Yukinaru -Dance- 45

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I arrive from Haiji's shadow to a waiting Hisoka. He pulls my materializing form on to his lap, my dress lightly landing against me. Haiji laying at his feet, meows when he sees me.
"Welcome Flower ♡~" he pulls me close to him. His bloodlust reflecting his own excitement.
"Jester," I smile and kiss his cheek, "When does it start?"
"Very soon Yuki ◇~. Do be patient." He coos softly into my ear.
"Hmmhp" I cross my arms and lean back into his chest.
"Don't fret, art takes time ♤~" he laughs darkly. Moving his fingers, clearly placing his bungee gum.
I don't want to ruin the show so I don't peek. I look around and take in a the large crowd rounds us. There are clearly alot of unsavory people mixed among the corrupt and greedy normals.
I take in the high cathedral walls, adorn with mosaic paintings. Fine red fabric drapes down in arches all around the tops of the walls.
The lights sit inlaid along the onix black roof support beams. Gold spirals painted bewtween each one. They meet in the center, a crystal chandelier hanging from the center point.
I turn in Hisoka's lap, noticing Spiders hidden amongst the crowd behind us. I still can't see Chrollo however, I really wanna know what they plan for tonight. Is it gonna be stealthy and clean or loud and bloodly.
I start to seep bloodlust as my excitement grows. The anticipation building. Its kind of exciting not knowing what to expect. Then I hear the most elegant melody faintly starting up, being lead by low drums beating. The music is rising from the center stage in front me.
The music grows louder, hushing the crowd as the curtains rise. I face the source finally, and am taken aback to see Chrollo standing in front of an orchestra. Taking center stage he bows deeply, his eyes meeting mine.
I watch as a well dressed Feitan takes the stage, "Good evening. We have a special performance tonight before the auction begins."
He walks to the front of the stage and sits. Chrollo turns and starts conducting. The moment the song picks up beat, elegant choas ensues. I watch as the spiders instantly begin the massacre of this crowd.
The screams blending in with the flow of violins, the sounds of bullets intensifying the drums. I watch as bodies fall all around me, blood falling from everywhere imaginable.
The music grows increasingly hypnotic, the urge to join over takes me. I shed my restraints and begin to dance with the music, Chrollo's song. I let my wings drift freely as the sounds of violins carry me with the melody.
I twist and turn seemlessly to the rhythm. The tempo increases, my bloodlust rising with it. My dance quickens, as I join in the massacre in full swing.
Blood stained wings gliding me across the slicken floor. I flow in between the Spiders, taking a life with each step. My aura encasing me, the blue flames flickering with the beat.
I can feel Hisoka watching me, his bloodlust filled with deep desire. I finally sense Chrollo, my dance surly captivating him. Blood splashes against my skin, my dress still untouched though. My wings stained red, blue flames burning brightly around me. I giggle maniacally and continue to gracefully sweep over the dead.
I can feel so many eyes following me as I dance through the crowd, my red feathers slowly falling. I twirl through a section, wings held firm slitting throats. The delicate swiftness creates a breeze swirling feathers around me.
I get lost in the mesmerizing melody, I soon find myself dancing above the slaughter. My foot work flawless keeping tune with the beat. My wings moving my body with the rhythm from the violins.
Raining blood soaked feathers down upon the Spiders as I twirl. A web of blood slowly forming over the stage, behind me. As the song comes to a dramatic end so too does my true dance of death.
Breathing heavy, I smile and take in the true beauty this show was. I turn to face Chrollo, and fully see the blood web above him. My fallen feathers making wings in the center of it.
Such a thrilling gesture. I see Hisoka's nen holding bodies up in the air. Their blood flowing invisible threads, creating the elegant web of lace.
I watch realizing all eyes are still on me. Some filled with surprise, some are impressed. A few burning with questions. I laugh maniacally, and fly to Chrollo. I hover above him, showering a ring of feathers upon him. I watch him reach up for me. I blush slightly before I left myself fall.
