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The night of my birthday Tom stayed over and we went for brunch the next morning. He was easy to be around and chilled, he didn't care that I wasn't interested in a relationship as he had his own stuff going on.

He worked like a normal person, Monday - Friday. We only saw each other on weekends or evenings, which I was fine with. I suppose he was a bit of a rebound.

I hoped he didn't get attached or catch feelings, he was a lovely guy but even when I was with him I would sometimes think of Harry.

Harry was the type who didn't need to flirt or constantly text you, the little things he did and the small moments with him were enough. He would hold the door open, always offer me a cuppa tea, tie my laces for me when I was drunk.

The week went by and I had spent it working on branded content, online shopping and decorating my flat.

It was now Friday, Tom was staying for the night. We had a chilled evening, Deliveroo and I'd forced him to watch my favourite film 'Nerve', which he fell asleep to. Clearly didn't enjoy it as much as me.

Eventually, after scrolling on my phone I fell asleep. Sleeping was not my forte, I always had awful habits and had. been borderline nocturnal in the past.
If I'd had a drink, I could sleep on a rock however.

A vibrate under my arm.


Incoming Call : Harry Lewis

"Harry?" I quickly hopped out of bed and rushed into the lounge, not wanting to wake Tom up "It's 4am."

"Morning!" He was giggly.

"You're drunk." I rubbed my eyes, the sunrise blinded me.

"Very much so." He paused "I am very."

"What's up? Why are you calling me at this hour?" I groaned, closing the curtains.

"Well. I was out drinking at a bar." He laughed, "Obviously.  Anyway, I came home and watched a plane crash documentary."

I frowned, "Odd thing to do after the pub."

"QUIET!" He snapped, "Then I had this thought, if I was in a plane crash right now..."

"Then that would be really weird as you're not in a plane. You're in your apartment" I smirked.

"I SAID QUIET. If I was in a plane crash right now, what would I regret?" He continued rambling.

"God. This is a bit deep, it's 4am and I just got up"

"I don't want to be friends with you Maddie." Harry sighed, "I want to be with you."

"Harry. Please can we not do this at 4am when you're drunk and T-" I stopped myself, " Let's meet up tomorrow, yeah?"

"What we're you going to say?" He asked.

"Nothing. Go to bed. Talk tomorrow" I hung up.

The last thing I want to do at 4am is talk to a drunk Harry about feelings.

I tiptoed back to the bedroom to hopefully get back to sleep. Luckily Tom was still fast asleep.

I tossed and turned, thinking about our call, until eventually I managed to fall asleep again. Shortly after I was woken up again, by Tom.

"Hey! I have to go but I wanted to say bye." He sat beside me on the edge of the bed.

"Oh-" I rubbed my eyes, "Sorry I slept in. I hope you have a nice time."

"Don't worry. It's alright. Made you a cuppa." He placed a mug on the bedside table, "Talk to you later."

What a star. I sipped my tea and sat up in bed. I wondered if Harry was awake, or if he remembered calling me. Should I text him? I picked my phone off the bedside table to see he had already texted me.




i'm sorry about the random
call last night i was so wasted
bloody cal buying me too many

it's alright don't stress
do you wanna talk about it?

about what??

what you said on the phone

i'm confused

you don't remember ?

did i say something stupid

don't worry

Did he really not remember ? I always believed in Drunk words are sober thoughts.

ok i do remember i lied
i just didn't want things to be

harry we can talk about feelings
like adults

yeah but don't u have
a boyfriend now??

he has a name harry
but no, we're not together

but he stayed at urs last night

just because he stays the night
doesn't mean we're a couple

should i come over and we can
talk about feelings🤡

very funny
i'll order food for us

be there in 45 mins
just getting up

I jumped out of bed and into the shower, quickly freshening myself up and brushing out my bed hair. I applied light makeup and put joggers and a tank top on. I was going for the 'no effort look' but I'd actually just spent a solid 10 minutes on a messy bun.

I ordered some breakfast baps and cookies from a local cafe which Harry collected from the delivery driver on the way up.

I opened the door to the dirty blonde boy wearing a blue tee and black shorts.

"Alright?" He walked in and placed the bag on the kitchen worktop.

I nodded and got some plates out. Usually, I would've planned exactly what I was going to say, rehearsed it for an hour in my head but I had no idea.

If he told me he liked me would I take him back?

thank u for reading 💖💖
sorry for no chapters for a few days, i was celebrating my birthday and have been severely hungover for days xoxo

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