Hisoka -Questions- 57

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"Higiroshi?" Yuki pants heavily in the old broken down stadium.
"Yes ♤~" I coo, getting ready for an attack.
"What about him?" She blocks me perfectly and counter with a swing to me face.
"What is he?♧~" I jump back dodging her swing easily.
"Don't worry about him right now, and watch yourself," She giggles darkly and pounce.
"Tell me flower ♡~" I whisper warmly in her ear.
"Besides, there isn't much to tell. Higiroshi is Higiroshi. He is my weapon. Why ask about it now all of a-"
I grab her quickly and flip Yuki off of me, while managing to slice her cheek. I know it isn't enough to unsettle her and she lands a few feet away. The slice on her cheek bleeds slightly, Yuki realizing it a little too late.
"Why you cheeky little devil! You drew blood." She giggles manically and all I can do is shrug in response.
"You call Higiroshi a /him/♤~, tell me what he is?" As the words leave my lips, I yank back towards me with my bungee gum.
Twisting carefully as she hurtles closer to me, only to counter my fist and her own. She lands a heavy hit causing us both to be launched backwards. We land once more face to face.
"Why the sudden curiosity Hisoka?" Yuki dust her pants off and rights herself for another exchange of blows.
"You never speak of him and use it even less then that♧~" I lean forward, cards at the ready for whatever maneuver she tries.
"There isn't really much to say. Are you jealous I fought harder against Illumi?" Yuki giggles even hard as I feel a nerve twitch in my temple.
"What I can tell you is that he is a type of nen beast I suppose but instead of a creature form, I like him as a weapon." She shrugs and darts forward instantly.
My aim is true and my speed is just as quick, I send a flurry of cards her way. Yet somehow Yuki is able to avoid most of them but a few hit their mark. She pushes forward and lands a stunning to blow to my chest, knocking me to my ass.
"Nibley played Flower ♡~" I stand and walk over to her now.
"We done for the day then?" She huffs and slump to the ground, pulling my cards from her legs.
"For now we are♤~" I chuckle lightly walking closer to her now, "Tell me more? I will feed you.♡~"
"You will feed me regardless fool." She stands to look up at me and pokes my nose.
"Illumi told me that Higiroshi was different then when I saw him♧~" I can't help myself, I need to know.
"Still on about this then?" She crosses her arms and taps her foot with annoyance.
"Indeed little flower♤~"
"So stupid Jester. He is a nen beast and the reason he was different is because I am different. I ment what I said, he isn't something to just randomly summon." Yuki pinches the bridge of her nose bewteen her eyes, "Hmmm to simply put, the weaker I am the stronger he is and that is all I have to say on this topic Jester." She takes my hand and pulls me along behind herself.
"What would you like for food?♡~"
"Steak and tonight I want whiskey as well. A full fucking bottle, my brain is still loud from talking with Renji." My sweet flower laughs as I roll my eyes at her.
"Sooo demanding ♡~" taking her into my arms, "Let us go then Flower."
I lead her to a little tavern close by that I know well. There we can talk in peace at least, the evening goes pretty simple. My flower eats her food swiftly but the booze she has been chugging is starting to take effect.
Soon we leave the tavern and Yuki sits uptop Haiji's back fairly wobbly. Seeing this as a golden opportunity I fianlly speak up breaking the hour long silence.
"Feeling you to telling me about your scythe now♡~?" I try to hold back my giggle as she looks up at me in a haze.
"Are you really gon...na bring that up aga..in?" She rolls her eyes and hiccups.
"What better time then now Yuki?♡~" I watch as she takes another sip from the bottle.
The whiskey Illumi gave me is pretty good honestly and it seems she enjoys it far more then the rest I have seen her drink.
"Nnoo you.. you.. trying to be sneaky Jessttteerrr." She giggles and Haiji tries to keep her steady on his back.
"Not at all Flower♡~" I coo lightly walking next to them, Haiji keeping me from taking her into my arms.
"Haijiiii, are we alm...ost there? I wanna swimmm." Yuki hiccups again making a smush fish face, so adorable♡~.
"Yes Master"
She lays on her stomach, with feet kicking in the air, "Steady Flower, or you will fall off him♡~" I step closer and reach my arms out, "Let me carry you."
"Noo, you are.... mean! Haiji...ca..n carry me." She squeezes a clump of his fur, while taking another swig.
"But-" I go to speak but the cat's growl cuts me off.
"No touch the Master, magician." He steps curtly away from me.
"You know w...ho I wanna se...e!" So many hiccups, "Chrollo. Give him a piece of my brain... Mayberry I don't want him to break my bimds."
She rolls off of Haiji and walks to a tree. I listen to the sounds of her vomit while rolling my eyes at the cat who is still growling at me. I make my way over to her slumped body on the ground, kicking him out the way.
"Heehee..hee Jester I thin..k I am drunk!" She giggles maniacally using the tree to keep her feet planted.
"I would have to agree ♡~ I have never seen you like this. It is rather adorable Yukinaru." I move a piece of her hair from her face.
"You know... you are prob..ably just about the hei..ght huroshi would be if he took a hu..man form." She fluffs my hair and starts to fall sideways, "Since... you are still...so curious."
Haiji catching her before I could, truly bent on not letting me hold her. Loyal to no ends, following Yuki's commands even in her egregious state. He really is something special to her.
