Hisoka -Debacle- 50

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At least now he understands the gravity of the situation. Hopefully he doesn't act so recklessly again and *now Chrollo joins us, of course she would go to him. If I had any strength I would beat him for leaving her alone.*
"Why have you come Chrollo?♤~" I sit up and glare at him. "You leave her alone when she is that vulnerable?"
"She is in a den." His composure is not controlled, "BUT YOU TWO!"
He lunges forward and both I and Illumi jump back. The ground splittering beneath Chrollo's feet as he lands. In an instant he is behind me, a blade slicing across my chest. I flip foward and wipe the fresh blood away.
"My, my Chrollo. Are you angry ♤~?" My eyes follow him as he rushes Illumi next.
They cross blades swiftly, blow for blow neither one gives an inch. I watch intently as the two continue to trade attacks. After a few moments Illumi backs off, Chrollo though flicks forward and lands a blow. Knocking Illumi to his ass.
"Now will someone tell me how Yukinaru is so close to death?!"
I look and see Illumi still laid out flat, he is completely exhausted. I roll my eyes back to Chrollo, "It's a very long story. I will explain back at the den."
I stand and slip into my own shadow and float to hers. It is incredible feeling this again◇~. I have seen many useful tricks I may be able to learn from Haiji.
As I appoarch, Haiji fades to retrieve Chrollo. I see Machi working her nen tirelessly over my wilted flower.
Stitching her back together precariously precise. Such a delicate technique she is using, not even a trace will be left.
"Stop hovering and go sit. Wait for the Boss with the others. I need total concentration." She speaks sharply, warning me.
"Alright. I will stand in the hallway just outside this door ♤~" I threaten her right back.
Chrollo already waiting in the hallway, "EXPLAIN NOW!" His rage shakes the barely stable church.
"I am to exhausted to fight. I will explain ♡~" I lean up against the hallway, knowing all ears are on us.
"Now." He demands firmly.
"We spent days lost in lust, leaving her with serve blood loss you see." I giggle knowing this will be a thorn to him, "She truly is an amazingly strong creature. Even barely able to stand she goes straight for a rabbit hunt and uses all her remaining strength just for a bit of fun ♤~."
I take on a serious tone from this point on, "Yuki fed from the man, but her beautiful hunt pushed dear Lummii to break. ♤~"
I feel a primal growl roll deep from with in me, "She had Haiji lock me away till she finished her dance with Illumi. She dare to look in the face of death and laugh! She fought while her body was already dead Chrollo." I motion him closer. "She isn't even remotely human is she♡~?"
"I have gained a new ability, I too will soon get my answers." He chuckles darkly and walks back to her side, I follow behind him. "Did you confront Illumi on the matter then?" He speaks to me yet doesn't look from Yuki.
"I did after Yuki fell through the shadow path. She didn't even give me the chance to check her.." I roll my eyes, slightly irritated she choose /him/ to care for her."
"I see. Machi how is the operation coming along?"
"It is hard Boss. Outside she looks human... but inside... This girl's organs are strange." I watch as Chrollo wipes a trail of sweat from Machi's forehead.
"Tell me everything.
"She has 4 lungs, yet they are different sizes. Even as she breathes now not all of them are inflating." I watch the concentration and confusion play across Machi's face as she speaks.
"What else Machi?" Chrollo is staring intensely at the unconscious Yuki.
"Oh my god!" Machi freezes up.
"What is it ♤~?" I ask curiously.
"I am not quite sure what most of the other organs would be considered as but she most definitely has 3 hearts! They vary in complexity and they seem to beat as one! This is incredible! I have never seen such things in a...human.." Machi continues to work on Yuki's internals, "Her bones feel like solid steal. If she ever broke one, I don't even think I would be able to repair it."
"What else can you tell me?" Chrollo steps over to my Flower's head, "I want to know all the mysterious she holds."
"Yes Boss. I can tell you that most of her nervous system and muscle control is closer to that of a beasts then a humans. Even her blood carries toxins. You two have trace amounts as well. Do becarful Boss, I can't predict the effects it could have on your body."
Chrollo waves her concern away and points back to Yuki. I too would like to know more as well.
"What can you tell me about her wings? Can you sense anything about her brain?" Chrollo's darkening tone reflects his excitement.
"Well I'm not sure how she is able to fold them into herself but my nen thread is able to detect each and every single fiber in her wings. Each individual feather has its own channel for nen and blood flow. They seem seprate outside but inside it is all connected. As for her mind its blocked from even myself. I can feel as far as her lower spinal column."
"I see. Are you all done repairing the damages?" Chrollo looks over to her impatiently now.
"Yes Boss. I did as much as I could. Now its all on her body's ability to self heal." Machi steps back, her body showing signs of exhaustion.
"The complexity of her body is incredibly draining on my energy. It will be awhile before I recover my own strength." Machi turns and bows to Chrollo, "If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave now."
"Understood. Good job Machi, you may retire now." Chrollo waves her off and looks back at Yuki, "Hisoka summon out her pet. I am sure he can help her wake faster."
"Do you really wish for that◇~?" I coo curiously.
"What do you mean by that Hisoka?"
"Merely the fact that you have an opportunity-"
"Whatever you may be insinuating is undesirable. I have learned all I can from her during her unconscious states. For what I want, she must be alive and well." Chrollo grins maniacally.
"Well then see to it that she stays as such, And I will see to her growth ♡~" I laugh lightly, stroking her hair.
"Say what you will Hisoka, she is mine. My treasure and my key." He turns looking at me now, "I have some business to see too. Please keep a watch over her till I return."
"Whatever you say Chrollo. Run along now ♡~ I will take good care of /my flower/." I chuckle and turn my back to him, "I wonder what you dreaming about this time my sweet Yuki ♡~."

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