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Cal, Harry and I got an Uber to the bar that Josh had rented out. It was supposed to be a surprise but Talia let it slip.
Note to self: Talia cannot keep secrets.

The venue was huge for what the boys described as a "low-key night" There were balloons floating from the ceiling, a table full of XIX Vodka and various other drinks, a boujee looking buffet. If this was low-key what was high-key?

I had a little gift for Simon, the boy was part of the biggest UK Youtube group, there wasn't much he didn't have or couldn't buy himself, which meant buying a gift wasn't easy.

"Happy Birthday for tomorrow Simon!" I said giving him a quick hug and handing him a card with a Nandos Gift Voucher on.

"Aw Cheers Mads! You didn't have to," He smiled "But I will definitely have used this by the end of the week." He was dragged away by Ethan and Josh who wanted to do some shots.

"Vodka lemonade." Chris approached me and handed me a fancy glass of my 'go to' drink.

"Thank you, Chris" I smiled taking it from him.

I felt a little strange that Chris had told people we were 'getting cozy' but I didn't want to make anything awkward, especially on Simon's Birthday.

"You look nice tonight!" Chris spoke over the loud music playing from the speakers.

"Oh, stop it," I rolled my eyes "I'm vlogging, do you wanna say hi?" I quickly changed the subject and pulled my camera out.

"Hi Mads vlog" He put his arm round me and squeezed into the frame.

"We're at Simon's Birthday!  I'll give a tour of the venue and show who's here quickly!" I said, abandoning Chris.

"Oi Mads" Cal called me over. He was stood with Harry, Lux and Chip.

"Hey! Let's do a shot for my video" I smirked pouring five shots of tequila and setting my camera down in front of us.

"That's grim," Lux groaned wiping his mouth " You are a psycho. Who does tequila shots without lime or salt?"

"Agreed, that was nasty as hell." Chip added.

I filmed a couple clips of the venue and put my camera away for the night.

"Refill?" Cal questioned.

The boys agreed, my cup was still very full. I decided to head over to what would normally be the VIP area of the venue, which had sofas.

"I'll catch you lot in a bit." Harry stayed with me.

"You alright ?" I asked sitting down on the sofa placing my drink on the glass table.

"Yeah, are you having fun?" Harry did the same "I think Vikk is going to DJ soon."

"Yeah!" I smiled wide "This venue is so nice. I've never heard Vikk DJ. Are you gonna dance with me?" I nudged him jokingly.

"Course I will dance with you. As long as you're not blackout like last night, hey!" He laughed.

"Thank you for last night. That was so nice of you, Harry." I put my hand on his knee.

"Don't worry about it." He gave a sweet smile.

"Another drink for you my love,"  Talia said placing two vodka lemonades on the table "And one for Harry." She winked at me.

"Didn't know you were waitressing tonight, Tals." Harry scoffed as she walked back to Simon.

"Should we neck our first drinks?"

"Urm Harry Lewis, are you trying to get me paralytic again? I've just done a tequila sh-" I shrugged "Fuck it why not!"

I downed the remained of the drink and Harry did the same.

"DJ Vikkstar" Harry chimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance floor in front of the DJ booth.

Everyone began to flood to the dance floor, dancing around eachother, drinks in the air. Vikk was amazing, he played upbeat songs that everybody knew.

"Thanks guys" Vikk's smile was huge "That's me done but I've put together a playlist for the rest of the night."

Everybody clapped and most of us left the dance floor.

"Hey! Haven't seen you much tonight!" Chris said tapping me on the back.

"Oh hey, yeah," I mumbled "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I was just hoping to spend some more time with you, Mads." He put his hand on my arm.

"Yo, Mads!" Tobi approached us "Mia has asked me to escort you across the room to do shots with her, Will and Randy."

I scoffed "Right, ok. Sorry Chris, I'll catch you in a bit," I felt guilty but so relieved... and borderline drunk drunk. I did a couple shots with them anyway.

"You're a diamond in the mud," Randy said admiring my ability to do multiple shots without gagging.

"Thanks. I think..." I laughed, Randy was swaying and clearly had a lot to drink. Luckily his wife Laura had arranged for a taxi to pick him up shortly.

"Maddie, shots!" Lux shouted me over "Vodka this time, not tequila"

"Shots calling!" I stumbled over to the sofa where Lux, Simon and Harry were sat with a bottle of XIX.

At this point, I should've called it a night. I had drank more alcohol in the past two days than the past year.

"I'm not sure she needs another," Simon raised his brows at the sight of me.

"She can take it!" Harry laughed for a second until his face turned serious "Great. I've just remembered nobody changed the spare room bedding."

"Seems suspicious that..." Lux nudged Harry.

"I forgot!" I put my hands on my face, " I've been so busy and hungover!"

Simon poured us all two shots each and we necked them. He shivered and pulled a face.

"So, I thought you would be going home with Chris but hey, looks like you'll be in Harry's bed tonight." Lux winded me up

"Shut up Lux," I rolled my eyes and backed the rest of my drink.

"Feisty little thing, huh?" Lux joked.

I danced with the girls and continued to get dragged to do shots. Completely forgotten about my vlog- whoops.

I looked over at Harry who was at the bar with Freezy. Harry looked much more peppered tonight than last night. Possibly even worse than me. He was struggling to stand straight and had spilled drink on his top.

"Guys, I think I should probably go say bye to everyone and get home. Harry looks fucked." I laughed and downed the remained of my drink.

The girls hugged me and I did my rounds saying goodbye.

"Hey! Why don't you come back to mine tonight? Cal can get Harry home," Chris asked.

"Oh, I - um" I stuttered.

ok totally did not mean to make chris sound so creepy and desperate i love chris im so sorry

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