Yukinaru -Intersection- 5

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    The moons raise above the landscape as we board the ship. The vessel is enormous, they are even spacious enough to include bars, lounges and bedrooms as well.
    The hull outside is black and the lights glitter brightly from the windows adorning the side. Hisoka escorts to me into this massive beast, we walk down many halls and restaurants.
    Arriving at my chambers finally, the jester lets go of my hand and opens the door for me, "I'll be back here in a few hours to take you for tasty steak. Wait here for me Yuki ♡~"
    "Whatever" rolling my eyes. I walk into my room and lay on the gaint bed. *How do I keep ending up like this?* So pointless sitting here, escorted around like a child once more.
    I must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I know I open my eyes to see Hisoka standing over me. His golden eyes watching me, our noses almost touching. I jump up quickly, startled by his closeness and we hit heads.
    "Owe! What are you doin jester?" I righted myself and stood up. "Is your head made out of rocks?" I rub the red lump forming on my forehead.
    "You really do need training. Leaving yourself vulnerable while you sleep is a poor habit♡~." Hisoka walks to the door and signals me to follow.
    "This isn't the wilds. What need do I have to always be on guard?" I sigh knowing he is right. "I want to enjoy my time while I can and besides I'm the most dangerous thing on this ship." Waving my hands around, I follow him out the door.
    The hallways were elegant, with the crystal lights hanging from above. The walls themselves are a royal red and the trimming is gold inlays with swirls and twirls carved into it. Really looks like an airship for royalty. We continue down the hall and descend a set of stairs.
    "This way little toy ♡~." Hisoka weaves his arm around my waist pulling me with him into a large room filled with people and savory smells, teeming to the brim with laughter.
     The atmosphere here is sickeningly happy and upbeat. I hear the clatter of plates and the mingled sounds of chatter. Hisoka takes me to a table set for two in the corner of the room by the large window overlooking the clouds and land below. Above us are crystal lights, speckling the ceiling like stars in the sky.
    "Honestly, this is the most exquisite place I have ever seen in all my cycles combined." I gaze around absent minded, taking in every detail.
    "Cycles you say? ♧~" I look over at Hisoka sitting across from me, realizing once again I've said too much. I have no doubt he is gonna press me for more information.
    "Well I mean-" just as I am stumbling for words, a waiter approaches and hands us menus.
    "Good evening, what can I get you to drink miss?"
    "Black coffee and whiskey."
     "And you sir?" He turns to Hisoka.
    "I'll have just water." So dull at times for a jester. I was expecting something more lavish from him.
    The waiter leaves and returns just as quick with our drinks and we place our order for food. I went all out and probably too much but I was starving.
    "You have quite the appetite don't you?" Hisoka looks at our little table filled to the edges with food. "Will you explain what cycles you are referring too? ~♧"
    "When you live as I have, exquisite food becomes rare and best to over indulge before you eat wild again." I try to pull the conversation in a different route but Hisoka doesn't take the bait.
     "Regardless, I still would like to know what you mean by cycles ♧~" Hisoka is watching my every bite, waiting for my answer.
    "You already know too much for my liking." I put my fork down and stare into his golden amber eyes. Looking for some sign that he is at least a bit trust worthy.
     "Your secrets are safe with me dear. ~♡ I haven't even told dear Lummii we met. Though he probably already knows and is watching you." Hisoka looks around curiously.
      I lean in towards him and finish another bite of steak and potatoes.
    "Well as you have seen, I'm not entirely human and as such I age differently." I take a smaller bite of food this time some fresh salad and veggies.
    "For us, cycles are like seasons. I was born when there was snow on the ground and I've seen 80 snow seasons that I can remember. For a human refrence I suppose you could say my body is in the 20s for human years, but for certain I don't know. It is very different over there jester."
    I lean back and take a sip of whiskey. "This is so yummy. The mainland has all the luxuries and none of the dangers."
Hisoka is still sitting there, seemingly trying to understand what I said. Making me giggle, silly jester is an understatement.
    "Regardless you are an adult human but still a child of your race, judging by how you act♧~." His question makes me think.
    "Well no... maybe? Not so much a child as I am inexperienced. Combat experience is used to determine everything, the more experience we have in fighting the more mature we become. I'm lacking on that front so I guess I'm just starting out." I finish my food and prepare myself to leave.
