lay upon my bed waiting for the moon rise. I don't know how long I laid motionless but soon I am asleep. I feel Haiji forming against my side, warming me. I roll over and wrap him in my arms, a smile appearing as I snuggle my face into his soft fur. The faint rays from the setting sun glowing through my closed eyes so I burry my face deeper.
I feel Haiji tense and I peak up, spotting /him/ standing over me. I don't move and just wait to see what happens and soon I feel Illumi slowly slide in against my back. His arm sliding down my stomach, pulling me into him.
Warm breath brushing against my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine. I don't understand how he has such emotions to begin to even sort through.
Illumi is supposed to be an emotionless assassin, trained from birth for nothing but loyalty and killing. It is inconceivable for him to behave like this. My breath hitches as he bites me.
He covers my mouth and bites deeper. I can not stop the responsive moan that escapes bewteen his fingers. Jumbled thoughts piling up rapidly in my mind, but instincts and cravings quickly over power me. His body holding me completely locked in place.
How cursed am I to have such an effect on the power hungry fools of the Known World. Illumi's bite strengthens and all I found myself able to do, is moan in pleasure.
My blood flowing steadily from my neck, the sounds of his swallows loud in my ear. I reach for his arm lightly tugging on it, silently asking him to stop. "Enough now." I say breathless.
He stops and kisses me, I lick my own blood from his lips. I roll over on to him, our tongues playing together. Pulling from him I rest my head on his chest.
"You are so stupid Illumi." I roll my eyes, "Why did you do that?"
"I have watched those two do this to you countless times and their power nearly doubled. I was curious if I could perhaps understand better by experience." He wraps his arms around my back, hugging me tighter, "They do this to you as well. Do you like this behavior?"
"I give you credit for trying Illumi, but you will never be the same as them. You are you. Till you learn yourself, you will never understand the feelings stirring inside." I sit up and look into his empty eyes, "Coping other people's behavior is not going to help our own interactions."
I roll off of him gently, "For example. Hisoka and I, our expression of affection is mating. He has been a friend of sorts since I arrived as well.. More pet like in behavior I suppose since I see him in conflicted ways. Hisoka has aided me many times and I have a soft spot for my pets." I giggle thinking about when he truly became apart of my life.
"What about Chrollo then Yukinaru?" Illumi sits up on the bed and looks at me intently.
"Well mine and Chrollo's is a bit more complicated. I know he is using me for the cursed blood in my veins but I share in mutual curiosity of his. As he tries to learn more about me the more I learn as well. Plus his blood has the most exquisite taste, even more potent then that of my Uncle at times. Chrollo is a sweet darkness and power. I can't explain it." Taking a deep breath, I look to see Illumi still silently waiting for me to finish.
I blush quickly and look down and continue, "Blood may be what connects us but I have an unexplainable respect for his intelligence and strength as well." I glance up at Illumi, "Chrollo is the closest person I can say I at least trust to not kill me. He may not be open with me but he treats me with the most respect."
I cross my arms, nearly done with this talk. "And us, Illumi" I pull him closer, "There is still no us. I may not understand why your family and yourself are so attached to me but I don't feel the same blind affection for you.. Our dance was the closet we came to really connecting and you ruined it. I respect your strength and deeply admire your capabilities. And sure I may have some desires for you but I assure you its only lustful cravings."
I flick my hair back and walk over to my balcony leaving him quiet on my bed.
"Hmmm I see.." He sits up, resting his chin on his hand, "You still don't have your memories. That's what is causing all this nonsense within you."
"Sure Illumi. Go with that," I respond,rolling my eyes.
"Do you want them?" He stands up and slowly walks towards me, "I can force you to remember." I step back as he closes in, his nen circling around a needle, "All I have todo is insert this-"
"I need to go now. I want to see Chrollo. Think deeply about my words, you are smarter then Hisoka. I expect more from you." I wave to him as I fly off under the moon, escaping the situation that was unfolding.
I drift along the clouds, shaking my head at myself. A secret fear slowly going away, reminding myself not want lost memories. Slowing down I think back to the conversation I had with Illumi, *No idea why I even bothered to express myself like that..*
"Master" Haiji appears flying next to me, "perhaps it is because he doesn't understand. Easier to express to people who are clueless then to express to one who would understand."
"You been spending too much time with Chrollo and Hisoka. You have their annoying insights now Haiji. Thanks..." I push my wings harder and pick up the pace.
Reaching the woods where my hut once stood I land softly, not casting a second glance to the rubble. Going to sit by the familiar stream, I stare up at the sky. The veiw reminding me why I favor this place.
I watch Haiji chase fireflies like a kitten again beneath the glistening jewels of the moon. The simple times when I had a purpose to my existence, a flicker of pain flashes behind my eyes.
Quickly shaking my inner emotions I focus on Chrollo instead. At least he may show me my true purpose. Feeling his shadow ripple in the darken void, I jump prepared to see him. I arrive out of his instantly, completely shocked by where I end up.
