Hisoka -Snap- 55

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I feel the air still completely, the sounds of the forest stop in a moment. A dark aura erupts from up ahead, whatever they are talking about is clearly not good.
I feel her killing intent solidify, I bolt towards her but I was too slow. She pins him by his neck, Haiji making a soild wall between her and I. Clearly she doesn't want me to get involved ◇~
All I can do is watch as she leans closer to his face, her words laced with an icy tone. Her presence much stronger then before. So insanely attractive ♡~.
Haiji moves instantly and the 3 of us vanish, leaving Chrollo in the woods alone. I watch her closely as she struggles to regain control, a few drops of blood drip from her fingers. Yuki's eyes turning on me darkly.
"Flower?♡~" I call out softly, she reminds me so much of a wild beast right now.
"Jester," Her grin sends shivers down my spine, "Don't dare to ever lie to me like Chrollo did!" She turns her back on me and jumps onto her bed.
"Gahhhhh why is he so fucking stupid Hisoka!!" Yuki screams into the pillow kicking her legs widly, making me chuckle.
"He is who he is Yuki ♡~" I try to calm her.
I sit next to her as she continues to throw a chidlish hissy fit. After an hour of complaining, slowly her movements die down and faint snores echo up from the pillow. They replace the mumble of her vulgar rant she was having.
My phone suddenly vibrates in my pocket mere moments later, only one person would be calling. Stepping out onto her balcony to a waiting Illumi.
"This should be fun ♤~" I shoot him a smirk as I answer the phone.
"Hisoka. Tell me where she is now."
"Your web is too weak to catch her Chrollo." I chuckle darkly through the phone.
"Can you convince her to return?" His tone mimicking my own now.
"I can try oh fearless leader ◇~ but she isn't someone to listen. I make no promises. Ultimately she will do as she pleases Chrollo. ♤~"
"Keep your eyes on her at least, I will not lose my treasure now." He sighs reluctantly knowing he can't do anything, falling straight into her trap.
"You were the one to drive her off Chrollo. She knows me well enough to expect such behaviors but you bluntly lied openly to her face. Even after she made it clear she knew you were lying." I laugh harder, "She was never ment for you Chrollo ♤~ *click*"
"Hisoka, you seem excited over this." Illumi looks at me knowingly.
"She will only remain a Spider for as long as she retains an interest in Chrollo. Best to slowly replant a flower and not just yank it from the ground dear Lummii♡~" I laugh slightly everything still well within my expectations.
"Does she suspect anything?"
" Of course she does, Yukinaru isn't as foolish as you seem to think ♤~" I glare at him warningly, "Do not underestimate her."
"Have you asked for more information about her weapon she used that night, was it truly the same one as the other?"
"Yes," I remember back to the only time i really faced off against her weapon, "The blade seems to be alive, I believe what I faced was just a mere glimpse compared to your fight ♤~" I look to his hidden body.
"Indeed, the wounds are still barely present. They heal much slower then I have experienced before. Even with the use of nen, traces remain." He sits back, a pleased expression on his face.
"Hmmm I will see what I can learn, Lumii ♡~" It could be fun getting it out of her.
"Here take this." Illumi sets a bottle down on the table in front of me.
"What is this◇~?" I eye the bottle curiously. It is thick clear glass, with dark brown liquid that shimmers slightly.
"It is a special whiskey that Renji Zarin makes on the Dark Continent. I was informed it is a favorite of Yukinaru's. I assure you it will prove helpful in opening her up a bit." Illumi smiles as he leans against the wall.
"What do you have in mind then ♤~?" I take the bottle and tuck it away somewhere for safe keeping.
"For now just hold on to it. We weren't given many." Illumi moves closer to the ledge now, "For now stay with her and keep her close. I think Chrollo may be up to something, the Troupe is on the move again."
"How peculiar," I glance over at a sleeping Yuki. Her features fluctuating a bit, "I think it would be best of you leave now." I nod towards her growing restlessness.
"Indeed. Her demeanor is rapidly shifting, it may be a bad night." Illumi sighs heavily, casting an odd glance towards my flower.
"Worry not I will keep my Flower safe, dear Lummii ♡~." I chuckle standing up, "If you'll excuse me, I am gonna go snuggle Yuki." I turn as he jumps down.
"Haiji, move to the otherside." I shoo the cat over and climb into bed.
I feel her so tense in my arms, I watch her eyes flicker beneath her pale lids. Even her breathing is erratic.
"My dear Flower, perhaps I can ease your stress." I whisper softly into her ear.
"Magician be wary.. Master-"
"Hush now, let me do what I do best little kitty. I can ease her in ways you can't ♡~." I chuckle wickedly as he jumps off the bed.
"It as you say but I will be close by. Do not cause the Master to stir from her sleep." He growls lowly as he leaves the room, taking up the resting spot on the balcony.
"Finally, I will indulge myself. I wonder how I can change those sorrowful expressions ◇~" I smile excitedly and slide my hand down to my Flower's bud.
I gentle begin to caress her and instantly see the change in her demeanor. Pleased by the quick response, I slip my finger inside while kissing her kneck. She moans, moving into my palm.
I continue to twirl her insides, feeling warmth flow out. I trail my tongue along her nape, my Flower's pulse quickening as she releases for me once more.
I can feel her insides twitching, mirroring my own twitch, "Oh Flower ♡~ to please you yet not wake you. Such a challenge ♧~" I coo sweetly and slide her bottoms off with mine as well.
I insert another finger, increasing my dance inside her. I can feel the overwhelming desire buidling in Yuki, her pulsating needs tightening around my fingers.
I groan as I feel my meter twitch, ready to feel her swallowing me. I remove my hand and slowly slide in to her. Twitching instantly as another gush of pleasure leaves her.
"Yuki, your nectar is as sweet as ever ♡~" I lean in and kiss her lightly, then lick her juices from my fingers.
Tonight I move slow and steady, releasing my seed with hers. I keep a steady pace, caressing her gently with my member. I watch as pleasure finally consumes her. "Much better ♡~" I laugh lightly, removing myself from her.
Haiji returns and jumps up, "The Master is settled now. Enough Magician."
"You are lucky she dotes on you cat♤~" I clean her up and dress, moving over to the chair.
"You are blessed to have her affection." He growls darkly, wrapping his tail over her.

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