twenty one

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We dug into our food in an awkward silence. Unsure what to say and who should start.

"I'm sorry I rang you" He mumbled, "I feel like - I just can't be friends with you. It's weird."

I nodded, "It is."

"I know we..." He coughed, "I have fucked up a lot. And I know this is so cringe to say but I just feel so drawn to you and I'm not the kind of guy to care about being with anyone, but I do really like you."

"I like you too Harry." I added. I wasn't saying too much as it seemed like Harry wanted to talk.

"It made me realise how much I really like you when I saw you with that other lad," His face dropped, "I swear, if you give me another chance I won't fuck it up."

"I-" I paused to think.

We had already been through so much shit and our 'thing' whatever this was, had only just began. But I was so drawn to him too, I was always thinking about him. Things don't hit the same with Tom.

"This is your last chance." I raised my brows, "You're lucky I like you so much, I never give more than one chance."

He jumped into my lap and showered my cheeks with kisses "Thank God. Thank you!"

"You big softie, get off me. You're a heavy lump!" I shoved him off.

"I have to go, Sidemen shoot. I'll speak to you later." He jumped up and basically skipped out of the door in a way that could've given me the ick.

1 New WhatsApp Notification

bloody crap at betting on
these horses i'm already £50 down

Fuck. What was I going to do about Tom?

Obviously I can't date both of them.
I felt so shitty 'binning' him off because of Harry, but I was serious about Harry and Tom was a rebound and a bit of fun, I suppose. He knows that. Tom was such a lovely guy though and if Harry didn't exist I'm sure he would be more than a rebound.

I decided not to open the notification, or reply yet as I wouldn't want it to ruin his day.

How did I get in this situation? I had the worst luck with boys and now I had two great ones.


can u be ready for 7:30

what u mean???

let's go out for food


don't know
haven't been out in ages
missing my bestie😩😓

alright see u later freak

I'd been so distracted I hadn't posted anything for days on social media.

I'd been so distracted I hadn't posted anything for days on social media

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Liked by Wroetoshaw, KSI and others
MaddieJordan: from my birthday. thank u @ksi for throwing me the best party🫶🏻
KSI: Glad you enjoyed it
-> MaddieJordan: 🤍🤍
-> User2793: omg are they dating????
-> User92837: Surely not
Wroetoshaw: u look so miserable
-> MaddieJordan: was probably looking at u
-> Wroetoshaw: 😐

It had been a while since me and Cal had seen each other without everyone else around. He was the reason I came to London and met all these amazing people.

I sat on my bed and set up my camera.

"Hey bitches! Get ready with me to go for dinner with the stinkiest man alive, Callum Airey!" I smirked, "So, I hate Cal, so I'll be making minimal effort."

I continued rambling as I applied light makeup, I finished the video by showing my outfit to the camera. I put on a pair of light wash baggy jeans, a black baby tee and some new balance trainers.

I grabbed my bags and keys and hopped in a Uber.. We both loved Asian food ever since we were younger, it was like our thing to try new restaurants and rating their food.

Cal was stood waiting outside the restaurant in cargos and a oversized t-shirt with his earphones in.

"Didn't recognise you it's been so long!" He joked as I arrived.

"Yeah, very funny," I rolled my eyes, "I saw you at my party two days ago."

"Barely." He held the door for me as we entered.

We were seated by the window in a booth and ordered our food and drinks. I was a basic bitch and ALWAYS ordered a chicken katsu. Cal on the other hand was adventurous and had ordered something he couldn't quite pronounce.

"How's things been?" I asked

"Oh, you know the usual. Just created a new pod with Behz and Faith." He separated his chopsticks and began to play with them like a child.

"I bet that will bang views. Spotify deal within 50 eps I reckon!" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Hope so. Heard you and Harry went out for brekky today." He mimicked me, raising his brows quickly.


"What about Tom? Spill the tea sis." He said sarcastically

I frowned and cringed "Haven't really spoken to Tom about it. I need to."

"He's actually a sound lad you know. Bit of a shame." He began digging into his food which had just been brought over.

"God Cal, don't make me feel more guilty than I do," I gasped, "I do like Tom but there's more than that with Harry."

Cal dropped his chopsticks, "What are you saying? You love him?" He blurted out, nearly choking on his food.

"I didn't say that!"

Did I love him? It was pretty soon to call it love, but it was definitely something. He made me feel a way I had never felt before.

hi! so sorry i've been gone for a bit.
as always i'm open to suggestions and tips.
currently writing a chapter of my other harry story which will be out soon!

i can't believe anyone is reading this lmao i am in disbelief.
also!!!! watch theo bakers new video, harry looks unreal in it x

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