It is dark, pitch black darkness. It feels so heavy and cold, like it is my own. I can feel the familiar cavern ground beneath my feet, realizing I'm inside his mysterious vault. I shuffle forward reaching out for him, knowing he is at least close by. Still not feeling his essence completely, with slight annoyance I seed my nen out lightning up his secret place around me.
He is a mere short distance away in front of me, laying on my handmade bed. I slowly walk closer, bringing my hand to his face. His eyes closed and body stiff. Fainlty sensing his aura seeping, clearly this is some sort of trance, best to leave him be for now.
I quickly leave him and jump to Hisoka, not wanting to deal Chrollo's curtent shit he has going on. I arrive next to Hisoka....*Who is in the shower.. Great...*
"Hi, um excuse me for a second." I step out of the shower with a confused Hisoka watching me.
"You're all wet now Flower ♡~" His light laughter makes me roll my eyes.
"Indeed. What is Chrollo up too by chance?" I dispell the water using my aura, a trick Haiji showed me.
"I do not know. We are to meet tomorrow morning." He dresses quickly and walks up behind me.
"Well he is up to something." I cross my arms and face him directly. "Tell me."
"I do have my own suspicions but none of his actions will actually negatively effect you ♤~" He sits on the balcony ledge, "I suppose as long as he doesn't hurt you, I don't care what he does."
"Be that as it may, I want to know what he is up too. Chrollo is still dangerous, I very much think I am somehow his pet at times." I flutter my wings getting lost in my thoughts, "To be honest though he does make a good master." I start giggling, darkly sadistic.
"I do have to say though Flower, you seem to have become much darker then before ♤~" Hisoka shuffles his cards and slowly starts to drop them, "Care to explain why◇~"
"No I have always been dark Jester. I just accepted it and don't hide nearly as much." I laugh once more.
"I don't think so Yuki," he flicks a card down, ace of spades drops face up.
"I am still me Hisoka, just alot more experienced. I have grown a bit since we first met huh."
"Blossoming beautifully before my eyes. Truly a white rose Yukinaru ♡~" He coos playfully dropping another card.
"Changing the subject. I guess you won't tell me then?" I toss him a glare.
"As it isn't going to hurt you, I suggest you leave him be.♤~" I can hear the silent warning. "You also changed the subject so we are even."
"Fine but it's your job to protect me Jester." I threaten him back even darker, "I won't be saving you again." I flick my hair over my shoulders and cross my arms again.
"Always Flower. You are MINE after all ◇~" He instantly pulls me into his arms, hugging me beneath the moonlight.
"Pphhsss you think that. All in all your mind is still full of jokes Jester." I laugh, kissing his lips before jumping up above him.
"And yet you are as childish as ever ◇~" he catches me as I drift back down and carries me to the bed.
"Are you and Illumi gonna be ok? Yall are partners afterall." I finally get the courage to ask him.
"Silly Flower. The fact that we both are alive is proof we are still partners." He laughs darkly, "Our partnership will only end when one of us kills the other ♤~"
I shutter knowing that this is completely true. I darken, they will hate me when I stop them each time... This is gonna suck hard at some point.
And thinking of the devil... I see Illumi walking from the shadows. I turn my back to him, swiftly rolling to the other side of the bed. Hisoka walks over to me and looks down smirking. I reach up and pull him into the bed, hiding my face in his chest.
"Hisoka." I hear Illumi address as he approaches. "Yuki?"
I poke my head out of the covers and look over my back, "Yes Illumi? I was just getting ready for bed." *Please leave, just go away. I don't wanna deal with you.*
"I wish to join you. I enjoy sleeping next to you." He instantly slides in against my back, Hisoka moving me into Illumi.
"Wait-" Illumi kisses me as his face appears before mine, our tongues playing with each other.
I feel Hisoka hug me tighter, "Sleep Yuki.♡~" He giggles and licks my neck, "This for the best Flower ♡~".
Illumi snakes his arms bewteen Hisoka's, both of them holding me into them. I flush the brightest red ever as I feel both their lips near the same spot on my neck. Hisoka clearly planned this with Illumi! What secrets do these two hide and why am I the rabbit tonight..
Their tongues trailing closer together against my skin, goosebumps erupting as I feel them connect. Something new happening around me once more. I try to push up but Hisoka holds me tight.
"Hiso-" his lips connect with mine, halting my words.
Illumi goes to bite into me neck, I quickly pull from Hisoka and press my hand against his head, "Illumi I don't want a connection with you. I don't want you as a pe-"
"Flower ♡~" Hisoka turns my head towards him and takes me by the hair.
Hisoka presses into the other side of my neck completely, overpowering my senses. I feel a silent exchange bewteen him and Illumi as his fangs pierce my flesh too.
I hated and loved it, for once being a rabbit may not be too bad. A hidden desire builds, an adventurous night where a rabbit tamed the wolves.

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