    "Well the more I know the more questions I have ♧~." He stands up and proceeds to lead the way back to my room, asking all sorts of questions I never acknowledge. Turning to face him, I give my best smirk.
    "Thanks for the meal Hisoka. It was lovely and yummy. You did not disappoint" I give a slight nod and leave him standing there dumbfounded again.
    After shutting the door on Hisoka, I can swear I heard him mumble but no idea what. The room I'm in is as large as my room back home. It's dimly lit and the walls are pure white, reminding me of the snow. A king size bed is centered on the back wall, with Gothic style furniture and matching decor filling the remaining space.
    The moon is rising into veiw out of my window, so I take a seat on the ledge and lean out. "My second night here and already I picked up a pet. Uncle always use to tell me I have too many pets at home."
     Giggling I continue to talk to the moon, "But this pet is different, something about him. Maybe it is cause he is a human? I have never had a human pet before, it is definitely a new experience. I've met a seldom few but they were never this interesting."
    A breeze blows in, playing with my hair as it enters the room. Taking it as response from the moon, I gaze ever longing "You, that lives among the stars, the whole world is your pet. You must have seen so many things. I wish you would share your secrets."
    Twirling a few strands of hair with my fingers, "The stars are so bright tonight." I admire the beauty of the night sky and watch the land below. The lights of cities leaving shadows across the landscape. It is a beautiful setting, stars above and below.
    I lost track of time staring out the window. Wishing how I could fly under the night sky. I pull myself away from pointless thoughts and make my way to the bed.
    "Soo fluffy, oh my God!" I jump up and down on the bed a few times giggling like the girl I am. "Day number two in the known world and I'm already acting like a foolish human." Rolling my eyes at my own self.
    Quickly changing into my sleep gown, I snuggle into the blankets. I recount today's fuck ups with Hisoka. I've been on the mainland two nights and have already found myself in trouble with human interactions and even acquired a pet jester of sorts.
    "Argghh, the one person I have actually met, is the one person I wish I never met!" I scream into my pillow, "Why can't I just kill him and be rid of him?" I enjoy talking to myself. It feels like a secret release of mine, but what surprises me is the response I got this time.
    "Well maybe you actually enjoy his presence?" A voice responded from the shadows, sending goosebumps down my spine.
    Remembering feeling this presence once before in front of the hotel. Jumping up I respond without hesitancy "Who are you? Reveal yourself now or else." I position myself in a fighting stance next to the bed waiting for this new stranger to be seen.
   "Sorry to intrude upon your rest Mistress Yuki-"
    I stop him there, "Adress me as you will, but never by mistress." I say firmly looking at the man.
    "Very well then Lady Yukinaru. I'm Illumi Zoldyck and I was hired to be your shadow." Illumi steps from the darkness showing himself.
    "Why have you come now? You are that jester's partner correct? So I'm to assume you have known I been here two days already?" I question him never altering my guard.
    "I reveal myself now to apologize for Hisoka's behavior...." He looks me up and down carefully. Seemingly satisfied he continues, "It goes against the contract and you have a choice to revoke the contract and return home or overlook his behavior going forward." This man feels so familiar now that we are speaking, I wonder why.
    "Am I to understand that both of you have been contracted as my shadows then?" I focus a bit more and sit down on the bed.
    "No. Only I have been contracted. Our Families are mutually bonded and no others would be trusted with you." Illumi takes a step closer to me.
    "Then the contract has not been violated, as Hisoka isn't attached to it, his behavior is of little concern." I remain stoic not wanting to return home, "You may resume your work and fulfill the contract as requested by the Zarin Clan." I nod my head and dismiss Illumi.
    "I'll take my leave then." I feel a faint difference in his tone as he disappears back into the shadows.
    "Gahh will I never be trusted! Never have I been allowed to be alone. The Clan constantly keeping me close and limited. Everyone hovering over me. Don't do that, don't go there, you can't eat that, you're too young, you are too weak, you're too everything! I don't want to go home yet!"
     I slide back into my bed and keep ranting internally till my thoughts wonder to that strange man I seem attracted too. *What Illumi said is true? Do I actually like Hisoka's presence?* I want to muse on this idea more.
    I slowly put myself into a deep meditative sleep and focus on the feelings Hisoka is waking within me. The things that seem to captive my interest in the unknown.

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