Yukinaru -Playful- 2

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    My room is simple and plain, nothing fancy nor to even boast about. The walls are a dull smokey grey and only a lonely worn chair sits in the corner. Its' color is faded red and the once velvet fabric worn bare on the cushion.
     The bed is small, merely covered with a thin sheet and lumpy blanket. This place completely void of anything else. Compared to my old room this one is too basic and small, barely even fit for a hound.
     Sighing I walk in completely, closing the door behind and make my way down the little hall towards the bed.  Along the way I pass the bathroom door, nearly faded the same color as the wall. I pull my bag out of my shadow space and toss it on the bed, rolling my eyes as dust flies up into the air.
     Turning, I head back to the bathroom, "At least the washroom is nice." I mumble out loud while I prep the bath.
     I use a special bath mix of onix salt with rose petals and of course I need my bubbles too. I know it is important to keep my skin flawless thanks to the journal that Kenji gave me, it has alot of useful random knowledge in it.
     While I start to reminisce, I sense a familiar presence creeping in through the air. *It hasn't even been an hour since we parted and already he is stalking me* I roll my eyes, *such a clingy and clumsy jester.*
     Hisoka is trying so hard not to be detected but his excitement is too much for him to bear. No matter how good he is at hiding, nothing can truly slip past my senses.
     "I could play along for a little bit." I giggle lightly, "he is no threat."
     I want to see how far I can push him before he completely gives up on trying to hide. With the bath finally ready, I slowly drop my body into the water.
     Challenging myself not to create a single ripple or pop a bubble. It takes a great deal of control and focus for sure, so it'll be a simple exercise to aid in training. Snickering to myself I let my aura engulf me, keeping it firm and flexible enough to be considered gentle.
     Using just enough for my task and not a sliver more. Sensing my hidden strength must be what drew a human like Hisoka towards me, maybe there is more to this guy then I first thought.
     I slowly let my bloodlust leak hoping to add alittle more challenge to his lurking. Within seconds I hear very faint movement coming from the darkness. The light sound of nails ripping frabic echo lightly into the washroom.
     Already feeling his control slipping at such a small tease, I can't help but want to push him further. I am enjoying this more then I should but it is so much fun right now, a simple game I will clearly win. He obviously doesn't want me to know he is here yet once again a jester's mind is all full of jokes.
     With a look of concentration and steady hands, I slowly step into the water. Carefuly letting my self sink deeper in, I can feel the water push against me. I can feel the way each droplet connects to the next and the slightest change will cause me to lose this unspoken challenge I started.
     I slow my breathing and focus on blending my aura into each droplet that touches me. The rose petals and bubbles trail along my skin as I go lower and lower, ever so wanting to stick against me.
     The water gently rises up my torso, slowly reaching up towards my large chest. With steady breathing I continue to slowly submerge myself into the bath. Finally I'm completely in and not one ripple occurred, I lean back, letting bubble water rest against my chest. I stretch my legs out over the edge of the tub, crossing my ankles.
     "Sucess, my practice is definitely paying off!" I squeal like an excited child, giggling wickedly. I wash my hair carefully making sure each section gets thoroughly cleaned. I have months of dust sticking to it from the trip here no doubt. I take my sweet time and let the warm water trickle down my body, caressing every part of my exposed skin.
     Even though Hisoka can't physically see me, I feel his eyes still watching. As if he is seeing something through the wall I cant. I take a chance and glance towards the darkness beyond the door. *He can't see me right.* I mean the chair was in the opposite corner. Using my hair to hide my eyes I try to focus, I can faintly see the outline of him on the edge of the chair.
     *He moved the chair! Since when?* His position clearly that of a struggling man though. The silhouette of his arms rest flat against the chair and his outline is rigid, he is trying to control himself.
     *Mmhhmm he looks so on edge that a breeze could blow him off* I want to see him struggle more. *Giggle*
      I start to twirl my fingers along the surface of the water. Creating pathways along the bubbles, an idea forming as I go. Channeling my energy, I feel it start to drift away from me. I let it float along the paths I made in the bubbles. My excitement slowly increasing steadily now as the game progresses. I can feel the light current its creating as it continues to flow from me. Slowly bubbles flow down my path ways, creating river paths spreading out around me.
     I can feel his gaze intensifying as if we were face to face. The arm rest of the chair must be splintering by now as his nails dig in deeper. I feel a sudden flash of heat build in my cheeks, such a surprising reaction I startle my ownself.
     *Am I actually having fun now?* feeling too foolish, my body seems to be responding instincually now. Rolling my eyes, I continue to paint the paths making rivers and waterfalls.
     Watching the effects of my own aura move excites me, one day I can't wait to really see it.  My desire to get stronger triggers bloodlust to ooze out as I continue to play in the bathwater. I can hear him panting now, his last few moments of control about to slip.
     The beauty of my rivers mixing with the the bubbles and Hisoka no longer hiding, I am pushed over the edge with excitement. *I have won the game-*
     "SPLASH!!!!!" my aura surged widly, triggering a chain reaction instantly.
     The water explodes up into my face violently, sending petals and bubbles flying everywhere around me. Water floods the bathroom tile, creating a miniature lake flowing towards the hallway.
     "Damn it!!!" I huff, "So much for soaking." I look around the water logged floor, pouting cause my bathtub is now nearly completely empty.
