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I was anxiously waiting for Sadie and her friends to arrive, unsure how they would act.

"You and Bog made up then" Chip sat down next to me, throwing his arm around me.

"Yeah," I smiled at the sound of his name "We're good."

"I really love you two together, you know," He sipped his drink, "I was a bit worried that you might not forgive him for Amsterdam."

I turned my head. "What about Amsterdam ?"

Chip gulped, I could almost hear his heartbeat rising "I'm gonna go get another drink."

I grabbed his arm as he stood up, "What happened in Amsterdam?"

"Mads, please" He frowned "I'm sorry. I thought you knew."

As if my night couldn't get any worse. I had three girls who had it out for me on the way and now this.

I stormed over to Freezy and Harry who were stood together, Faith following behind me.

"What happened in Amsterdam? Huh. Thanks Cal for telling me, what a great friend" I clapped sarcastically.

"Maddie, we should go," Faith put her hands on my arms "Let's not do this here."

The boys stood in silence, Cal had gone bright red and Harry was white as a ghost.

"Nothing to say for yourselves?" I raised my eyebrows, "Didn't think so. Fuck both of you!"

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the bar, trying to get out before the tears started flooding my face. Faith was nearly running to keep up with me. 

I was in disbelief. Harry had the nerve to sit in front of me in my flat and say I was all he thought about in Amsterdam. Clearly fucking not. I thought he was different.

And Cal didn't even tell me. He was supposed to be my best friend. Just shows where his loyalties lie, obviously not with me.

Faith chased down a taxi while I sat on the cold pavement outside the bar.

"I can't believe it."

"I'm so sorry Maddie. I didn't think Harry was that kind of guy," She rubbed her hand on my back as we sat in the back of the taxi, "I think you handled that really well."

"I honestly could've slapped him," I wiped my eyes. "I'm so angry Faith. I can't believe them."

"Girl, I wouldn't have stopped you!" She let out a light chuckle, "What are you gonna say to Harry?"

"I think I'm done," I shrugged "I don't think he's trustworthy."

Faith nodded, "Understandable."

I looked out the window of the taxi and saw a pink sign to a club, and a bunch of people stood around.

"Fuck this, they're not ruining our night " I picked up my bag, "Can you please pull over?"

We paid the man and got out the taxi. The club was packed and everyone was dancing. We ordered a drink and got on the busy dance floor.

It wasn't a prestigious, fancy bar like the one we had came from, it was much more lively and had a better atmosphere.

Perfect to take my mind of things.

You know what else would take my mind of things? This tall, dark haired boy dancing beside us with his friends.

There was 3 other boys and 2 girls, I couldn't tell if any were his girlfriend but I could feel him glaring down at me.

"Are you gonna say hi to me or just keep staring?" I shouted up at him jokingly.

"You're easy on the eyes," He smirked slightly, "I'm Tom."

He had messy hair with a few freckles and nice brown eyes.

"Maddie. This is Faith but she is off limits" I put my arm around her.

"Hi! Great to meet you." Faith said nudging and winking at me, "I'm gonna go make friends with the girl and leave you two to it."

"How old are you?" I stood on my tip toes so he could hear me over the music.

"Twenty two. What about you, darlin' ?" He asked.

"Soon to be Twenty Four." I frowned, "Getting too old for these clubs"

"You don't look it." He brushed the hair off my face.

Shivers went down my spine.

"You don't have a girlfriend do you?" I questioned, "Or a boyfriend?"

"Course not" He let out a laugh, "If I did I wouldn't be able to do this"

I cringed at what he said slightly but he was tall and good looking, so it made it bearable.

He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. I felt like I was 18 again, kissing strangers in clubs, but it was what I needed to distract me.

"Not too shabby." I smiled up at him wiping the lipgloss from his mouth.

"That was average," He poked me jokingly "Do you want to get out of here?"

"I'd really like that," I looked over to Faith who was very drunk, dancing with his friends, "But I can't leave my friend."

"You're a sweetheart, aren't you?" I squeezed my cheek, "Do you have a pen?"

I was a pretty messy person, of course I had a pen in my bag. Along with a lipgloss, food wrappers, random receipts and a q-tip.

He wrote his number on my hand, "Use it, or don't. I won't cry if you don't."

"We'll see", I smirked, "See you. Maybe"

Faith was way drunker than me, I put her arm around me and we stumbled out of the club into a taxi.

We got back to my apartment and I laid her on her side my spare bed. I left her phone and some water on the bedside table and dragged myself to my own bed.

What a night.

Now that I was back home I couldn't help but wonder what Harry was doing. If he left the club, if he was feeling crappy or having fun, maybe we was getting with Sadie. Wouldn't surprise me.

new character hehe! and more drama woo
hope you're enjoying!

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