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"Sorry, Chris" I stood up and left, searching through herds of people for Harry. I hope he hadn't left.

"Chippo. Have you seen Harry?"

He shook his head and continued his conversation with Theo.

I entered the guest bathroom.

"Hey" The door was shut in my face.

"Harry, can we talk?" I knocked lightly.

"I'm having a wee" He responded "Can you wait?"

I sat down on the bed, he flushed the toilet and came out. Luckily the room was empty as everybody was gathered in the kitchen area. 

"What do you want to talk about then?" Harry seemed pissed off.

"Look, I know we've only known each other a week but I-" I paused " Me and Chris are just friends"

Harry ran his hands through his messy dirty blonde hair as he sat down next to me
. You can do what you want with who you want" He stared down at his drink "It's just- I thought we had a bit of a moment earlier, then hours later I see you and a Chris cuddling on your bed"

"Harry, it's not like that" I put my hand on his back. " I like Chris, but not the same way I like you"

A small smile formed on his face and his cheeks turned rosy " You like me?" He playfully shoved me. " That's cute"

"Hey" I raised my eyebrows "It's only been a week, so maybe the bad parts are yet to show but yes, Harry I do like you"

"Sorry mate" He put his hand on the back of his neck "You're not my type"

I jumped on him and pretended to suffocate him with a pillow "Oh, shut up. You like me too"

He looked up and me and grinned. "Course I do, love. How could I not?"

The butterflies were back. I was sat over him, admiring his blushing face. He held my cheeks in his hands and pulled me in for a peck. It was soft and sweet, like him. I could feel a big smile on my face and my face was flushed.

"Fuck" I gasped "What are we going to tell Cal?"

"Mads. Cal will be fine with it" He brushed the hair from my blushing face "Don't worry about it tonight, we will talk it out when we're sober"

I nodded " Come on, we should go back to the party" I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bed.

"Oi oi" JJ shouted "Maddie, where you been man"

"What? Me? I have just been you know - around here " I looked down at my empty cup " Refill time, bye JJ" I sped off to the kitchen, Harry following closely behind me.

"Real smooth Mads" Harry whispered in my ear "Definitely not suspicious at all"

I punched his arm "Shut up, go act normal around the boys"

Harry smirked and wandered off. I refilled my cup, once again. This would probably my last drink, I had completely lost track of time it was already 3:30am and I didn't want to keep my new neighbours up too much longer.

I danced away with Will, Mia and Lux, who danced like a Dad. Finally, people began to leave. Talia and Simon decided to stay over as I had plans with Talia for tomorrow anyway.

"We're off now lass. Thanks for a class night" Freezy said putting his arm around me. Harry and Lux by his side

"Bye guys, thanks for coming" I smiled shutting the door behind them.

I yawned and span around to see Talia cleaning the mess that had been made. Simon had made his way to the guest room.

"Tals, don't worry" I took the bin bag off her  "Go to bed"

"While you're still intoxicated..." Talia had a mischievous look on her face as she sat me down on the sofa  "Chris?"

"God" I groaned "I actually like someo-" I put my hand over my mouth, remembering Talia cannot keep a secret and we should definitely tell Cal first.

"WHO" She yelped "Maddison Jordan. I am going to pester you until you tell me, so spit it the f out"

"Talia" I said firmly "You cannot tell a soul" I held my pinkie out for her to promise me.

"Tell" She wrapped her pinkie around mine "Now!"

"Ok, ok" I tapped my feet on the floor with excitement "Me and Harry kissed tonight"

"What? Harry as in Bog? As in Harry Lewis, Wroetoshaw?" She gasped and slapped her hands on her knees "No way"

I nodded and smirked. "Please, you cannot tell anyone"

"I wasn't listening but you two are so loud" Simon walked out of the guest room and into the living area "My lips are sealed"

My eyes widened " Fuck sake. God. Don't tell Harry you both know"

They nodded in agreement.

"I've never known for Harry to really kiss or like anyone, besides his ex obviously" Talia rubbed her hands together

"I'm going to bed before I literally pass out in your lap Tals" I said standing up and rubbing my eyes.

I walked down the hall into my room, removed my makeup and changed into a oversized tee and shorts. How was I going to sort this mess out ? I tossed and turned all night worrying how Cal and the others might react.

finally they're getting somewhere :p
follow me on instagram to keep up to date with me!!! @fitsbyrene

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