He catches me, a smile playing on his lips, "That was a special piece I wrote."
I can't control myself any longer. I bring my breathless lips to his. Kissing him deeply, I can feel his grip tightening around me. I pull away grinning wickedly pleased, his blood so sweet still.
"It was beautiful Chrollo. Please what is the name?" I ask as I feel his breath against my neck.
"Waltz of a Spider" his words sends tingles through me, a blush creeping on my cheeks.
"Yuki! That was crazy and you have wings?" Machi squeals running up to me, reaching to grab me.
Haiji appearing from my shadow and stopping her approach instantly, "No closer. Outsider."
Chrollo chuckles with me still in his arms. She jumps back surprised, landing behind Feitan.
"What is that? It speaks!" She cries out from over his shoulder.
I say nothing, curious as to what Haiji is gonna do next. I sit quietly watching him. He seems to have grown a bit more, his shoulders stop at Chrollo's waist. I feel his killing intent true, fully prepared for a fight. I giggle lightly.
Chrollo's curious gaze turns on me, I look up and give him a warm smile. I touch the side of his face with my hand, enjoying this moment. He leans into my touch closing his eyes.
"Spiders. No closer near Master." Haji's voice is deeper now, pulling back my attention as the Troupe draws closer.
He has gone through another growth spurt clearly. The aura from Hisoka and Chrollo must have boosted him once it was done absorbing. Haiji steps closer emanating a great deal of aura.
It is pretty appropriate given the true threat level I would be in if they all decide to strike me. Then it dawns on me, realizing the true gravity of this current situation finally.
I was so carried away with the performance I nearly let my guard down. I roll my eyes internally at my own carelessness. I maintain my enjoyment but my aura takes to the ready.
Haiji sensing my sudden change strengthens himself more, "Master?"
"Settle down now Haiji. I appreciate your efforts though. Sorry Machi. Haiji is a batecy cat from my homeland. He is a bit over protective at times." I giggle feeling the atmosphere relax.
"Oh I see. Anyway! You are really strong! It has been such a long time." She smiles warmly.
"Indeed it was very surprising. What are you? I have never seen wings before." Nobunaga chimes up.
"Boss, you ask her to join us yet?" A new face speaks pulling my attention.
"I will answer all your questions later my spiders." He speaks curtly, letting me stand as he continues to address his Troupe, "Split the spoils and enjoy your free time. Leave the musicians alone. We will meet again soon." Chrollo turns and makes his leave.
"We will meet later Chrollo." I chime to his back.
"Indeed we will, Naru." He bows then vanishes instantly.
I make my way to Hisoka. He still sits in the same chair, completely untouched. He smiles as he watches me step over piles of bodies.
"Such a marvelous show!" I smile jumping into his lap.
"I'm pleased you liked it ♤~. I enjoyed it as well ♡~" He coos, rubbing his head in my neck.
I wrap my arms around him, I am tired from all the playing today. I lay my head against his chest, taking in his scent I close my eyes.
"Are you actually tired?" He whispers warmly above me.
"I am. Can you take me somewhere for sleep. I'm lazy from all the dancing" I giggle as I feel him standing.
"Very well then." I feel the wind moving past us quickly as he runs.
I keep my eyes closed tightly, not wanting to get a motion headache. I feel as he comes to a stop finally. He lays me on the bed.
"So comfortable," I roll around the large bed, "is this a hotel room?"
"No flower. This is one of my many apartments. They do come in handy time to time." He climbs into bed next to me.
"Come, let us sleep now Yuki ♡~" he stretches his arms out and pulls me into him.
I feel a blush escape and take shelter on my cheeks. Hisoka's chuckle rattles against my back. I roll my eyes and get comfortable in his arms, excited to sleep.
Haiji comes and lays up against us, me being sandwiched again. I giggle softly and squeeze my Jester's arm tightly against me.
I focus on his breathing, the light sounds drifting by my ear. Feeling the warmth his body hugs me with, I smile drifting off to sleep.

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