Hisoka -Retrieve- 59

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It has been a week since I have felt my flower's hum. Something must have happened for her to just disappear♧~. No one has been able to find her, not even the Zoldycks have found any trace.
"Do you think she went back to the Zarins? ♤~" I stand in the empty church staring directly at Chrollo.
"No, she would not return to them willingly. They have nothing to offer her." He sits holding a book out.
"You seem not bothered. Did you plan this Chrollo? ♤~" My tone laced with venom as I speak, bloodlust raging.
"Haiji is not here. Therefore she is safe. Naru's pet looks after her well" Closing his book he walks towards me, resting a hand on my shoulder as he passes.
"You had better hope so Chrollo, or I will see to your death by any means. ♤~" I speak to him as he vanishes instantly.
I shuffle my cards and wait as Illumi walks out from the far corner shadow. "What do you suppose we do?" I question him dropping a card.
"If none of us can feel her, is it possible Yuki is hiding in the shadows?" He seems calm but his aura reveals all.
"Hmm♧~" I flick another card, "I suppose that is true." I drop another card, this time the joker lands. I know what I must do, "I have an idea Illumi♤~"
After making all the preparations, I stand in her room. Zeno on my left and Illumi on my right, each of us connected with my bungee gum.
Countless testing was done on strangers, we can safely pull them from the shadows this way but they were all dead upon returning.
Silva firmly planted, holding the life line. With one last look around the room, the 3 of us jump into the rippling shadow of her room. I feel Zeno and Illumi close to my side as we free fall, fianlly coming to land on Zeno's Dragon Lance.
The purple lightning dragon forming instanly under us. Looking around at the shadows that are constantly moving makes it unable to tell any sort of orientation. I try to keep my focus strong but all my senses are dull! I can't feel her anywhere!
"Illumi if you could be so kind, find that wretched cat please ♤~" I step to the side letting him move to the head of the dragon.
I watch as his aura flares and he launches shadows in all directions. A nen trail forming a red ribbon, drifts downwards. Zeno launches the dragon immediately following it as it materializes. After what feels like hours of being in the endless shadows, a light starts getting brighter in the distance.
Coming to a stop, we all stand in shock. Yukinaru is standing straight up, her wings fully extended. A blinding white light encasing her, while keeping a servely injured Haiji pinned beneath her pressure. My flower's hair, eyes, even bare skin, everything about her is burning bright.
"Magician.." I look down and watch as Haiji hacks blood up, "I knew you would come.."
"What is happening? ♤~" I demand loudly as Zeno carefully moves us closer, her aura becoming over bearing.
"Hisoka, I can move no closer. Or else Dragon Lance will be destroyed." Zeno motions me to hurry along.
Without thinking I jump onto her, wrapping my arms around her. The shearing pain I feel from coming in contact with her fills every pore I have.
"Yukinaru, it is Hisoka. Wake up now Flower!" I shout loudly and instantly the pain stops as the light fades and she goes limp.

Illumi and Zeno catch us mid fall, Haiji still motionless meters below. Zeno darts back after grabbing Haiji, following my bungee gum to the exit.

Seeing the faint hand of Silva reaching from a shadow, the dragon moves faster. Silva yanks hard pulling us all out with one final tug. Hitting the floor of her room, I instantly turn to assess the flower in my arms.
"What happened in there?" Silva puts his hand on Zeno as they speak hushed whispers behind me.
I lay her down on the bed, her wings held tightly to her back. I brush her now sliver, white hair out of her fair skinned face. Yuki's breathing is steady and her faded lips hold a faint smile.
"I don't know what happened in there but she is definitely different now♤~" I speak carefully turning to face them.
"Surely something happened with Chrollo when she left us. She was heavily intoxicated." Illumi walks over to her side and looks over her body.
"You two have been over there whispering♤~" I turn to face the head of the Zoldycks "Share your thoughts perhaps?♧~"
"This is how she appeared when younger, silver white hair matching her wings." Zeno steps to her other side and takes her hand into his, "Why she would revert back to this color is a mystery. Never understood why she changed it in the first place." His eyes following the flow of hair to the floor.
"Grandfather." Illumi questions his actions, looking at me then back to Zeno.
What is going on here right now. The Zoldycks always seemed to treat her far more attentively then anyone else. Why now that her hair is white does it feel like its intensified. I must know why, what is their secret♤~.
"Zeno, she looks as she did before?♧~" I turn and face him, "Why have you never mentioned this /before/?"
"Seeing her now, the new profound aura. Yukinaru, my adopted Granddaughter is back." A trace of sadness hides in Zeno's tone..
"She isn't a true Zoldyck Grandfather." Illumi's harsh tone cracks like a whip, "She can never be one of us."
"Grandson, she just reminds me of someone I once knew. She will always be a Zoldyck Illumi, even though she isn't our blood." His tone is sharp as a blade, cutting the conversation there.
Silva and Zeno leave, closing the door behind them. Illumi retreats to the opposite side of the room, sitting in the chair facing the bed. I gaze back over my precious flower, her eyes dancing beneath closed lids.
She remains perfectly still and her aura calm. Giving off of an appearance of restful sleep. I open the balcony door and lean against the frame. Pulling out my trusty deck of cards, I begin to start waiting once more for her eyes to open.
How true were the words that she falls into such a trance often, Renji already warned us that this is common. ~♤So foolish was I to believe it nothing more then lies.
The sun light slowly fading in, Haiji finally makes his appearance. He slips from her shadow, stretching deeply walking towards me.
"Magician." He bows his head and sits at my feet.
"Speak♤~" I snap at him as I have seen Yuki do many times before.

"Magician, simply put Chrollo gave Master a treasure believed a myth from our homeland."
"Go on, what gift?" I motion Illumi to join me on the balcony.
Once sitting Haiji continues to explain everything that happend with Chrollo. From the note, to the conversation and the flower.
"We got into the shadows my plan was to just wait for Master to wake but everything happened so fast after that."
"Can you exlain?" Illumi asks getting impatient.
The cat growls at him, "Master woke suddenly and attacked me. Through the bond, countless thoughts. Rush of emotions. Overwhelming rage-" I watch fear flicker in the cat's eyes, "Master is waking up Magician."

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