twenty six

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"Harry." I spoke softly as he entered the flat.

He had just came back from filming with the boys.

"Alright?" He smiled and put his carrier bag on the worktop.

"Can you please sit down for a second?" I patted the sofa beside me.

He nodded, "What's up, peach?"

"I-" I fiddled with my hands under the blanket, "Peach is growing a peach."

"We don't have a garden Mads." He gave a weird look.

"Harry," I pulled a pregnancy test from under the blanket, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh." He gasped, "This isn't a prank is it?"

I shook my head.

"Wow." He smiled, "I don't know what to say. Are you happy? What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

The pregnancy obviously wasn't planned, I mean me and Harry hadn't even known each other a year.

"I think a baby us would be pretty class, you know." He smirked.

"We haven't even told your or my fan base that we're together, imagine the shock when we say we have a baby coming," I panicked.

"They love you though!" He put his arm around me.

"Faith got so much hate and her and Ethan were together for way longer." I sighed.

"Hey, listen. We don't have to make any decisions right now! We can think about this, yeah?" He ran his hand through my messy hair.

I nodded.
He was right.

We spent the next two weeks considering our options.
Maybe we post that we've been together for a while but want to keep it off socials?

Maybe I tell my followers I have a baby but don't say who the dad is? But what if someone slips up and let's out that Harry is a dad?

We have enough space in the flat for a baby and we're both old enough. If we weren't in social media I'm sure we would without a doubt keep it.

We decided to tell some close friends, Harry told Ethan and Calfreezy. I told Faith and Mia.

"You can't let social media control your life! It's up to you guys what you do." Faith said whilst chopping up Olive's lunch.

"True! I'm not just saying this because I want a dad friend but I mean we didn't plan to have Olive and we're happy as ever." Ethan added

"Honestly Mads, I think we are in a good position to have a baby. We're happy together, we have the money, enough space in the flat. Fuck what everyone else thinks," Harry raised a brow, "What do you reckon?"

"I've always wanted to be a Mum," I smiled, "When can you two come help us decorate the nursery? I need all the help I can get because I don't know shit about what a baby needs."

"Oh my God, it's happening. We'll be there whenever! We will bring Olive for practise too." Faith smirked, "Text me and we'll arrange it, yeah?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Bye guys!" I waved and ended the Facetime.

"We're doing this, yeah?" Harry's smile grew, "I'm so excited, Mads! You're going to be the best Mum."

"God, I hope so." I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Come on!" He took my hand and walked me into the spare room, laptop in hand.

We sat on the bed and he began scrolling through baby bedrooms on Pinterest. I loved that he was excited.

Harry loved his family, he had told me how much he missed them in Lockdown and generally after moving to London. I knew he would be a family man.

"This kid better not draw on the walls!" He gasped staring at the cream walls.

"I'm sure when our bean is old enough to play with pens we won't be renting a flat, we'll have our own place," I put my arm around him.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe we should look for somewhere." He quickly opened a tab and started searching.

"O-Ok" I was taken back, this boy could be very impulsive, "I was planning to renew my lease on this flat but I suppose we should probably think about getting a place with a garden."

"Absolutely! Where do Faith and Ethan live? Let's have a look there. How many bedrooms? Maybe 5? Or more? Our room, two offices, baby room and spare?" He rambled.

"Whatever you think, Harry" I planted a kiss on his head and quickly scurried away, leaving him to do his own thing.

"What about this house?" He shouted, "Mads."

I plonked back on the bed and he scrolled through the photos, it was a large white thatched house with a big garden, covered in gorgeous flowers. It had a little pond in the front garden with a cobbled driveway.

"I love it." A big grin covering my face.

"It's not far from Ethan's! I think it's perfect. Small town, big garden. Should we drive down tomorrow and have a look around the town ?" He asked, basically kicking his feet around with excitement.

I laughed a little, it was cute to see him excited, "Yeah, let's do it. I can call the estate agents tomorrow and get a viewing booked hopefully sometime soon."

We spent the rest of the night laying on the spare bed, looking at photos of the house, making up little plans of what we would do to it. We had already made a plan of the colour scheme and vibe.

As happy and excited as I was I couldn't help but still feel worried about the hate I was bound to receive when we announce everything. I felt like I'd known Harry for years. Things were moving fast, but it all felt so right.

: )
10k reads thank u so much <3
this is my first book and honestly, i have no idea where it's going but i'm enjoying writing it. thank u for the comments and votes! i love u reading them.
i have so many ideas for new books but for now i'll be focusing on this one mainly and my other harry book.

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