Yukinaru -Stunning- 31

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     I step pass Chrollo and everything is green. The first thing that hits me is the smell. It's so crisp and clean. I hear faint sounds of a waterfall echoing in the distance. The clear stary sky above me. It is as of time is frozen here.
     "Where are we?" I question curiously.
     "All in do time. I wish not to disclose our whereabouts yet." Chrollo chuckles and proceeds to walk us further into the woods.
     The sounds of a waterfall getting louder as we go deeper into the heart of the forest. Hisoka never letting my hand go, pulls me along behind them.
     As we make our way to a little cottage nestled at the bottom of the waterfall. The moon positioned perfectly over head, illumating the a
     "Ohh this is so adorable!" I squeal excitingly as I run down a cobblestone pathway ahead of them. Glancing back seeing them in their own conversation, I take flght.

  "I'll be back in a little bit" I call out to them. Stretching my wings, catching the light of the moon.
    It feels like I haven't flown in along time. My muscles are stiff and my wings are rigid. I hover above the waterfall, taking in more of myself.

     "I know I slept for along time and even birthed something but I feel very much the same." I look over my hands, shaping them in to claws. I reach up and feel my head free of horns "Odd."
     I trail my hands over my wings, and feel the outline of my fangs. "The rest of me is normal but where did my horned crown go?" I sit hovering slowly trying to think of why they would go missing.
     "You still look beautiful without them." Chrollo's voice is gentle as he approaches.
     "I came up here to be alone in my thoughts Chrollo." I sigh harshly.
     "I'll go shortly, I only came up cause Hisoka is not pleased and his whining is annoying." He points down and I feel my Jester's aura scattered.
     "He has been through alot while you slept. You should reward him for being a good boy Naru." Chrollo smiles as he leaves me once more with my thoughts.
    "Wait before you go, do you know why I have lost my horns?" I question.
    "They were merely a collar implanted into you. The Zarin contract has been fulfilled Lady Yukinaru and they were removed. You are truly free to grow and be yourself now. We can talk more later."
     I watch him land and walk inside. Hisoka stands there staring at me, flicking his deck of cards. I smile and wave down to him, and he shoots a card toward me. I catch it giggling.
     *Silly Jester, can't hit me from there* I stick my tongue and he taps his card he has in his hand still.
     *Shit* I quickly use gyo and see his bungee gum sticking to my hand. "You wouldn't dare!" I yell at him.
     *Of course he would friggin dare!* I see him release the nen around his feet. His figure hurtling towards me like a rock from a slingshot. I reach out to catch him, wobbling as my wings adjust to the new weight.
     "You are so foolish! What if I couldn't catch you?" I growl.
     "You would never let me fall Yuki ♡~" He wraps his arms around me tightly, "I'm so very happy to see you awake and flying once more." He looks down at me, pain heavy on his face.
     I finally take in his appearance, there are heavy black bags under his copper eyes. His skin has lost its glow, he even feels lighter then before. A wave of sadness takes root in my heart, my pet was neglected for so long.
     "I really have been cruel to you Jester." I pull him into a hug, "I have been a bad Master."
    "You have been ◇~ Oh how will you ever make up for it ♡~" He laughs into my ear.
     "I can start with this" I pull his lips to mine and kiss him enduringly. "I'm glad I have a pet as amazing as you!" I giggle teasing him.
    "One day hopefully, you will see me as an ally and not just a pet." He coos playfully back.
     "That will be the day!" I hear my Uncle Renji laugh behind us and I freeze instantly.
     My senses jump to high alert, and my blood seeping with pure adrenaline. New wave of strength bubbles, my nen itching to explore this new found feeling. My body taking the best defensive stance I can. My thoughts travel to Hisoka, praying I can keep us both alive.
     "Calm down young one. I have no intention of ever harming ya. You are the closest thing to a daughter I will ever truly have." My Uncle rarely shows true emotion so I instantly hesitate.
     "Perhaps, since this is a friendly meeting we could land?" Hisoka chimes in from side. "I'm not suitable for these altitudes." Hisoka waves his arm in the air.
     I don't move an inch, if my uncle means for a hunt, if I move even a feather he will be on us.
     "That does seem more fittin. I'll head down first Yukinaru." He gruffs as I feel his descent.
     I slowly turn and follow him down, my grip tightening around Hisoka. A silent warning that I'm scared shitless.
     "Hurry up now child, I don't need my brother catchin wind of this." He motions for me to land.
     I sigh and drop the rest of the way down, landing heavy. I release Hisoka and step forward.
     "It is good to see you whole once more. It has been along time." My uncle smiles warmly pointing over me.
    "I see the horns were never mine." I chrip up.
     "Yes, my brother believed it would be more helpful for you to feel apart of the family. He attached them around your 12th snow cycle." Uncle Renji sighed. "I could imagine how much you despise us-"
     "I don't despise /you./ I may not even know my ownself but you did your best Uncle Renji. I at least know you." I don't like seeing him weak like this.
    "Awww Doll" a tear glistened as it fell, "It pleases me so to hear that. Don't worry about the little pup either. I'll raise em up like I did with ya. Do ya wanna know it's name?" He looks at me curiously and I can feel a sudden ripple of intensity.
    "You won't ever meet him and this will be the only time I can tell you. Remember you are no longer a Zarin." He warns me darkly.
     "No. I don't want to know." I turn and look to Chrollo, he nods to me and returns inside.
     "Do ya got any questions for ya dear old uncle?" He steps closer.
     "Hmm just one. That journal was it really left to me by my mother?" I never heard a word about her other then that journal.
     "Sorry Doll, that was just simple information Kenji compiled to answer questions he didn't want too." He sighs and rubs his temple deeply, "To be honest no idea who your mother was but she did die birthing you."
     "Well I suppose it doesn't really matter anyway." I shrug it off.
     "So does this conclude this little meeting?" Hisoka coos, "Dinner is about to be ready."
    "Yes yes, I got to be going. Child, I will send information to the Zoldycks if I ever feel you are in danger." He reaches his arms out.
     Hisoka reaches out and takes my hand, "No need to worry, I want her to stay here as well. I will not break the contract we made with Chrollo either. That fellow is truly dangerous Yukinaru. I still say mind your step with him." A shutter ripples through him.
    I release Hisoka and run into his arms. Giving him one final hug, "Good bye Uncle."
     "Farewell my child," he messes my hair and takes off.

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