Yukinaru -Rabbit- 48

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With the information Haiji gathered I figured my target's true motivation is basic greed, and with that I decided to give my rabbit a tastier carrot. Illumi's job went smoothly and the bar keep was ready to send the prey my way.
Hisoka was in position in the bar, waiting to give my rabbit the finally push. Once he entered the bar, Hisoka makes a bloody scene. My jester kills a random drunkard instantly and proceeds to state he is here for the bounty on the Zoldycks. I feel my rabbit tense as Hisoka's aura ripples, his courage wavers.
Triggering the bar keep to mumble about the bounty being nothing compared to the riches hidden in the mountain's shadow. Ears perked, it moves closer to the trap. The bar keep gives my rabbit the map finally and we all retreat to the moutain. Hisoka and Illumi hide above my invisible cage to watch the rabbit hunt.
I feel him enter after a few hours, stepping onto my nen roots beneath the ground. Everything going to accordingly to plan seemlessly. I motion Haiji to engage his third ability, officially sealing the target's fate.
The 3rd ability perfectly pairing with the new one Illumi gifted me during his lesson. Haiji releases his nen pulling my attention back to the present. The human rabbit tensing in the middle of the woods, I see the hair standing on is raised skin.
The shadows are Haiji's completely now and he moves bewteen them effortlessly. I watch with pride as Haiji nips at the heels of his feet, forcing the man to run blindly forward. I twist my nen roots up, having more control over them now. I weave them upwards, feeling them try to wrap about the rabbit's foot, small shocks penatrate his skin.
I giggle darkly, rising above the trees, wanting to watch the man's futile struggle. His legs desperately shaking free from unseen roots, blindly running in circles now. I feel the edges of the shadows perfectly now. I pull them deep from within, blackening the entire cage. The same empty, endless void returns but I am its master now.
I let Haiji pull the nightmares from the shadows. Creatures deformed and bloodly, chase the rabbit. Each shadow he nears blindly, trips another attack from Haiji. The agonizing screams echoing terror and panic. The rabbit fueling its own fear, tries to run again.
It's panic breathes increase as the shadows continuely jump out. Disfigured limbs pulling on its ears, hair and clothes. Pointed and jagged teeth bite at its feets.
Kicking and screaming the rabbit tumbles into the dark hole below. Flailing helplessly, his flame finally darkening. I laugh sadisticly watching it's pointless struggle adding to his suffering.
I hover shrouded in a blue electric fire, my wings glowling brightly over my prey. I lightly drift down to his crumbled figure. The rabbit's eyes start to glow when he sees me. I smile and appoarch as it begs and pleads with me.
Offering me wealth and riches. Trying to feed my desire, wishing to live. I remain silent letting his hope reignite as I remain smiling.
"Little Rabbit. So far from his hole, sneaking into the fox den" I start to laugh maniacally as the he steps back.
"Your greed is your weakness. You were looking for an escape but there is none." I sweep my wing out, slicing his throat with the edge of my feathers.
I release my nen and the blackness leaves the forest. I turn to my kill barely able to stand after using so much energy. I carefully let my knees buckle over the body and drain him completely of blood.
Barely restoring any type of strength but still enough for now at least. Haiji appears next to me, waiting to feast upon the remains of my kill. I pat his head and drop the body to the ground. I will have to feed from Haiji later, I am still so light headed from tonight.
I look up to see the shinning stars and walk towards the moonlight in an open area. Spreading my wings out, I let them absorb the light. The glow of the moon slowly adding alittle more strength to my core.
"It's light pure and true, illuminating the darkness that ensues. Truly a blessed light be that of the moon." I whisper into the breeze.
"Such elegance I have never seen from you before ♡~" Hisoka speaks to me as he appears from my shadow, "Feel better?♤~"
"Having you as a pet again is gonna be handy." I giggle and stretch, "But to answer your question no I don't feel any better," I darken instantly, "but you already know that don't you? Mind yourself Hisoka."
Pulling my tone, I regress "Haiji's shadow nightmares pair well with Illumi's ability." I grin, satisfied with the experiment.
"I am also pleased it works so well..." Illumi slinks over and his lips form a wicked grin, "Marvelous! Truly you are marvelous!!!"
Illumi quickly pulls me into his arms, and starts to kiss my neck fervently. His aura sporadic and fierce. Clearly he is way too overwhelmed and excited.
Rolling my eyes at his silly behavior, I feel Hisoka tense and move towards us. Not wanting him to escalate the situation or get in my way, I drop him through the shadows.
"Haiji take Hisoka away and wait for me. I need to deal with this privately." I whisk Haiji into the shadows and instantly ready myself for yet another dance.
I feel Illumi's grip tightening, thankfully I am still in fight mode and my aura is still firm. No matter how tight he gets, it won't cause much damage. I can feel his desire building but its not of a lustful nature. No Illumi wants to fight, here and now. Wanting to control as much of the fight as I can I decide to start it myself.
