Hisoka -In a pickle- 14

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"That's my Uncle Renji. He is Kenji's brother. This is Hisoka, my Jester." Yuki smiles brightly as she speaks.
*She is introducing us, how adorable ♡~ and oh I love it when she says that but she won't ever know ◇~.*
Her Uncle Renji's laughter booms like thunder as it erupts, "No wonder he tried to kill you. You're a cheeky bastard." Wiping the water from his eyes, he never looks away from me.
Those eyes are the same as his brother Kenji's, deep voids of darkness. He is older then Kenji, that I am sure of. He will be planning an attack, I won't miss it this time ♤~.
"No wonder my doll finds you interesting."
He dare calls her /his/ in front of me♤~! I feel my control slip.
"Oh dear, oh dear. She may have been /your/ doll back at that cage. But the moment she arrived here, just taking her first steps alone in a new world, she ceased being anything of /yours/... or theirs." I wave a hand in his direction, attaching my bungee gum to his left cheek.
"She is much more then a fragile doll to show off or sit locked in a house. She is a wild rose with sharp thorns. She is a force to fight and a treasure to play with. So you see she is no longer /your/ anything. Yukinaru is-" I take a stance in front of her, knowing I'm only gonna get one chance, "SHE IS MINE."
I let my aura loose and I feel new strength surging through me. I feel her strength pumping in my veins. Ohhh so this is what she ment by being different ♧~.
This Renji fellow is definitely strong and most certainly more experienced then I am♤~. I may not be able to win outright but I'm also already at a disadvantage. Glancing towards Yuki behind me. I yank my bungee gum hard, hurtling this brute towards me.
In an instant my fist connects to his jaw and sends him flying down the alley rapidly, loud thumps echo out. I turn and take my chance, snatching my precious flower, we flee. I can't fight freely and chance plucking her early nor would I be able to focus if she interferes.
Sprinting faster then I ever have I push forward. I make it to one of the Troupe hideouts across town in seconds. Finally setting Yuki down, I take in her appearance. Her figure so delicately hugged in a new dress.
"Love that dress Yuki ♡~. Sorry about that with your uncle, but beneath that laughter he was planning an attack as Kenji did. Then hearing him call you a doll just pushed me over the edge ♤~." I take a breathe, "Stay here, I will return."
"Stupid Jester," she runs her hand through my hair. "My Uncle is already here. You need a talking too and that I can't change." She places a kiss upon my cheek, then pulls back to my ear. "Watch the ground Jester." she whispers, walking away.
"Hahahahahahaha, you've a strong fighting spirit. And your movements to remove Yukinaru were brilliantly executed. I appreciate your feelings in tryin to keep her out the fight." Renji steps forward from the shadows.
"If that be the case, perhaps we can move our little talk outside?" I need to get him away from her.
"Hmm, I don't like the idea of leaving her alone here. I sense many creatures lurking." I see him glancing around.
"Why of course you do. This is a spider den of sorts you could say."
"Chrollo for once I'm pleased to see you." I say in a hushed tone.
"Hisoka, what trouble do you bring to my door this time? And no sooner then we part might I add." He crosses his arms as he looks to Yuki, a faint flame of interest burns in his gaze.
"Was just hoping to let my flower bathe in the moonlight here, while I talk with her Uncle. Would you be so inclined to bring Yukinaru to a nice window please?" I take her wrist and escorts my flower to Chrollo.
"Why, I didn't think I would be seeing you again so soon, and your name is Yukinaru. How charming." He bows slightly then takes her hand from mine.
"Do be a gentleman Chrollo.." I do not like leaving her with him but I don't have much of a choice right now.
"Uncle Renji play nice please. I can't afford more blood." I can hear a silent threat lacing Yuki's tone as she addresses Renji.
"Aye young one. This is just a simple talkin too. Go on now." Renji waves her off.
Taking this opportunity, I yank my strands and send loose stone raining down around Renji and myself. Before he has a chance to respond, I pull the bungee cords I attached to him. Yanking Renji up into the air, he hangs upside down and I dart towards him.
Just as my fist is about to connect, Renji yanks his arm free and catches my attack. A wicked smile erupts on his features and I feel the bones in my hand break. He yanks me towards him and flicks his wings out.
An endless void greeted my eyes now. Pitch back scales, looking as sharp as razor's edge encircle us. He flicks us up with ease and releases mt shattered hand above the broken building.
I drop hard but he falls with me, my bungee gum still attached. Landing on our feet we face each other head on.
"That string of yours is rather annoying." Renji grabs my threads and yank them from his body, "There we go, now come at me pup!"
He takes a fighting stance, knees bent and legs apart. I watch the slow beat of his wings and his muscles tense. Renji is a close combat fighter giving the way he is presenting.
*This fight will be all too much fun!*

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