Hisoka -Questions- 26

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     I lay with her in my arms. Unable to get the vision of her and Chrollo from my mind. The way he feeds from her and his changing arua. Something is going on with him and she is the root of it.
     I look down, her neck slowly healing as her fair pale skin shines. She sleeps so soundly, not even snores are escaping. I stroke her hair, rejoicing that she lays with me now at least.
     "*Rap, rap, rap*" the window rattles in the room, startling me. I look over and see a figure lurking, already inside.
     "I see. So she needs to recover from blood loss. Is she always so weak when she sleeps like this?" Chrollo steps over to her, he studies her features intently before continuing, "We didn't spend much time sleeping."
     I slip out from the bed pointing to the door. I don't know how deep in sleep she is but I don't want her to see him. Following me out of the room, we come to stand on the balcony at the other end of my floor.
     "What are you after Chrollo? I know enough that if you wanted her powers you could have taken them♤~."
     "She has made it clear you are her pet. I have made it clear she is mine, even to one such as you. I can see she treats you the same way you treat your own toys. How does it feel to be seen as lesser then what you feel you are?" He is always so clever with his words. It really turns me on sometimes.
     "Be that as it may, why did you strike a deal with her Chrollo?" He is selfish and far less emotional then even I am. "Does she even know-"
     "Officially rejoin the spiders and I will share information with you. You are still one of us, Yukinaru made me realize that. She does care about you Hisoka, but she will never see you as an equal to her trueself." He steps to the railings and pulls out his book.
     "I have business to attend to elsewhere. Watch over my treasure Hisoka. We are stuck with each other till she bores with one of us." He takes a step off the ledge and disappears into the night.
     "Hmm." I pull out my phone,"We need to move Yukinaru to the manor. Chrollo has made a move."
     Within moments Silva, Illumi and Zeno appear around the balcony.
    "Where is she?" Silva ordered immediately.
     I bring them to the bedroom and Zeno takes her sleeping form.
     "Don't forget her cat" I pick it up and put it on her chest.
     Illumi turns to me as Zeno and Silva disappear with Yuki. "I'll escort you to the manor. We can discuss there."

-time skip-

     "So by your own knowledge you believe Chrollo set up the contract to get her alone?" Illumi questions me.
"     Correct. And from what I can tell his objective is her blood for now, maybe even her knowledge of the Dark Continent. However he could forcibly take her blood. Instead he /lays/ with her while we were gone..." I try to hold myself together but this conversation tests my control.
     "Do you believe Chrollo has another objective then?" Silva asks this time.
     "I do believe it to be so." I ponder not sure what other objective he could have that would need her subdued in such a way.
     "Illumi could try and talk to-"
     "No, Yukinaru won't talk to Illumi openly. And we need to still be able to stay on her good side." I retort firmly.
     Illuim turns to me, "We have no idea what Chrollo is planning and Yuki is clearly allied with him already. We will not be able to handle this situation without further knowledge."
     "Then I suggest we contact Renji. She does seem to favor him and he appears to know how to interact with her and not jeopardize our own objectives." I suggest innocently.
     "Hmm very well Hisoka. Zeno-"
      "Already done Silva."
     "Then if there is nothing left to discuss, I will retire to Yuki's side♡~." I slip out, leaving the Zoldycks to their own conversation.
     It has been two days since we arrived at the Zoldycks and Yukinaru still has yet to awaken. Her aura is sporadic and it comes in waves crashing down over the house.   
      Everyone is on edge as her uncontrollable bloodlust seeps into us. The storm outside has not let up since we arrived either adding to the intense atmosphere. The thunder and lightning booming wildly adds a beauty to this storm at the Manor.
     "This can't keep going on. Nothing we have tried has awaken her!" I shout complaining to Illumi, wiping an endless flow of water from her closed eyes.
     "I agree. Even for us Zoldycks this constant flux is exhausting." Illumi furrows his brows together.
     "Has there been no change?" I hear Silva ask concerning.
     "She is still and her facial expressions remain the same, unmoving." Illumi speaks in a stotic tone.
     "I see. Renji will be arriving soon." Silva nods to a sleeping Yuki and leaves
     "Hisoka, we must depart and greet him. Come follow me." Illumi turns towards the door.
     He leads me down the hall and back out to a fixed up court yard. The skies still dark and storming violently. The sheer force of the wind stings my face.   
     How the others can just stand here still is beyond me. A few strikes of lightning hit close to the house, pulling our attention.
      A monstrous figure comes into view, his wings moving strongly with the wind. He lands before us heavy and soild. The echoing sound drowning out the thunder.
     As he approaches, a shadow slides off his back and disappears into the house. I look to see if anyone else noticed and Illumi caught my eye he sharply turned his head telling me to not act.
      "Where is she?" The sharpness of his tone whips my ears as the lightning hits the earth.
     I turn towards him as everyone bows, I follow suit.
     *Is this even the same person! He feels completely different then before. How exciting ♤~.*

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