"Seeing it is just us now, you want to dance?" I unleash everything at once and send him flying back. I have to go all out immediately, if I try to hold anything left back he will kill me on accident.
I take a low stance, my wings spread ready. I pull Higiroshi without hesitation, knowing my life will be in this demonic creature's hands so to speak. Higiroshi my most well kept secret and my strongest trump card.
I run my finger along the edge of the blade, slicing my skin. My blood trailing down my scythe, I feel his strength awaken.
I encase my nen tightly, lightning flickering all round me now. My only job is to protect my body, I don't really have the strength for a full on fight.
The wind quickly pulling in a vicious storm, a secret blessing sent from the shadows. Illumi still stands in front of me, his bloodlust fully unleashed. Our eyes lock and its as if time has stopped around us.
He stays completely still as rain starts pleting down on the earth. Thunder booms loudly, I start giggling as I feel my own aura reaching up towards. It finally touches the clouds and triggers a hailstorm of lightning strikes. I bolt forward, carried along by the winds of the storm.
Higiroshi strikes true, connecting with Illumi's arm. I jump back instantly, the blood dripping from the slice shocks Illumi into action. None of the Zoldycks has truly met Higiroshi fully awake, I have never been to a level were I needed his power either.
We dance away in the storm for hours, both of us taking massive amounts of damage. I have done well to protect most of my body, though shallow slices adorn every part of my exposed skin. I push myself forward regardless. I must not collapse yet..
My fresh blood fuels Higiroshi, it slowly flows in streams around him, the blade itself hungrily taking it in. I hold him tightly amidst the blood rings that are now forming swiftly. Illumi's excitement reaching it's pinnacle as he laughs even darker, looking at my weapon.
We start to clash harder then before, our auras creating thunderous echos with each exchange of blows. Higiroshi landing slice after slice, slowly digging deeper into Illumi's flesh.
We exchanged blows once more, my body slowly starting to fail. I push onwards still not ready to give Illumi the win. I grip Higi tight as Illumi and I laugh together, wiping fresh blood away from our lips.
Our bodies similar in injuries and both of us equally bloodly. Higi rights ourselves for another clash, neither one of us giving into the exhaustion. Truly this is a dance with death.
"ENOUGH!" Zeno and Silva both appear ominously.
Completely dispelling the storm as they land from a purple lightning dragon. I instantly right myself and Higiroshi vanishes along with my aura. I conceal everything from veiw and hide my injuries with alittle manipulation and texture surprise.
"Sorry, we were just dancing, right Illumi?" I look at him pleading, not wanting to get scolded.
"Indeed. We got alittle carried away." Illumi bows and appears completely normal again too.
"Very well, this dance is over though. It has lasted long enough and raised many alarms. To bed the both of you." Zeno speaks before they leave as suddenly as they appeared.
"Well I certainly feel 1000 times better now" I roll my eyes, spitting out blood.
With Higiroshi gone, so too is everything else that was keeping me standing. I have to hurry, I don't have much left in me at all now.
Deep, sharp pain is shooting through every ounce of my being. My heart struggling to keep blood following, my brain barely able to keep me awake. My body standing with just pure adrenaline left over from our fight.
"Indeed I am also feeling better. Yukinaru I think I like you." Illumi seems to really be shocked by his own words.
"Glad you figured it out before you killed me. Sheeesh!" Forcing the last of my strength to maintain concealment was foolish.
I instantly start to collapse, my breathing laboring as I hit my knees on the ground. I feel Hisoka errupt from my shadow catching me. He pulls me through and cradles my fucked up body, no longer able to remain hidden.
"Hey... there.. Jester," I sit up and hack up some blood, "I got my..ass kicked... I got him good..too.." I chuckle instantly wishing I didn't.
"Had you been in fit form you wouldn't have been injured so bad! Why didn't you tell him!! ♤~" Hisoka is barely controlled.
"He wasn't gonna....listen to anything I said.....All I could do......was take the initiative....Hisoka." I cough more blood up.
"*Haiji go to Chrollo now. I need his blood. It will be of the most help..*"
"*Yes Master*"
"What are you telling him Yuki?♧~" His pulls my bruised chin up to face him.
I hear his gasp as he finally takes in the true extent of damage. He trails his eyes down my neck, all the scratches oozing blood still. My arms are battered and shredded. I can feel the cold touch of sleep trying to grip me. I pushed myself too far..
I watch Hisoka disappear in an instant, already knowing he went to find Illumi. I roll my eyes, I am barely conscious and he leaves...
"*Haiji are you with Chrollo? I don't have much time left before I sleep.*"
"*Yes Master*"
I let myself fall into the shadows, using my desires to float. I can feel Chrollo's warmth getting closer, reaching to pull me out. I stay limp waiting to feel his arms around me.
Slowly I start to see light and then I'm here, "Finally....help...please.." My chest hurts bad, each breath sends searing pain through my body.
"Yes of course my jewel." He pulls me close to him and soon my eyes drift closed.

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