"So he be my height if in a human form♧~" I coo suggestively.
"Yaa.... he.. When I was little he was a boy.. in combat training I coulb only ever manage little bladessss..... soooo he fights as a living..a livvingg.." and she vomits again, "ewwww.. Where's my drink? My mouth.. is gross."
"Haven't you had enough Flower?♡~" I take the bottle before Haiji could give it her, "Growl all you want, she needs water."
"Noo I.. don't... It's mine.. give...back" I look and see a drunken battle ready flower.
"Settle down now Yuki ♡~" I laugh and step back.
"Give me.." Bloodlust oozing as she stares at me.
"Flower you are much too drunk already ◇~. We should return for sleep yes?♤~" This isn't good, I look to see Haiji silently disappearing.
"Jester" she lunges stumbling forward, still as fast as ever.
I slip to the left and toss the bottle away from her reaching hands.
"Nooo! My...booze!" I feel her claws slash at my side, blood starting to pool along the edges.
"You can't even see straight, stop trying to hit me Flower." Straightening up, I ready this time.
"Give me what is mine Jester!" A fist coming straight towards me.
The tree explodes violently as I duck down, she may be drunk but that is a powerful punch. Clearly she indeed holds back alot when fighting with me. I feel a sudden change in the air, the clouds have dispersed revealing the moon light.
Maniacal giggles start erupting from the shadows surrounding me. Realizing she truly is intending to fight me for this bottle. Is this whiskey truly that good? Taking bigger sip, I feel her aura spike.
"I see why you enjoy this ◇~" I watch her eyes focus on the bottle.
Sensing an attack, I quickly toss it up as a strange disfigured creature jumps up for it. Disappearing just as quick back in the shadows by the time I catch it again.
"Notttt fairrrr!" She lunges for it once more, I toss it behind her.
"Flower this is pointless. No matter how you try." She turns to grab it agin and I pull it back to me using bungee gum.
Holding up a hand towards me asking for a moment, I watch as she turns to throw up more. "Fuck thissssss.." Yuki's demeanor changes again. "His.. oka, are yo. u still curious?"
"That depends on what ♤~" I step closer and deliberately.
Trying to provoke her by taking a another sip. I watch as her aura drips from her fingers, blood mixing with it, as her elusive scythe takes form. Yuki grips the handle and using it to prop herself up for a moment. I feel Illumi's presence come up behind me, as she struggles to maintain balance.
"This seemed to work pretty well Luummiii♡~" I wave the bottle in the air in front of him.
"Her Uncle sent over a bunch. Just forgot it was laying in the storeroom." Illumi shrugs and looks towards Yuki, "It feels different again. Not the same as before at all."
"Flower you are too drunk for this. Just stop now♡~" I coo turning towards her and take another sip.
With a spike of killing intent, both Illumi and I jump back as Higiroshi hits the tree we were standing in front of. It went clean through the trunk. I look for the whiskey I dropped in a hurry and see it floating underneath the weapon now.
A blackish purple aura encasing it, as well as the entirety of the weapon that is Higiroshi. Yuki though is against the tree opposite of us, puking once more. I step closer to the montionless weapon, a faint whisper of sorts trail into my ears. In unrecognizable languages a dark voice speaks rapidly.
Different dialects and tones, I glance to see Illumi intensely concentrating. Suddenly an ominous spike hits us as the blade ripples free from the tree and darts backwards to stand by my flower's side.
With shakey hands, she grabs the handle and steadies herself. She takes the bottle with a pleased smile and waves the living blade away.
"So much for not being able to pointlessly summon him ♧~." I laugh lightly and watch my flower closely.
"HAHAHAHHAHAHA" she turns and sticks her tongue out at me, "I gooot itsss baaacckkk..." She takes a sip and walks to the open clearing, turning her back on us.
Haiji returning to her side as she sits down. Illumi and I watch her from the shadows. The breeze playing with her hair, white wings glowing brightly. Such radian.... and she puking again.
Rolling my eyes I walk to sit next to her, "Well I suppose you won that little game." I giggle and sit down.
"Noooo, Higgi did.... I can always.. get.. what is mine.. one way.. orrr otherd." Her giggles mix with hiccups, "Lumiiii come here. You guys just... wanted to lea..rn about him.. sneaky ducks... I should start... using him...more appro...priately" she giggles, hiccups getting worse.
The 3 of us lay next to each other, Haiji providing an unhappy pillow for us as well. I don't know how long we stayed like that. Listening to her drunk words telling broken stories from her past. Some useful information and the rest just jumbled nonsense.
Suddenly breaking the prolonged silence her voice echos loudly, "Haijiii, heyy Haiji."
"Why you are still awake Flower?◇~" I laugh lightly, feeling her wiggle upwards.
"With you two holding onto me it's hard to sleep." She rolls her eyes and reaches for Haiji.
"Where are you going? You are still pretty drunk Yuki.♤~" I watch carefully, Illumi instantly leaving first.
"I wanna go have some fun.. I see you later!" She giggles and just like that vanishes with Haiji.
I head back to my room at the tower not wanting to push my luck anymore with her tonight. I know full well where she is goin and Haiji is more then able to protect her.
Illumi is probably already in the tower waiting for me anyway. We have much to discuss tonight while she is preoccupied.

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