twenty three

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hey what's going on??

I sat on the chat and waited for a response. Minutes went by and nothing, not even typing dots.

What is wrong with this guy? I literally spoke to him this morning and he was totally fine.

what's up?

are we still going out tomorrow ?

don't feel like it. sorry

oh okay.
everything good?

can u stop blowing
up my phone.

Was he serious? I yanked the covers off my body and changed into my hoodie and shorts set, put my sliders on and booked an Uber. Damn these Uber charges are going to bankrupt me.

I banged on the door to Harry's and Cals flat.

"Bro. What the fuck, it's midnight." The door flung open, Freezy stood the other side.

"Evening," I walked straight in "Harry home?"

Cal nodded slowly, confusion on his face.

I stormed to down the hall and into Harry's room. He was curled up in bed on his phone.

"Wha- Why are you here?" He jumped to an upright position.

"What is going on with you?" I flung my hands in the air, "Why are you being like this?"

"Like what?" He raised his brows.

I rolled my eyes l, "The fuck do you mean 'Like what'? You blocked my number, Harry."

He nodded, "I did."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Don't like how you're acting. I don't want to be a part of all that." He shrugged.

I laughed with frustration "How I'm acting? What have I done?"

"I know you were with Tom today. I'd rather have nothing to do with you than be in a silly little love triangle." He said scratching his chest.

I put my hand on my head, "Are you serious? That's what this is about."

He nodded, "Thats fucked up Mads, I can't be arsed with the childish crap. I sat there and told you how I felt about you and what, a day later you're with him. I'm done with it."

"Harry, you don-"

"Nah man, just go." He picked his phone up, "I'm not wasting my time with this."

I sat down on his bed, "I went to Tom's flat today to tell him I'm not interested in him anymore."

"Oh." A guilty look appeared on his face, "Why didn't you just text him?"

I frowned, "Because I would rather someone tell me to my face."

"Nah, that's awkward. Text all the way" He perked up, "So, no more Tom?"

"No more Tom. Ask Faith, I was with her right before I left to speak to him." I let out a sigh of relief.

"I-I'm really sorry. I should've messaged you." He stuttered.

"Why don't you trust me, Harry?" I felt a little hurt by him, I had never given him a reason not to trust me, "How did you even know I saw Tom?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm a little fucked up." He scratched the back of his neck, "I guess Faith told Ethan, who filmed with Chris earlier, then Chris texted me."

"Fucking Chris. Course it was." I laughed, "I don't know why that boy just has it out for me."

"I'm really sorry Maddie." He looked upset, "Have I ruined it again?"

I smiled, "No. It's alright, I get how it might look." I put my hand on his cheek.

"Come for a cuddle?" He lifted the covers up for me to climb in.

I was never one to resist a cuddle, especially with Harry. I curled up under the duvet and laid my head on his chest.

"Mads," He ran his fingers through my hair, "I-" He paused. "I think I love you."

"You what?" My mouth dropped.

He let out a chuckle, "I haven't felt the way I did when I got that text before, I was so gutted."

My body was electric with excitement. I jumped on top of him and smothered him with kisses.

"Listen, I don't want you to say it back yet, because that would just be you saying it cause I did"

"Shut up!" I continued to drown him with my affection.

He cupped his hands around my face and pulled me into a kiss. It felt like a first kiss, but a good one, not one of those awkward ones when you end up bashing noses.

I was in awe of him. He was effortlessly perfect. I won't give all the details but it was a passionate night. I had a quick wee, because FUCK UTI's, and snuggled up to Harry. I ended up staying the night as we both fell asleep.

I woke up alone, wrapped up in the duvet wearing Harry's boxers and oversized t-shirt.

I rolled over and picked my phone up from the bedside table.


i'm so sorry i forgot about
sidemen filming this morning
i hope you don't think i'm a
slutty prick x

I laughed reading his message.

"Oi." A yell from down the hallway.

I quickly chucked my hoodie and shorts on and wandered to the living room.

"Fucking hell man, you two are like rabbits." Cal crossed his arms.

"Hm?" I smirked.

"Don't be all 'Oo I don't know what you're talking about'. Proud of my boy but I need earplugs." He huffed.

"Oh, shut up. I gotta go, I have no toothbrush or clothes here." I put my sliders on by the door.

"Get out of here." He joked.

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