Yukinaru -Test- 40

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    Turns out Gon's friends are kirikos and the exam sight was right here in Yorknew City. They walk me into a little diner near a business building. It seems so odd for a meeting place for the exam. They speak to the chief in code for a bit before I am escorted to a back room.
    I take a seat at the table and wait. I was expecting someone to walk in and talk to me but instead the room moves. Turns out it was a gaint elevator, it lets me off in a darken tunnel.
     We are probably in that underground run place that Gon talked about before. I'm sure they recycle useful exams, maybe it'll even be the same teacher. No one else is here yet so. 
    I lean up against the wall. Haiji comes and sits next to me keeping an eye out so I can doze off. I very much enjoy quick naps.
     People slowly start to file in, some from the elevator and some from a few side doors down the tunnel. Amoung them all one person stands out. He has pale lavender hair, with curls at the end around his neck line. His eyes are a lake blue color, and a very long-pointed chin.
    His most distinctive features however is a are thin, black curly mustache. He wears a simple dark coat adorned with a red tie, a buisness suit. As another person enters I finally snap hard. The noises, the mindless chatter, weak auras. All of it so annoying and pointless.
    *That is it. Too many. I am at my max capacity.*
    I bolt through every single person and knock them out. Taking the trick Killua did at his exam, hoping for at least peace if nothing else. I hear a timer go off but I am already half way through the crowd.
    "Such weaklings. If they can't deal with this then they won't pass anyway."
    I hear the judge start to introduce himself as he turns around at last. I come to land in front of him before he even finishes. Dropping all the badges, number 6782 landing ontop.
    "Sorry but too many people." I shrug "Please continue. I would like to start the first phase as soon as possible." I bow and stand back up, Haiji laying at my feet.
    "My name is Mr. Satotz and welcome to the 300th Hunter Exam. No need for the exam now though." He looks at Haiji, then to the pile of badges and chuckles, "As a judge I can now pass on sight. You were able to knock out nearly 7,000 people before I could even introduce myself." Mr. Satotz bows and motions me to follow him, "Very impressive for a young lady."
     He takes me up the elevator, leaving the darken basement behind. It seems this test was gonna start the same way it did for the boys. Alot of running. Grateful I don't have to deal with that now.
    "Here we are. If you could please take a seat somewhere. You will receive your license when I return." He shuts the door to the empty meeting room.
     "Ya know, I was expecting it be much harder. Then again maybe I did over do it down there..." I mumble to myself.
     I feel Haiji slink out of my shadow, stretching. "Look at you lazy butt, you could've walked" I giggle maniacally.
     "Miss Yuki, here this is yours." Satotz is a sneaky devil, I didn't even feel him come in.
     I reach out and take the box from his hands as he gives me a little speech. I smile and wave as I head back out the building. We didn't even have to leave Yorknew city.
     I walk down the side walk, unsure what I should do next. Maybe I should take a contract and kill time. I am supposed to meet up with the boys at Gon's home on Whale Island in a few months.
     I have only been back out in the world a few days but everything picks up where I left off. Choas.
     Literally chaos, I hear screams down the road. Having a strong curiosity I go towards the screaming crowd. Normal people seem to have basic reactions to death.
    I see a body lying on the ground, a knife sticking out his side. Clearly someone isn't good at killing. I look around the scared faces of the crowd and see something pushing through them all.
     I dart up to get a better view, and see a little person fleeing from the commotion with a bag. I keep an eye on them as they weave through alley ways.
     I appoarch from the roof tops. I watch the little figure frantically shift through the stolen coin bag. Clearly they are a little thug.
   "Oh my, aren't you alittle weak to be murdering people?" I chrip as I land softly behind the ratty pup.
     "Go away! I don't need your words!" The dirty kid pulled out a second knife.
     "Now now calm your little self down pup." I giggle and disarm him in an instant, "So since I have the knife now, you will listen to my words? You are a weak babe, why are you already killing people?"
     "It's none of your business!" He shouts loudly at me.
     *I don't care much for his attitude.*  
     "Fine. Then enjoy your struggles pup. Too bad the bitch that birthed you never taught you manners." I drop his crappy knife at his feet and leave.
     "Haiji, are you hungry? Go and end his suffering." I return to the streets, leaving my pet to play with the pup.
     *I did a kindness today. I feel pleased knowing that at least Haiji will be fed.*
    "You know Yuki, there is better food for your pet ♤~." Hisoka appears next to me walking down the sidewalk.
     "That was a mercy." I shrug my shoulders as Haiji puts himself between me and Hisoka.
     "Besides, if you are ready to kill, then be ready to die." I laugh, "Thats a basic rule, plus he was terribly rude."
     "How eloquently said." He laughs harshly.
     "What can I do for you Jester?" I take his hand and pull him up next to me.
     "I was curious if you wanted to join me on a job real quick." He coos softly to me.
     "What kind of job Hisoka?" My interest piqued.
    "Intel on the underground auction that's to be held this year." I waves his hand off in the air.
     I cast a glance at Haiji and he disappears. "If I get you the date and details, you buy me food."
     "Sounds fair enough ♡~"
     I roll my eyes, "Then come on Jester let's go." I snake my arm through his and step from the alley way.
     We leave the shadows and come to stand in front of Cozy Loaf Cafe. As I expected, their food still smells amazing as I remember.
     "Exceptional♤~" He looks around taken aback.
