Yukinaru -Match- 22

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     I glance at Chrollo as I sort out my hair and clothes before we head out. "Would you like to know why batecy cats are a special creature?"
     "Very much would I, so little knowledge is here about the Dark Continent." Chrollo leads me out of the church swiftly.
     "Well, they have a special ability when they sleep. It is that they can help heal people of their choosing." I take a breath carefully remembering what my uncle said.
     "When first meeting one you have to hold them tightly against you and use your aura to tame them. They feed off of it and can grow based on that," I giggle as I hear his breathing still,
     "Another reason why they spend most their time transparent, is to secretly feed from their target's shadow. Once they have a master though it is for life, certain auras are very addictive to them." I smile widely as we step into civilization.
     "Normally catching one is impossible, but water is a weakness for them. Some how Haiji got stuck in the raging lake. My uncle seen him on his flight over and scooped him up for me." I look to see Chrollo hanging on every word closely.
     His expression is that of taking a mental note, permanently etching it into his mind. "How does it heal you?" He brings his hand to his chin and looks at me.
     "Well they usually colonize as a group. They may be shadow creatures but everything on the homeland is a predator." I giggle feeling his intensity.
     "They develop their nen based off the different auras they consume. They use a type of ability to heal one another while resting. Sometimes it's the only reason any survive. They don't develop abilities till they reach a certain age either." I shrug, "It really is nothing there that isn't a fight for life. Everything will try and take a bite out of you."
     "Is it really strong?" Burning curiosity lacing his words.
      "Hmm their healing I believe to be so," touching my neck. His marks gone but the spots still tender, heat rises in my cheeks. "But their true strength varies pending on the aura they consume. And I haven't seen many with masters either."
     "Interesting, may I study Haiji when we return to the church?" He leans forward opening the tower doors.
     "Sure, just don't yank on his wings. It is painful. Wings carry alot of nerves pending on the type." I lean in close to him, "They are powerful but very sensitive." I pull back to see heat flush across his face briefly.
     "Ha! I got you that time." I chuckle heading for the first floor cafe.
   "Are you not hungry after all?" He looks down at me as I take a seat.
    "Not particularly but I am rather thristy." I watch him as he sits. Waving a waiter over, he orders me a black coffee. "How did you know I like my coffee?"
     "I told you, I keep an eye on potential threats. Learning about you was relatively easy." He looks around then smiles at me. "I have eyes and ears everywhere Yukinaru. I know much already."
     My coffee is placed before me and sip it carefully watching him. "You are a very interesting fellow Chrollo."
     "And you are a very interesting woman Naru." He tilts his head and pulls a book out.
     "You certainly do read alot. How many books do you carry?" I chuckle softly.
     "Never enough darling." He motions for me to sit next to him, "This book is about the property of metals and how to shape them into tools and weapons. Its very interesting." He shows me book.
     We sit at the Cafe till my match starts as I finish my cups of coffee and he, with his book. I walk into a filled arena. Lights are glaring down on the stone slab ring. Cheers echoing like the roar of thunder lions.
     I walk forward and face my opponent. She is small like me and well built for a female. She has brown hair pulled tightly into a bun. I take in her appearance further, she wears a forest green dress that tappers around her knees. My outfit on the other hand is less flashy..
     I wear my standard one, tight black jeans hugging me and I wear my black corset shirt. Its edges lined in a fine lace.
     "Welcome to Heaven's Arena! Today folks we have two new challengers to the tower. In the left side we have Yukinaru, a mysterious stranger and to the right side we have Lady O'Deil, daughter of the martial artist family." The announcer booms loudly over the speakers.
     "This is a ranking match. I am the judge of this fight. I reward points and the first to reach 10 or a fighter can longer fight, the match is over." The judge steps back and raises his arm.
     Without a second to lose I close the distance and land a clean upper cut to her jaw.
     "Critical hit, Yukinaru. 2 points" The judge calls out.
     She jumps, back flipping herself with my momentum. "You are fast I'll give you that girl." She wipes the blood from her lip. "Your hit though is fairly weak." She laughs as she takes a fighting stance.
     "Only because I didn't want to kill you." I sigh bored, "It is never fun when it ends quickly."
     "As if you could!" She bursts forward, her fist closing as she gets closer.
     Just as she goes to connect with my torso I side step and stick my leg out. And connect another hit to her chest as she falls.
     "Clean hit, Yukinaru. 1 point."
     "The match seems very one sided, Yukinaru with 3 points and O'Deil with 0." The announcer pumps up the crowd, new waves of cheers vibrate loudly.
    I reach my hands to my ears, the noise becoming nearly unbearable. She takes this moment and launches another attack. Catching me off guard she lands a shocking blow to my nose.
    "Critical hit, O'Deil. 2 points."
    I hear the crowd cheer loudly as I wipe my nose. Suddenly a burst of bloodlust spikes through me as I gaze at my hand.
    "How dare you!" I look at the blood on my fingers and step in closer, "What right do you have to draw blood from me?" Feeling her freeze under my gaze, licking my own blood
    "If you take one step it will be much more painful." I coo to her with a sadistic grin. Locking on to my target, my eyes focus as my nails sharpen.
    I take a step forward and she takes a step back, triggering my instincts, "I warned you." I lunge, my hand steady and true. It is over in a mere moment.
    The judge didn't even have a chance to speak. The crowd is in stunned silence as I appear next to her, no sooner then after disappearing. Blood dripping my fingertips.
    Her hands go to her throat but she can't stop the bleeding. She falls agonizingly to ground. Knowing she will die choking on her own blood, thus for ending the match.
    "Critical Hit, Yuki. O'Deil is unable to continue the match. Yukinaru, this victory is yours. Take this and head to the reception."
    I turn, leaving the crowd jeering in the background. A smile plays across my lips knowing that girl paid for making me bleed.
Chrollo waits for me at the exit. "You slipped up and dropped your guard."
    "That was not my fault." I face him and stick my tongue out, "I am not use to how loud it is here. I have sensitive ears." I say teasingly.
    "Is that your first human kill in a duel?" Chrollo looks back into the ring, as the medics remove the unresponsive body.
    "Actually I do believe so now that you mention it. However it felt no different then when I kill any other creature." I shrug no paying much mind.
    "It was a very sadistic way to end her." He looks at me curiously.
     "I warned her if she moved it would be very painful." I look at him confused, "Had she remained still the slice would have been cleaner. No matter what she was going to die, her movement simply annoyed me."
     Chrollo takes my hand and escorts me the receptionist, handing her the ticket from that judge.
     "Ah yes Yukinaru, the mystery lady."
     "Yes Ma'am." I watch as she starts typing away.
     "Here we go, your score was just posted. With your display at the entrance match, you are ranked to floor 160. Please proceed to the assign floor and register with the receptionist there." She turns and closes her booth window.
    "Would you like me to escort you Naru?" He reaches out his hand.
    "I think that would be most enjoyable" I smile warmly and take his hand. "You know my pet is going to get jealous when he returns. Will you be able to control yourself?" I question him as he calls the elevator.
    "Fear not. I won't hurt what is yours. Besides I think I forgave him, as you have said the fact his betrayal hurt so much is because of strong bonds." He pulls me into his side, stepping us in the small space.

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