Yukinaru -After Effects- 67

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I stumble back into the middle of the office, Hisoka catching me as best as he could. Once again I'm standing next to the Don's dead exploded body, reminded of what Illumi did in a fresh wave. The nerve of Illumi tonight! And how dare he push me like that to boot!
"You know you are completely unreasonable!" I scream up in Illumi's face, stepping from the jester as I feel my anger manifesting.
"Me? Unreasonable? You are supposed to kill your targets not sleep with them." He steps closer and leans down, "Assassins kill not play-"
"As long as they die, who cares what I do!" *SMACK* I slap him clean across the face, "Who are you to interfere in any mission I have accepted?!"
"I have every right as a Zoldyck-"
"You have no right period! You are more flip flop then a fish out of water!" I go to slap him once more.
"Enough of this foolishness" Illumi catches my wrist and whips me completely sideways towards the wall.
Haiji materializes catching the impact, my body hit with enough force that we opened a hole into the bar room. I stand dusting of my legs ducking back into the office.
I look up at Illumi with a new found rage erupting violently, I rush forward quick as lightning, geared to punch Illumi. Just before my fist connects, I find my self in Chrollos embrace as he comes up behind me.
"Yukinaru settle this family matter later. I have urgent busine-" I yank my elbow back and clock him in the jaw.
"Let me go! You too have some nerve-"
Without warning I hear Haiji's monstrous growl, I look over just in time to see him pounce Chrollo from behind. With Chrollo being dragged off, I turn and walk up to Illumi with a soild fist cocked.
My wings knocked into someone every now again but I didn't care. Illumi and I evenly matched each other as we exchanged blows. I listened sounds of snapping wood mixed with bones, cracking glass adding to the effect. Papers and feathers rising and falling with the flow of our motion.
Blurred fist blocked and swung again just as quick. I land a few hits on Illumi and feel a few soild connects with my own body. Hisoka finally manages pull me and Illumi apart, none of us unscathed. I roll my eyes and go sit by the shattered window, pulling my wings back into my back.
Looking around at what was once an office that now can only be described as trashed. Haiji and Chrollo are still going toe to toe and Illumi and Hisoka are now fighting amongst each other.
I motion Haiji to fade out and lock eyes with Chrollo as he looks towards me. He slips past the two bickering and makes his way for me. I watch as Hisoka yanks his hand and flings Chrollo into Illumi using bungee gum.
Hisoka chuckles watching my smirk, knowing none of them were supposed to be using nen. I listen to the men bicker amongst each other for awhile longer. It seems they are done punching each other at least but their hushed words are barely even audible to my ears.
From what I can make out, it is Chrollo correcting Hisoka who calling him out on something while Illumi is trying to ration some plan out to Chrollo. All of them arguing using my name in the mix..
My tolerance boils over the edge at their immaturity all around and how they seemingly forgot I was even here. My hunt and fun was ruined by this lot and I've had it!
"Alright enough all of you!" I scream loudly, gettin all of their attention back, "Go on Hisoka. You tell me this dark looming secret that will put me in immediate danger." I give him a real direct order for the first time and I can see the confusion as he answers me against his will.
"It appears Chrollo and Illumi tampered with our memories pertaining to a certain event involving the Zarin Clan of the Dark Continent♤~." His voice is full of distaste as he says this.
"Chrollo what does he mean!?" I ask him firmly this time, causing the same effect to ripple through him.
"I may have altered your perception of reality while you were in my vault." Chrollo's voice is low but I can hear the reluctance in his tone.
"Meaning what exactly Chrollo?" I demand, my emotions starting to get the better of my control.
"You never bared an offspring for the Zarins." Illumi answers me flatly, "In exchange for my corporation Chrollo gave me access to his hidden knowledge." He crosses his arms and stands still.
"I'm sure there is more." My demeanor growing ever darker, Higiroshi materializing in my hand.
"I kept a nen item that Kenji put on you to control your powers." Chrollo answers taking a step back from me for once.
"Finish telling Master." Haiji growls as he comes from my shadow, "The Spider talks in halves Master."
I reflexively swing out my scythe, the edge of the blade coming to rest against Chrollo's neck, "Tell me everything now or so help me you'll wish for death."
"Let me ask you then. Have you ever thought there is something more past the Dark Continent? Ever wondered why you drawn to the moon? Why I left you a white flower?" He questions honestly.
"Not really something that has ever occurred to me." I respond quietly, I already had Luki look into such things but nothing ever came of it.
"I can not say anything more then." Chrollo steps forward, his blood dripping from the pressure of Higi against his skin.
"Why." I seethe between gritted fangs.
"A price paid for knowledge obtained."
Knowing my compulsion would have forced him to answer if he honestly could. "Fine for now then."
Not truly wanting to kill him, I slowly let my blade drift from his neck. Watching the slice across Chrollo's kneck heal nearly instantly.
"Chrollo the one thing you ought to know by now is that messing with my memories and thoughts is absolutely unacceptable." I step closer to him, "Not only was it completely unnecessary you also dragged others into your pitiful ploy."
"It needed to be done incase they ever got-" Chrollo tries to defend himself but I don't give him the chance.
"If you dare say I'd let the Zarins capture me, you are far too ignorant. The level to which you let your lies fall is even too much for you." I take a deep breath and continue to speak my mind, "I may be alot of things but capturable not so much for starters. None of you have been able to find me when I dont wanna be found period." I tighten my grib on my scythe, "I should kill you Chrollo and be done with this mess you are making. For the lies. For the headaches. "
"Yukinaru please understand-" Illumi steps closer this time, his arms still crossed against his chest.
