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It was finally the day. I was moving to London. I had hired a moving company for the day to help out. I'd been collecting furniture for months in a storage unit, preparing for this day.

I was so excited. I parked my car in the underground garage and skipped up to the desk to get my keys.

"I'm really sorry, but we actually cannot give you the keys today." The blonde lady behind the desk said, scratching her head.

"What do you mean? I was told today at 3pm was good for collection." I questioned.

"The previous tenant has had some issues and we will need to delay the move in date until next week." She said sympathetically "We are able to help you find a hotel if you need. I'm sorry this is so last minute!"

I sighed in disbelief. This would happen to me, just my luck! I pulled out my phone and called Callum Airey, my childhood close friend who lives in the area.

"Airey. I've had a disaster. My flat isn't going to be ready until next week," I groaned, "I'm stranded in London."

" Hello to you too Mads," Cal scoffed "You're such a bloody nightmare. You can stay in the spare room but be warned, it's a tip in there."


I rang the moving company to let them know I'd no longer be needing them today and headed over to Callum's flat.
Luckily, I had a suitcase and a few boxes of clothes, beauty bits and essentials which would keep me going until I was able to move into my apartment next week.

"Alright lass," Cal welcomed me in, watching me drag all my belongings in behind me "You're only here for a week, bloody hell!"

"Cal, I'm a girl. This is normal." I death stared him for judging me.

"Don't look like a girl to me..." He laughed to himself, he thought he was hilarious.

Me and Callum have known each other since we were young, we had that brother and sister type relationship. I was closer to him that my actual brother.

"Cal, do you want anything from Nandos?" I heard a yell from a room down the hall.

Harry, his roomate. I'd heard a lot about him but never met. When I came to London to see Cal and view my flat he was in Guernsey visiting his family.

"Come with me," Cal said leading me down the hall. "Harry, this is Mads. She's going to be staying here cause her flat is in the mud."

Harry stood up from his desk, where he had just ended a GeoGuesser stream. He looked awkward, unsure if he should shake my hand or hug me.

"Oh, right. Ok. Nice to meet you Maddie, Cals told me a lot about you." Harry smiled

"Nice to finally meet you too. Anything bad, it's a lie. You won't even know I'm here," I laughed.

"Right, let's order some scran then, shall we?" Cal said snatching the phone off Harry searching through the menu.

We ended up having a Nandos, classic Callum. I headed to the guest room where I had stayed before. The room was filled with crap, mostly stuff they had collected from YouTube videos. Cals aprons from the Cook Off, Harry's presents he'd been gifted in Secret Santa, boxes of old SDMN and Fella's merch.

I wasn't much of a tidy person myself and I couldn't afford to be picky with my current situation, so I dumped my bags and collapsed onto the bed.

"Might want to change the bed before you get on it" Harry spoke out from the doorway "I would've done it myself if I knew you were coming, our parties can be a bit," he paused, clearly unsure how to say what he wanted, "Urm you know - wild"

I quickly hopped off the bed and brushed myself off "Lovely. Thanks for telling me."

"Speaking of parties," Cal butted in, poking his head round the door "We're having a little one tonight, hope you're not tired Mads"

"You know me Freezy, always down for a bevvy" I smirked "God, what am I going to wear? I have barely any clothes with me."

I panicked, rummaging through my clothes. I expected my first few nights in London would be chilled, just settling in and furnishing the flat.

Luckily I had a few nicer bits just in case we went out for dinner. I chucked on an oversized jacket, black crop vest and skirt and forced Cal to grab a picture of me before we headed to the shop to stock up on alcohol, with my empty suitcase to help us carry everything.

 I chucked on an oversized jacket, black crop vest and skirt and forced Cal to grab a picture of me before we headed to the shop to stock up on alcohol, with my empty suitcase to help us carry everything

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Liked by Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and 12,829 others
MaddieJordan: when in LDN x
User287383: Mads you're so cute!
User2993:  where's the jacket from????
Calfreezy: Bro you're so clapped it hurts

I'd been out with Callum loads to house parties back when he lived in our hometown, clubs in our hometown but wow, I felt so nervous this man was buying DRINKS. He spent £450 on drinks and mixers in Tesco like it was nothing.

"Do you think you'll get with anyone tonight at the party then?" Cal questionedz

"Not really thought about it. I don't know anyone, Cal," I shrugged  " I thought this was only a small party. I didn't think you'd like it if I got with one of your mates."

"That would be a bit weird. In fact, lock yourself in your room. You're awful drunk," He scoffed "Oh and our parties are never small."

I went up into my room and checked my makeup and hair before helping set up with Cal, Harry was in his room getting ready.

"Are you on the pull tonight ?" I asked Cal.

"Who knows mate. See what happens." Cal said lining all the alcohol up on the kitchen counter.

A harsh knock on the door and it flings open.
"The party's started Mads, hope you're ready for a long night!"

hi!!! sorry for the slow chapter, this was just a much needed explanation of cal and maddies friendship and her plans to move to the flat etc! next chapter will be the party and meeting the sidemen / troops etc !

follow me on instagram to keep up to date with me!!! @fitsbyrene

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