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It had been a week since I made up with Cal and I still hadn't heard from Harry.  I thought he would've reached out by now.

I had been grinding out making content all week, so I could take a few days off for my birthday which was tomorrow.

I was meeting Tom from the club tonight. He was funny and sweet but just a bit of fun, nothing serious.

I decided not to have a party as I didn't want to make it weird for everyone to be invited except Harry.  Instead I would be spending the day with the girls tomorrow.
Although I was pissed at him I didn't want to be cruel.

Liked by TaliaMar, KSI and othersMaddieJordan: going out on a thursday night is becoming a regular thing xTaliaMar: hot as fuck -> MaddieJordan: 😙😙Calfreezy: only cool piece of clothing u own lol-> MaddieJordan: shut ur face

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Liked by TaliaMar, KSI and others
MaddieJordan: going out on a thursday night is becoming a regular thing x
TaliaMar: hot as fuck
-> MaddieJordan: 😙😙
Calfreezy: only cool piece of clothing u own lol
-> MaddieJordan: shut ur face


outside in the uber

now coming x

Tom took me to his favourite bar in Shoreditch, just a casual date having food and cocktails. After we went to Junkyard Golf and I absolutely obliterated him.

"You definitely wrote the scores down wrong." He slung his arm around me as we walked back to grab a taxi.

"Oh, be quiet. I beat you fair and square." I smirked

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked as we got back to my apartment.

"I'd love to but I have work in the morning, so I better head home, but I had a really fun time tonight, Maddie" He put his hand on my knee.

"Me too. I'll see you soon, yeah?" I pecked his cheek and hopped out the car, "Bye Tom!"

As soon as I got in I got ready for bed as I knew tomorrow would be a night of drinking with the girls. Knowing Freya and Mia, there would be many, many drinks.

I woke up to tonnes of messages on my phone, I wasn't used to having many friends on my birthday.


FreyaNightingale tagged you in their story
TomThatcher tagged you in their story
Chip: happy day of birth mate
TobiJZL tagged you in their story
Harry: happy birthday maddie. have a good one
Faith: Happy Birthday Mads!!!!xx
13 other notifications...

Reading through my notifications, one caught my eye. A text from Harry. First time I'd heard from him. I decided to reply.


happy birthday maddie. have a good one.

Thank you

Damn. What was I expecting when I was that blunt ?

I was meeting Freezy and Tobi for lunch, my two boy besties. I got ready and got the tube to the spot I'd picked out for us. The boys were already sat at a table, I was always late.

"Hi!" I rushed in.

"Happy Birthday mate!" Cal said putting his arm around me.

"Happy Birthday Mads." Tobi cheered.

"Thank you both! I smiled.

The waitress came over and took our orders, I decided to treat myself to a iced smoothie.

"What you up to today?" Tobi asked.

"Oh, not much." I shrugged "Out with the girls later for drinks, that's all."

"Sounds decent. Glad I won't be there to see you embarrassing yourself drunk." Cal sniggered.

I frowned, " It's my birthday, you have to be nice or I'll call you mum."

We spent the entire time chatting, me being bullied by Cal like usual. Tobi paid for our bill as a little present.

The group didn't tend to do presents as there was so many of us and let's be honest, the sidemen especially are so rich there's nothing you can buy them. The girls love doing present for each other though, classic.

By the time I got the home it was 6pm, I was meeting the girls at 8. I ate a chicken salad and got in the shower. I applied light makeup with a winged linger, styled my hair in a claw clip and put on some green cargos with a cut out black top.

By the time I was ready it was too late to grab any photos. I rushed downstairs and into the Uber.

When I arrived my stomach dropped, I wasn't fussed about having a big exciting birthday but the bar was dark and looked closed.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Freya, "Hey! Where are you? This bar looks closed. I think we're gonna have to find somewhere else Frey"

"Mads, we're inside on at a table! Come in." She hung up.

I pushed the door open and suddenly lights switched on.


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