Hisoka -Scolding- 70

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I hear the rhythmic pace of a Zoldyck going up and down the hallway outside the room, the cat's low rumbles adding to the effect. I look down at my sleeping Yuki, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I creep out of her grasp and head for the door unable to handle the constant growls from Haiji any longer.
I open it nod at Haiji as he walks in past me, silently laying next her. I chuckle and close the door behind me. Illumi standing infront of me motioning to follow him.
We walk a bit down the empty halls making our way to the sitting area in the main center of the manor. Zeno, Silva and Killua, to my surprise, are all sitting there watching me as I sit in what has become my chair here.
"There isn't much time to waste before Yuki wakes up. What is it that you wish of me this time? Something important as the whole family is here♤~."
"Hisoka tells us what is going on." Illumi speaks before anyone else does.
"Even with young Killua here?" I look over at the young man leaning against the wall.
"Proceed Hisoka, do not try my patience today." Killua crosses his arms and gruffs out a groan.
"Such attitude, you haven't change at all♡~." I chuckle as he rolls his eyes at me, "Very well then, the basic run down is that Chrollo is trying to find away to awaken the power that is locked away inside Yukinaru. Whatever the Zarins did to create her they fully failed to understand exactly what they did."
"We already know this, surely you are not telling us everything." Zeno looks at me with firm expectations.
"What information has Chrollo told you?" Silva is so direct like his son, always buisness.
"Yukinaru is a child of the Dark Continent or a curse, if you will. Born of dark en-"
"You all sit here and gossip idlely with no truth.. Plotting and failed attempts at guessing beyond your own intelligence." We all look to see Haiji standing in the hallway.
"Haiji what on earth is going on with my sister? There has been so much happen-"
"Young Master Killua, my Master sees you as kin. For that I say this, stay away from this matter, leave now." Haiji walks up to Killua and flicks his tail opening a shadow without another word.
I watch silently with the others as Killua shrugs his shoulders "I will ask her myself later then," and jumps into the portal without another word.
Haiji looks at Silva with a snarl, "Leave your young one out of this Lord Silva, it will cause my Master grief otherwise."
"How would this conversation-"
"Master was seeded in the shadows you lowly humans can't even glimpse alone. They whisper to her even when she can't hear them clearly, I do though."
"Why can't she hear them?" I ask perplexed, as even I heard faint voices during my own travels there.
"She was ripped from them too soon Magician and instead cultivated by demonic entities." I watch as Haiji begins to circle the room, his demeanor darkening.
"Then was takin to this land and educated by human assassins, who are only tied to the homeland by a curse. They too seeking personal gain, molding vessel to their liking. My Master then sought refuge with a human liken to her kin and was no more then a plaything in the end. You all have poisoned my Master and pulled her ever closer to madness." Turning he walks and stands beside me, his aura leaking.
"I will not allow the young one she cares for to also turn poison and push her ever deeper in."
"How do you know all this?" Illumi addresses him next, "Answer me cat."
"Mind yourself Puppeteer, you hold no power over me. I have been with the Master long enough to learn well.. in the Shadowscape one can learn much, isn't that so Magician?" Turning the attention successfully back onto me..
"Hisoka what is he talking about?" Zeno looks at me inquisitively and runs his hand down his beard.
"You both have seen part of it, the entrance so to say♧~." I chuckle at the memory, "When we had to rescue her as a group once. Beyond that point is where Killua, Gon and Yuki were training at."
"Ah yes, both times they returned in a grievous state." Silva nods as he speaks.
"I'm not sure the details myself but during my trips, the shadows themselves held an essence to them. Almost like they carried echos of life if I say. I haven't completed my research but it is possible that one could even... regardless, again not entirely sure♧~."
"What does that have todo with Yukinaru?" I turn to Illumi as he speaks openly.
"Master is Master. The shadows are her and her the shadows."
"Haiji, I don't think my dear flower be happy to know your sharing secrets♤~." I chime in finally, "Even I know better then to go so far."
"Better then mindless chatter behind her back. I will never fathom why she dotes over you." Haiji rolls his eyes and makes his way back towards Yukinaru, "Finish up your pointless idle Magician. Our Master will be leaving when she wakes."
He slinks off without another word, I can feel the remaining eyes burrowing into me. I laugh at their empty expressions and shrug, "One day I will end up neutering that bloody cat."
"I feel as though I now have more questions instead of answers..." Zeno scratches his head and closes his eyes.
"I'm sure that is a mutal feeling shared among us all." Silva states blankly as he stands from the couch next to Zeno.
"Even speaking of her is such a splintered topic. Almost like no one can really speak outside of tongues when she is involved♤~.." It is a vexing issue i have picked up on, even the cat seems to be effected.
"Shall we continue Hisoka?" Illumi comes to stand at my side.
Looking between the Zoldycks it is clear they aren't gonna let me leave just yet, "Ah yes where were we then?"

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