"You are no better. Using childhood memories to try and manipulate me. So lost in your own ass you can't even find the hole. And while we are on the subject of you, why are you constantly in the middle of all the trouble that finds me? How is that you just happen to be there everytime shit hits the fan?" I step closer to him, "Go on answer me. What exactly is the real connection bewteen the Zoldycks and the Dark Continent?"
"There isn't anything to tell other then that the Zarins and the Zoldycks have a bloodly history." His tone is firm and clearly done with that topic.
"What about the rest then? What's gonna be your way to avoid them?" I tap my foot waiting.
"This is a family matter that needs to be-" I cut him off.
"Yeap same old Illumi." I roll my eyes and continue to address the lot of them, "Then how about the fact that all of you use lustful actions to cloud my vision? The lot you all are an undeniable assholes!" I fail my arms up and began to pace in a circle.
I can feel myself radiating my nen, jagged lighting begins to flicker within my wings. I stomp the ground as my frustration continues to build, my thoughts a swirl behind my eyes.
"You need to calm down Flower-"
"Don't you dare flower me Hisoka." My attention snaps me to him, I stop pacing and look up at him. "You aren't any exception-"
"Indeed but.." Hisoka points out the window where ominous clouds are being to gather.
"Whatever let the city drown around us!" I scream at him..
A loud echo of thunder rolls through the sky above, the vibrations shatter the windowpanes. A sudden burst of wind rushes in, bringing the first drops of rain. I ruffle my hands through my flowing hair and turn back towards them. I feel a wave of pain ripple through out my body, clearly unable to handle the fluctuating waves of power spiking in my veins.
"Given whatever I am I can hardly blame you guys for what you are....however I am still extremely pissed off..." I stagger for a moment feeling the pressure building in my wings.
"Master?" Haiji looks to me with concern.
"Conflicting emotions are not natural to me Haiji..." I groan out in pain, deeply exhausted from all this.
"You can't tell me you haven't enjoyed our little game Yukinaru." Chrollo stands still but his eyes are burning with once lost excitement.
"I indulge you Chrollo for the fact we are common in so many ways. I enjoy the taste of your blood and you do keep me well entertained but I don't need you." I laugh darkly as the clouds outside darken and release more rain.
"Flower♡~" Hisoka steps up towards me, "What else did you expect? Knowing the kind of people we are?" His voice lofty as the words leave him with a smirk.
"Well I'd hardly call any of you human.. but nothing different I suppose." I shrug absently and walk over to the shattered window, taking care to step over the rubble. "How many more lies am I to expect from the lot of you?" They remain silent as I flick out my wings, waves of lightning flickering off more defiantly.
Illumi finally breaks the silence, "We are assassins Yukinaru. This is unbecoming of you. Don't forget your training." He reaches to touch me but Haiji jumps up, snapping at him.
"No longer am I a tool for anyone. Human, Demon nor Assassins." I motion Haiji to take flight.
"Where are you going?" Chrollo steps beside Illumi watching as my wings start catching air.
"A place where even you can't follow Chrollo!" I turn and face the raging sky.
I chuckle softly as a card shoots past me, "Stay ready Jester." Before anyone could say anything else I leap out the window and fly into the storm, only Haiji at my side.
I let the surge of rage escape with the beat of wings. Lightning tramples through the clouds, ever carrying the echos of my screams. I move them faster, desperately trying to out run my own storm. Thunder continues to boom in tandem with me, drowning out primal cries as they tear through my lungs.
Being in this world has clouded everything I knew, or everything I thought I knew. Even my own perception of myself is destroyed. What is, what was, what will be. It is all mixed and broken. I can feel the fabrics of my mind ripping at the seems.
I close my eyes and focus on my surroundings. I clear my mind and let the air currents decide where I go. I turn my focus to the feeling of the cold air against my feathers. I pay close attention to the light frost forming along the bridge of my wings. The energy lessening within my self as my control returns.
There is a sudden shift in the atmosphere and a familiar scent looming closer, we were nearing a large body of water. Thinking it may be a good time to rest, I open my eyes and begin to descend. Haiji keeping pace with me easily, we land gently along the shore of what seems to be a lake inland.
Behind us is nothing but trees for as far as I can see. I don't sense any signs of human life but still I cast out my roots, seeding them from the bottom of my feet as I walk the edge of the shoreline.
After only a few minutes I see a lovely tree bent down, stretching over the water before curving back upwards. The leaves providing perfect shade and the trunk inviting.
I flutter over and leave my back into the curve, with my feet facing the trees. I listen to the crash of waves below paired with the soft songs of birds adrift on the light breeze.
Truly a peaceful area worthy of a stay, "Haiji, be on guard." I motion him to laze around the base of my new found bed.
I fluff out my feathers and bring my wings up to wrap loosey around me. I smile content in my little cocoon and drift off into a dreamless sleep. I hear faint whispers from the shadows of my mind, I try to focus but sudden Haiji's growling pulls me awake. His paws stomping the ground, shaking what was a sturdy resting spot.
I rip out a feral snarl as I'm forced to get up and see what the issue is. My arua bursts as I fly up, malice spewing with every beat of my wing as I close into the shoreline.
"Who dares intrudes upon my rest now?!" I land infront of Haiji and stare into the blacken tree line completely not in the mood.

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