     I can hear Hisoka trying to contain his laughter but failing miserably. I can only imagine the scene he must be seeing right now. I'm a cold blooded hunter and here I sit covered in bubbles and flowers.
     The warm sensation starts building in my face once more, startling me again. I reach for my cheeks feeling them hot to the touch.
     "Why does this keep happening?" I whisper quietly to myself. His laughter no longer contained I snap at him sharply, "Hisoka bring me my towel from that chair you are breaking." How dare he mock me like this, "With all that snickering over there, you are very poor at concealment." I growl lowly at him, displeased by these turn of events.
     The game is over, he couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed wickedly like a maniac, "I'm sorry dear Yuki ♡~, I just didn't want to interfere in what seemed like a very lovely bath." He is still snickering but trying to hold it back.
     He walks down the hall and enters the washroom hastily handing me the towel. I snatch it from him with burning cheeks and wrap it around me tightly as I try to stand up.
     I see a pale slender hand appear before my eyes just as my feet begin to slip in the spilled water. Looking closely, it is so clean and perfect, even the filing on his nails are flawless.
     "If you take my hand instead of staring, I'll help you to your feet ◇~" I look up at him, still flushed in the face.
     He takes his other hand and removes a petal from my hair above my eyes, a light smile playing on his lips.
     "Seeing you all flustered is such a sweet surprise♡~" he coos at me, snapping me out of my haze.
     "You wish Jester. I've known you were here since you touched the window." I take his hand firmly and right myself up. "If you wish to talk, next time knock and not stalk." I turn, walking for my clothing bag.
     "Oh? You've known I am here, yet still put a lovely show on for me ♡~" Hisoka's velvet voice sounds like a song. He releases my hand swiftly however, "I feared you would not answer the door." He shrugs his shoulders and returns to the chair.
     I roll my eyes tentatively at him while sorting out my outfit, deciding a slick white dress be the most comfortable. I drop my towel and begin to dress, quickly earning a sharp inhale behind me.
     "No reservations for letting me see you naked? My, how crass you are Yuki◇~"
     I turn and look at Hisoka indifferent. "If I had reservations then that would imply I see it as something meaningful. A body is just a tool used for fighting nothing more." Silly jester with the jokes again, "Why does it matter who sees me dress? It's a normal thing to do."
     "Hmmm you surprise me at every turn Yukinaru ♧~" He stares at me intensely, as if trying to read my mind.
     "What do I do that is so interesting to you, we just barely met." I sit on the bed across from him, crossing my legs and bouncing my foot.
     "Well simply put, I can't figure you out and it intrigues me. Your bloodlust excites me, your curves please me♡~. You have an air of mystery surrounding you and you are clearly not from Jappon." He waves his hand about in the air. "I want to know what you are hiding ♤~"
     He gets up and walks closer to me. This vibe is different from what I have felt from him. He is dead serious about finding out who I am really.
     "Stop right there Hisoka." I warn him firmly. His actions, his tone, all of him is radiating danger. "I don't want to fight nor do I want to tell you about my personal life."
     I sigh standing up and walk to the door. "Leave now, I'm done playing with you." I open the door and point.
     "See? This here, is why I am so drawn to you. Most people would tremble in fear and others give me respect or step up to fight. But you, you just do not care and treat me as if I'm nothing but a /clown/." With the expression he is wearing, Hisoka seems genuinely annoyed right now.
     "You're wrong I see you more as a stray pet then anything else. A jester full of jokes. That is as close to fear as you are gonna get. As for respect, I don't want to kill you? Soo that should count." I stated as a matter of fact cause it is.
     "Yukinaru I will kill you one day and that is as close to being my friend as you're gonna get ◇~" He grins wickedly as he walks past me.
     "Then I guess we will never be friends Hisoka." I slam the door behind him.
     Such an annoying and interesting human that man is. I want to punch him and yet I find him charming at the same time. I throw myself onto the bed, landing flat. I groan, even the bed on the boat was more comfortable then this. I roll on my back, closing my eyes needing rest regardless.
     I wake hours later and the sun is starting to set. I chang outfits again quickly as I do not have much clothes for sleeping. I reach for the door after tossing the bag back into the shadows and it hits me. Hisoka's bloostlust is strong, clearly he is reaching out.
     He is close, too close.. Should I avoid him or respond? I am still fairly certain I can lose him if I need too, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.
    *Giggles* I let a sliver of my bloodlust escape.
     That should be a enough to lure him in. I stand still for a few minutes before it dawns on me. "Wait why do I want to get his attention?" I question myself as I turn the door knob and walk into a wall?
     Before I even have a chance to answer my own thoughts, there he is in all his glory pulling me against his body.
     "You responded so quickly♡~ I just had to rush over. Is there something you need?" He teases me lightly.
     *Fuck, so frustrating. I don't even know why I wanted to see him.... quick think of something he is staring at me..*
     "Do you know where I can find an airship? I need to get to a place called Heaven's Arena." Great now he knows where I'm going. Internal face palm.
     "Are you following me Yukinaru? ◇~" I look up at him confused. "It's not wise to stalk your predator ♡~"
     "First you are not a predator. To be a predator you'd have to pose a threat to your prey." I try to pull away from him but he pins me up against my door.
    Enough of this, I press my bloodlust out enough to see his knees quake. I step away from him taking advantage, sighing I continue.
     "No, I'm not following you. My family told me I should go train there to increase my abilities." I sigh deeply and groan. *Too much information again, this jester has an odd effect on me.*

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