twenty nine

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It was finally time for our first scan. I was so nervous and excited to see the little blobs that made up our baby.

"Of course there isn't a lot to see as you are 14 weeks but from what we can see the baby looks perfectly healthy!" The nurse smiled, "This is the head, here's the legs and arms."

Harry smiled, "I love our little blob baby."

"I think you two will make a beautiful child! It'll have bright eyes." She said clearing up the equipment, "We're all finished, here's some printed copies and you can book another scan in 4 to 7 weeks!"

"Thank you so much!" I stared in awe at the baby scan.

We booked another scan for 20 weeks, which would be when we find out the gender.

"It all feels real now, doesn't it?" Harry said, putting his seatbelt on, "We should probably start getting baby stuff like a car seat and a crib."

"It's always felt real to me, I have a literal child growing inside me." I laughed, "I'm going to ask Cal over tonight."


hey u! come over tonight ?

sweet, can we get takeout

course. wagamamas ?

i'm down
see u later

We arrived back, I cleaned up the flat a little and ordered food before Cal arrived.

"Alright lass!" He swung the door open, holding a bag of food, "Picked up the scran."

"Cal! Hey." I hugged him.

"How's the baby?" He asked.

"Good!" I pulled the baby scan from my pocket, "Look isn't it so cute."

"U-Uh, yeah it looks so lovely and-" He coughed, "I'm sorry but this is a few blobs."

We laughed.

"You should name it Cal!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Well, it might be a girl. And even if it's a boy... NO." I joked.

"Can't believe you're leaving me Bog." Cal fake cried, "I'm going to be so alone in the flat."

"Ah, I'm sorry mate. Got to be done." Harry put his hands in the air, "I already pretty much moved out before we went house hunting."

"It's alright. My lass has basically moved in. It's class having her make me dinner every night." He rubbed his hands together and smirked.

"That poor girl. When do we get to meet her?" I nudged him jokingly.

"Don't know, soon! You'll love her." He said munching his food, "She's like me but a female version."

"What? She looks like a horse then?" Harry laughed basically choking on his food.

"Shut up!" Cal rolled his eyes.

The boys ended up on Fifa and I was curled up in bed watching the new season of The Summer I Turned Pretty.


Harry's family came down for the weekend, along with his sister from Uni. Rosie and her boyfriend were staying in the spare bedroom and Harry and I paid for his parents and brother to stay in a nearby hotel.

"Here's a little present from us!" Rosie handed me a wrapped present.

"Thank you!" I gave her a quick squeeze before ripping the paper open, "Oh that's so sweet! I love it! Harry, come look."

She had bought us a cream ceramic vase, which would look perfect on our dining table... which was yet to arrive.

"Rosie, I think you're meant to wait until they've actually moved in before you give them the present." Harry's mum laughed,

"I know but I'd end up breaking it if I kept it in my uni dorm." She said rolling her eyes.

"How long until you move in?" His brother asked.

"Hopefully not long! We have some furniture already there but not the essentials like a bed or dining table." I laughed, "But typically we have non necessity things like rugs and mirrors."

"We have some essentials like our sofa, fridge and crib." Harry added with a smirk

"A what!" His mum gasped.

"No way. Are you having a baby?" Rosie jumped up.

I nodded, "We are, yes!"

"Oh, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you both." She jumped into Harry's arms, "I'm going to be auntie Rosie."

"Harry, this isn't one of those prank videos is it?" Harry's dads face in shock as Harry shook his head, "Well, congratulations!"

"Thanks, Dad!" Harry's grin covering his entire face.

I turned to see Harry's mum who was sobbing.

"My baby is having a baby!" She cried out.

Harry pulled her into a hug, trying not to laugh "Mum, please! I'm on my way to thirty, I'm not a baby anymore."

"I can't believe I'll be a granny." She wiped her tears with a smile, "I'm very happy for you both. You'll have a beautiful child."

"Alright, no more soppy shite. We will probably have a gender reveal after our next scan. Can you all come down? I'll pay for it all," He scruffed up his Mums hair.

"Course we will come!" His dad put his hand on Harry's back.

The next day we took them to see the house, my parents came too.

The boys got to work building some furniture while us girls were in the garden. Mine and Harry's mums got stuck in gardening whilst me and Rosie tested out the new L shaped garden sofa.

"Great sofa this is!" Rosie giggled.

"Lovely isn't it! Perks of having a boyfriend in the sidemen, you post saying you're buying a house and all these companies want to give you free shit!" I clapped my hands together, "A company is delivering a free bed today in exchange for an Instagram story!"

"Lucky shits!" She gasped, "My stupid boyfriend needs to be filming all this Fifa he's playing and get us some free stuff."

happy thursday <3
follow me on instagram to keep up to date with me!!! @fitsbyrene

i haven't proof read once again oops

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