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Today was the day we were telling all our friends about beano!

Harry had a big sidemen shoot today and was going to announce it after, he asked Kon to keep the cameras filming to get their reaction.

I had invited the girls to the flat for a girly day! I hired a couple of mobile beauty therapists and ordered a bunch of yummy bits for us. I set up my vlog camera behind a large plant pot before they arrived.

"Hey! This is so lovely, thank you for arranging this," Mia said pulling me into a hug, the rest of the girls entering behind her.

"Hi!" I squealed to them all, "I got some Krispy Kreme's!"

"My favourite! Ugh, you are the best." Freya took a glazed doughnut from the box.

"Which one of you is first up?" The beauty therapist smiled.

"Could I please have my nails done? They are disgraceful." Talia groaned showing everybody her chipped, outgrown nails.

"Oh girl, you need it more than me," Freya laughed, pushing her towards the pop up nail desk.

"I'll get my toes done after if that's okay? I just need to get this nail polish off first!" Faith said, "Mia?"

"I'll have a look at the treatments list! Mads, you go ahead." Mia nodded picking up a treatments list.

"Can I please get a pregnancy massage?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"What! Are you pregnant?" Freya jumped up.

I looked over to Mia and Faith who already knew and laughed.

"I- I can't believe it!" Talia sobbed, "You're going to have a little baby."

"Oh Tals," I scoffed and grabbed her some toilet roll for her streams of tears, "Yes. I'm going to be a mumma!"

"I'm s- so happy for you," She struggled to get her words out between cries, "I can't believe Harry will be a dad."

We all laughed. It was hard to imagine Harry as a dad but I knew he would be a natural.

"Do you know the gender?" Freya gasped, "This is so exciting! Did you two already know?"

"Not yet! Harry's assistant is going to arrange a reveal party for us!" I could barely keep my excitement in, "God, I've been so desperate to tell everyone and talk about it!"

Talia smiled, "I was literally saying to Simon that your house was huge and you didn't need such a big house for just you two! He was all like oh well Harry's rich so why not get a big house blah blah!"

"Harry's telling the boys today at the shoot. We're filming it. Say Hi." I pointed to the badly hidden camera.

"So, can we still get our nails done or are these actors not beauty therapists?" Faith laughed in confusion.

"Of course, the girls day still stands!" I nodded.

We spent the day getting beauty bits done and gossiping. I think Talia was just as excited as me about our baby.

"Oh, wow." Harry's mouth dropped as he entered the flat which had now transformed to a salon and cinema, "Shall I come back later?"

"Hey, Dad!" Freya shouted, "Oh, actually that was weird. I mean- Congratulations!"

Harry scratched his neck, "Yes, thank you. What you watching?" He squeezed onto the end of the sofa, snatching the blanket from Mia to cover himself.

"Bride Wars!" Talia clapped.

"Oh lord, never mind actually." He stood up and chucked the blanket back on Mia.

"How did it go with the boys?" I asked.

"Good! They all said congratulations and hope you're well." He flashed a smile, "I'll send you the footage in a bit."


The girls all headed home and I got editing the footage, the reactions were so pure and priceless it had me in tears.

"Harry, should I post it now?" I yelled to the other room.

"Yeah! Go for it." He shouted back.

What to title it....
Our friends react to our pregnancy!
That'll do. And upload.

As soon as the video had finished processing and was finally posted I felt my stomach drop.

Harry had been well known in the industry for a while now. I had only recently in the past year grown a 'proper following'. I hadn't experienced much hate as I didn't have enough followers or attention. I had a few comments or rude DM's but nothing more.

"Ok, no looking at comments!" Harry entered the room and snatched the laptop from me, "Stop biting your nails!"

"I'm sorry," I frowned, "I'm just nervous."

"Why?" He threw his hands up, "It's our life! It doesn't matter what people think, you can't let people's opinions control you and your choices!"

"I know, I know!" I rolled my eyes jokingly.

We headed to bed and fell asleep watching Netflix.

Harry had a SideCast to film the next morning, so I decided to check out the response from the video while he was out.


TomThatcher: hey! congrats to you and Harry on the pregnancy, really happy for you. wish you both the best.
SidemenNews tagged you in a post
@behzinga: can't wait for faith and mads to drag me and bog on play dates every week😩

Now to check Youtube comments... I definitely was not checking twitter as the fans on there are ruthless.

User2051: I'm literally in shock. Congrats
User928: Things are moving fast??? I swear they only just announced they're moving in together
User4173: I'm happy for them! They both seem excited, it's not really our business to butt our heads in.
User2684: congratulations! i've been watching you for ages and i'm so proud of you  and excited for your journey!
User92839: harry blink twice if you need help lmao
User0352: I'm cryinf happy tears for you

I sat and read through the comments, I think I read almost every single one. I didn't realise how much or long I'd been reading but it was now midday and I hadn't even moved from my bed.

It was funny how hate works, you can get one hundred of lovely, supportive comments and that one hate comment overrules it all.


hi i haven't proof read once again so don't mind that

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