      "Do you not remember? This is where we first ate together" I giggle as Haiji melds back into my shadow.
      "*Ah perfect timing Haiji. The date please.*"
     "*Master. September 14th, in Yorknew. I also have a bit of knowledge on the items.*"
     "Well Hisoka I have the auction date. Now let's go, buy me food then I will tell you after." I stick my tongue out and walk inside.
     A waitress greets, "Hi welcome to the Cozy Loaf."
     "Can we please have a private table ♡~" Hisoka speaks so lightly.
     "Um yes, of course. This way please."
She sits us at the back, all by ourselves.    
    The table decently spaced apart from others, probably used for business meetings. I look over the menu and place my order for a black coffee and the frenchtoast platter once again.
     "So Hisoka, what are you guys up too at the auction?" I ask sipping my coffee.
      "Oh that's not important, I wanna talk about you ♡~" he leans back in his chair.
      "There you go again," I giggle, "you always fiddle with your cards when you are up to something."
      "I do no such thing ♧~" he shuffles the deck quicker.
     "Yes you do. When ever your little mind starts to drift into thought you shuffle." I shrug and set my cup down, "Regardless I have the information you wanted." I lean forward towards him.
     "No need. I already know everything. It's next month" He chuckles.
     "So then you just wanted to eat with me?" I shake my finger at him, "Sneaky Jester."
     "You are not one to refuse a meal ♡~. You are still the same under all that malice ♤~" Setting his cards down, he reaches his hand towards me.
    "Yes?" I watch him closely.
     "You have a loose strand of hair Flower ♡~." He tucks it behind my ear then trails his hand down my cheek. "Still soft and warm Yukinaru." He coos and I feel a blush flush.
    "Endless training, painful torture. My skills honed and my strength improved. Even my abilities are improved. Yet you have a way to break my composure.." I grumble brushing his hand away.
    "It's not your fault Flower♡~." He pokes my nose before sitting back down, "It is still very much expected behavior."
     "How so?" I cross my arms, feeling my appetite fading.
    "You may be a ruthless assassin, but you have a visible weak spot. ♤~" Hisoka straightens up and looks at me.
     I roll my eyes, "And that is?"
     "You don't truly abandon your pets ♡~" he starts laughing lightly, "You may not care about much but I am sure you care deeply for them."
     He is right of course. Despite the many that have died, I have cared for everything that I call mine. "Be that as it may, I still haven't forgiven you. You are the most unique pet I have ever had and yet the worst one."
     I sigh, remembering past times, "I still can't believe how foolish I was to revive you back then. The short term effects should all be gone now though," I look over him for confirmation.
     "Yes, no need to fret. I have no residual effects." He nods and waits for me to continue.
     "Well there is one that won't change. You died. When I brought you back it was no different then being reborn-"
     "Does that mean I'm immortal as yourself? ♤~"
     "No, don't interrupt me," I let my aura leak as I continue, "I am not immortal Hisoka. I just age alot slower and it is harder to kill me. As you will be now, for the most part anyway." I shrug and eat my food the waitress just brought out.
      "Interesting. You were more child like back then Yuki. Wild and foolish." He smiles clearly pleased with my growth.
     "It is as you said, I have a soft spot for pets." I stick my tongue out. "What is that you said to me? Ah yes, I may not be able to kill you but that doesn't mean I have to be nice."
     "Tell me about your training?" His tone more of a statement.
     "All I can tell you is that I don't ever wanna go through that again. I would rather fight Kenji," I shutter and my bloodlust explodes. "I can say that I am no longer inexperienced."
     "So scary Yuki ♡~" Hisoka matches my bloodlust.
     "Are we really doin this again?" I tease and start to mix my nen into the air.
     "Most definitely ♤~"
     We sit and have another unspoken battle in the Cozy Loaf. This time both of us laughing maniacally, having fun.  
     The atmosphere becoming unbearable to the average diner, the sounds of shuffling feet and choking lungs start to fill our ears.
     I grin sadisticly satisfied, "I think that's enough playtime Jester."
     "I do agree, the atmosphere is stiffling in here♡~." He chuckles and takes my hand bowing, "Shall we leave then?"
     "Indeed. I need to check into a hotel for the night and contact the Family." I take his hand and we leave the not so Cozy Loaf once more.
      Hisoka handled everything for me as before. He booked the top floor suite for us. Its like its own regal bedroom, the walls are a pale red. The trim is gold with black patterns painted on to it.
      Standing in the doorway gives me the full view. There is a double door balcony at the back of the room, to the left sits a huge bed in the center of the wall. A mini bar adorns the wall next to me.
     *I can't wait for that!*
      On the right side of the room is a simple living room set up with a large TV. The little couch is a dark black and looks super cushioning.
     I smile and walk in with excitement, heading straight for the mini bar. I hear Hisoka still very quiet behind me, as I rummage through the bottles.
     Sighing "Damn they don't have any."
     "Looking for this ◇~" He swings the bottle from his bungee gum, grinning like a fool.
     "Yesss!" I jump for it as he swings it away from me. "Commeeee onnnn, drop it like a good boy." I tease reaching for it again.
     "How do you ask ♡~?"
    "I don't ask" I grin wickedly and instanly snatch it. Breaking his nen from it, "I take what I want." I open and the bottle and bring it to my lips.
"Sooo devious! This is the good shit!" I grin even more excitingly.
     "Come I want to sit on the balcony." I reach my hand up towards him expectantly.

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