twenty five

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After a hopping from bar, to pub, to club we finally were 'done in'.

"I don't think I can take anymore drinks," Mia groaned, laying her head on the table.

"Mate, I'm plastered. Let's grab a taxi back." Freezy stumbled towards the door, and attempting to wave a taxi down.

We hopped in our taxis and arrived back at the villa. The rest of the night was a drunken blur.

We spent the remainder of the day hungover, sunbathing and eating junk food.

The next day was a boat day, we explored caves and went dolphin diving. Freezy was extremely drunk.

A day at the water park, my favourite day of the trip. Tenerife had the best waterpark in Europe. I dragged Harry on every ride, he loved it. We were like two little kids.

Finally, our last day, our flight home was later tonight. It had been so fun but wow, a lot of drinking. I needed a detox when I get home.

"Right, it's our last day. I know we're all severely hungover but we got to make the most out of this." Will slapped his knees and stood up from the breakfast bar.

"What we gonna do then, Dad." Theo joked.

"Let's go rent some jet skis or a banana boat!" Lux hopped up, his smile covering his entire face.

"Will is fucked if he thinks i'm getting on the back of a jet ski with him," Mia whispers as we all headed up to get ready, "His driving is scary enough."

Me and the girls got ready in Freya's room. I put on a basic black bikini with a cream knitted shorts and crop top co-ord.

"Have you been vlogging the trip?" Freya asked.

"Oh shit. I should have! I've been so MIA on social media recently. You know when you just don't really know what to post and you don't just want to post for the sake of it?" I shrugged.

"I get that all the time," Mia smiled, "You'll get motivated again soon."

"Can you lot hurry up!" Freezy shouted.

I rolled my eyes and we headed downstairs where everybody was ready waiting for us.

We got to the beach which luckily wasn't full of kids who would recognise Harry and the boys, as it wasn't the school holidays.

The boys booked a banana boat, jet-ski and a pedalo with a slide for us girls, and Josh who was extremely hungover and didn't fancy anything wild.

We watched the boys speed around like children, laughing and shouting. Part of me didn't want to go home yet, maybe ever.

Everybody seemed to forget about their hangovers after hours of fun in the sun.

It was time to go back to the villa, pack and fly home. As we had a late flight, and I was already sleep deprived, I slept the entire flight back and was woken by Freya. Harry had switched with her to sit with Josh as Freya also wanted a nap,

"Hello, you" Freya put her hand on mine, "We're home."

I felt pretty proud of myself for not having a panic attack on the way there or back. I knew this bunch went on loads of holidays so flying was something I had to get used to or I'd miss out on making memories with my besties.

Harry collected our bags and we got an Uber back to my place. I instantly collapsed onto the bed, still in my clothes and drifted to sleep again.

The next few days I spent trying my best to focus on work, I went through phases where I would struggle to find video ideas I was actually interested in.

Liked by KSI, Wroetoshaw and moreMaddieJordan: i'm on a boat bitchWroetoshaw: gutted u didn't drown  -> MaddieJordan: me too😪Miaxmon: ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS BABYKSI: You're all welcome  -> Calfreezy: Cheers mate, lovely hostel

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Liked by KSI, Wroetoshaw and more
MaddieJordan: i'm on a boat bitch
Wroetoshaw: gutted u didn't drown
-> MaddieJordan: me too😪
KSI: You're all welcome
-> Calfreezy: Cheers mate, lovely hostel

A few days later and life was back to normal. Harry was living between his and my apartment, filming for Sidemen. I was working on my social media, still decorating the flat.

I was working on an exciting project, making my own swimwear brand! I had taken a few of my trial bikinis to Tenerife and had a team of amazing people helping me.

Today was a photoshoot day, I got showered and hopped in an Uber to the set. My miracle workers, makeup artist and hair stylist got to work on their magic.

"What size did you wear on holiday? I'll get your bikinis ready" My manager, Phoebe asked.

"Medium top, small bottom" I murmured while getting my lip liner applied.

My makeup was finally done and I went to the bathroom to get the first set on.

"Pheebs! I think I need a Medium Bottoms, please." I yelled, "All that drinking and eating on holiday."

"On it!"

The shoot went perfectly, we got loads of content for our i social media. I was so happy with the brand I was creating and hoped it would be successful.

I arrived home and Harry had cooked us sesame chicken and rice. He didn't cook often but he was pretty good at it.

"I'm so proud of you, Mads" Harry smiled across the table as we ate.

"Thank you. Maybe you could be a model for my bikinis next shoot!" I smirked.

"No." He death stared me, "This was me trying to be wholesome."

"It's lovely, I appreciate you more than you'll ever know." I pecked him on the cheek and began on the washing up.

Life felt pretty perfect right now. Me and Harry were in a good place, I had amazing friends, building my own brand, had my own flat. The only thing which would make this better is a kitten, obviously.

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