Hisoka -Manor- 33

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     I make my way along the path, the butler stopping at the bottom gate. Such strict rules. Its been a few hours, Yuki should already have shared the basic recap.
     Yawning I push the door open. "Luummii ♡~ I'm home" I coo.
     "Hisoka" Silva greets me with Zeno by his side.
     "Where is Illumi? Off speaking with Yukinaru I presume?" I question taking a seat.
     "He went to fetch her indeed.. You can wait here for them here." Silva nods and they leave.
     "Wonder where she went off too exploring this-" We all hear it at the same time.
    An ear curdling scream penetrates the house. All 3 of us are at the door in an instant. I feel my breath lighten and my body tensing. I have never heard such a sound before.
     Then an eerie silence sweeps over the woods and I feel a tug pulling me. I bolt forward already knowing. I feel Silva and Zeno next to me without question. I point towards the source of my pull and dart forward.
     I can see her figure slumped against a tree, Illumi standing next to her watching us upon arrival. I see her start to fall and I push myself faster.
    "Barely" I sigh catching her slumped form in my arms.
    I look to see her wing all messed up, looks like she rolled in a hook bush. I focus on the blood dripping down her wing in all sorts of spots, little pools under her.
    "What happened Illumi?" Silva demands taking in Yukinaru's strange appearance.
    "I merely surprised her and a simple hook bush got tangled in her feathers." He shrugs. "I offered to help but she refused."
    "Hisoka, I am tired." I can feel her panting hard.
    Her insides still haven't even recovered from training or what transpired in the vault. She is dangerously weak once more.
    Zeno comes and takes her from my arms, "I will bring her to Kikyo to treat her wing." He instantly vanishes.
     Silva turns to me and Ilumi leading us back to the house. Hours tick by while we all sit in silence waiting for the ladies to join us. I pull out my cards and shuffle the deck, needing some sort of distraction.
     "I'm home!" I hear Killua kick in the front door and feel little Gon behind him. "Whats going on here?" He looks at all of us in the room "Why is /he/ here?" Pointing at me.
     "Hiii Killua's family!!! Hey Hisoka!" Gon is a chipper kid as always.
     "A special guest is visiting us. She is currently getting treated by your mother, Killua." Zeno addresses his grandson with such an air of love, "Her name is-"
     "YUKI!!!!" Gon yells and runs toward my flower with a bright smile. Curious, wonder how they know each other.
     I am surprised by the pleased expression on her face as she bends down and picks up my toy for a hug.   
     *This could become problematic for me.*

-time skip-

    In no time at all her, Killua and Gon take off out of the house. They leave for an adventure after Zeno sending the off to play. Yuki curtly cutting their conversation short desperately wanting to leave.
     "Truly her nen ability is impressive but it does have its downside." Zeno rubs at his beard deep in thought now.
     "Her endurance seems to be her strongest attribute right now. One weakness I can tell is she lacks pain tolerance." Silva addresses seriously.
     "Ah about that. Her pain tolerance is decent but its the wings." I explain carefully. "She once told me that even the wings of the Zarin's are just as sensitive. I used that against Renji. Had he been serious in our spar though I doubt my bungee web would have worked as well as it did." I grin sadisticly, "Next time I see a Zarin I will string them up ♤~"
     "Well I suppose the first thing we work on whenever time comes for training is clearly her pain threshold. Even with an injured wing she still needs to focus on the fight." Zeno sighed.
     "So you are saying?" I hesitate the slightest.
     "It is as Zeno says Hisoka. We would have to desensitize her wings to pain. Honestly I'm surprised they never did that." Silva ponders a bit deeper.
     "Perhaps they did such training for the main family but left her's to be a form of control?" Zeno adds in.
     "Their form of control was far more sadistic Silva then even your trainings ♤~" my bloodlust surged thinking about what Chrollo shared with me.
     "They may have trained her basic abilities but to them it was no more then training a fighting dog. She is innately powerful and they did nothing but stunt her growth." I seeth with rage, snapping the arm of the chair off.
     "I share your sentiments. As a young child she often showed outstanding ability. Use to give Zeno a run for his money constantly." A rare side to Silva flickering to the surface.
     "She killed a maid who snuck up on her one evening. I happen to be rounding the corner and see my granddaughter, the tiny thing of a child she was, flip to her hands and twist the maid's head clean off with her feet. The blood stains were everywhere," he rolls his eyes at the mess.
     "But she squatted down smiling painting a red picture unphased. Her little wings were fluttering behind her as she hummed." Zeno shares a rare glimpse of her childhood to me.
     "She has always been a flower ♡~" we all laugh together, sharing a brief moment of unity.
     "She does seem to have a strange effect on people," I muse my thoughts aloud, "I wonder if that in itself is a type of an ability. She even has swayed Chrollo a bit."
     "Yes, that girl has a viciously sweet feel when she is around." Kikyo speaks, "Sorry to intrude but the /kids/ seemed to have wondered off deeper into the woods. Playing a game of tag I believe."
     "Let them play awhile Kikyo. It'll be good bonding for Killua and her. She is still but a child as well in many ways." Zeno rises, "I am gonna retire for the evening."
     "I will join you Father, Hisoka don't venture too much. Yuki may be welcomed here but you are still an intruder. You are only alive because of her." Silva and the rest of the Zoldycks leave.
     "Perhaps I will join the children for a game of tag ◇~." It could be fun ♡~ I coo to myself.

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