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A group of boys flooded into the flat. One ginger, two dark haired and one blond. I hadn't met anyone before except Callum, he had spoken about them a bunch but I was struggling to put names to faces.

"Hello boys!" A dark haired boy shouted "And girl. Are you Cals new bird? I'm Chip, or Josh... Whichever you fancy."

"Cals bird? Definitely not! I'm Maddie, me and Freezy are childhood friends." I smiled.

"I'm Ethan, this is Lux and Theo" the ginger one spoke loud and confidently "Shall we do a shot or something? Fun little ice breaker activity."

"Oh, go on then" I laughed pouring a shot for the five of us and Cal.

More people kept flooding in. I got to know names pretty quickly, Mia, Will, Chris, Reev, Randy, a few of the Sidemen boys.

"Ayo, we've arrived and I'm drinking tonight" JJ yelled storming in.

I had never met JJ but I knew who he was. Behind him was two girls and two boys. I had been following a lot of Cals friends on Instagram for a while, so I recognised them as ' the girlfriends '

"Hi! Are you Maddie? I'm Talia, this is Freya. Cal texted the group chat to say you'd be here." She said pulling me into a hug.

"Thank God! I thought the only girls would be me and one night stands. It's so lovely to meet you both!" I exclaimed.

I poured us all a drink. A vodka lemonade for me, of course. I looked up to see Harry staring at me from across the room talking with Will, Mia and Reev. I smiled at him and continued on.

We spoke for a while until Cal dragged me away to meet more people. We walked to a group of Chris, Randy and Callux.

"This midget man is Chris. Chris, this is Maddie," Cal scoffed towering down on the shorted boy "Looks a bit like your ex actually. Wes was taller though."

Chris punched Cal in the arm "Alright Maddie. Great to meet you!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"You do look a bit like my ex. It's not a bad thing. I mean I dated him. For years," I blabbed on "I'm not sure why I said all that. Nice to meet you too." I put my hand on my head, embarrassed.

"Hey, he must've been good looking if he looks like me." Chris spoke confidently.

"Let's - Lets go get a drink, so thirsty" Lux said dragging the boys away, leaving just me and Chris.

"So, are you single then?" Chris asked

"Wow, straight to it. The most single ever. Are you?" I responded in slight shock.

"Yeah. Been single for a few months now. I haven't really been single during adulthood, so just you know - enjoying a bit of dating."  Chris said leaning against the counter.

"Having your fuckboy era, you mean?" I joked nudging his stomach " I don't blame you, best to do it while we're young."

"I bet you don't struggle to find a fella. You're a good looking girl and seem to have decent chat." He smirked.

"I am so sorry to interrupt!" Talia said grabbing my hand and leading me away to the bathroom with Freya and Mia.

"You and Chris MD are totally flirting! Do you like him?" She winked.

"I barely know the boy! He's nice though, maybe a little forward," I told the girls. "I don't want to do anything and then make things weird."

"Bitch. Go for it. We're all adults, if you both fancy each other why not have some fun?" Mia poked.

"We'll see. It's my first night in London. I don't want to do anything I'll regret or make things awkward for Cal." I sighed, sipping on my double vodka lemonade.

"This is my song!" Freya pulled us both from the bathroom and into the living room where the speakers were.

They were blasting What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club, a British classic. We danced together on the sofa, Josh and Simon joining us.

I was having the best time but the drinks were flowing in quicker than I was used to. Callum and his friends were always out clubbing or at a party, so they clearly could handle their drinks better than me.

"You good?" Harry questioned.

"Drinks are hitting me a bit but having a class night,"I responded sipping the remainder of my drink "I've seen you drinking loads tonight. Why do you seem so fine?"

"You do look a bit battered love. It takes a lot for me to be blackout," He laughed picking up the vodka "Refill or are you done in?"

"Fill my cup then!" I shrugged "One more couldn't hurt."

Harry's alcohol proportions were extreme, 2/3 vodka, 1/3 lemonade. I looked down at my phone 3:49AM. Barely anyone had left, usually I would be hitting the hay but how could I sleep when it was still so noisy?

"I - Errr I'm happy you're staying at ours. It'll be nice to you know - get to know you." Harry mumbled.

"Me too! I'm only 5 minutes away when I move in, you'll be sick of me!" I laughed.

"Nah, you seem sound Mads. You're already fitting in really well here and it's night one." He reassured me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

" Thank you Harry. You're fitting in well as well, Harry!" I slurred my words, not making any sense whatsoever. I held my drink in the air and sang, or I should say attempted to sing the song coming from the speakers.

He smirked down at me "You're absolutely peppered. Do you want to go to bed?"

I nodded and he held his hand out for me to follow him to the bedroom, where Chip, Theo, Reev and Will were all sitting and giggling.

"Boys would you mi-. Oh Mads, you didn't change the bed." Harry said turning to me.
The bed was even worse now, covered in spilled drinks and Dominos pizza.

"You take my bed, I'll stay on the sofa tonight."

I was too drunk to acknowledge any of the boys or Harry. I just smiled, nodded and followed him to his room which he was smart enough to lock before the party.

I plopped down on his bed and he helped me take my socks and jacket off.

"Hey. Here's a t-shirt and some joggers if you want them. Toilets through there if you feel sick." He opened his mini fridge and pulled a bottle of water out.

"Here's your phone and some water" He yanked the covers over me and crept out of the room closing the door quietly behind him.


I slept like a log, all night. I'm not sure how as I was in a tight leather skirt, but it was a much needed sleep.

I opened my eyes to a beam of sun shining through the curtains.


A little bit of Chris and Mads chemistry? And Harry ofc. Hope this wasn't too boring. I just wanted to ease into her meeting people and forming relationships x

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