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We spent the entire of the first day sunbathing and in the pool, well the girls sunbathing and the boys fighting in the pool.

I couldn't believe I'd met these people two weeks ago, I felt so comfortable with them all. We were like one big family, I couldn't stop smiling.

We decided to all go out to the Ibiza strip where all the clubs were. I decided to pull Harry for a chat before I drank too much.

"Harry, I do really like you-" I gazed into his eyes "I don't really want to go public until we've you know"

"Made it official ?" He finished my sentence.   

I nodded.

"I understand. The Sidemen fans can be a bit much sometimes"

"Thank you, Harry. Obviously I don't care about all our friends knowing" I explained "But I'm just not sure I'm ready for all the 'she's punching' comments" I laughed

He wrapped his arms around me and planted a soft kiss on my forehead "Don't be silly, nobody thinks that"

"BOG!" Ethan yelled "What was that? You've pulled Maddie? God, she must be peppered"

I chuckled and held Harry's hand as we walked back to our friends "We're actually seeing each other."

Everybody clapped and cheered, mostly for Harry as he struggled with girls.

"Wait. What does that even mean?" Chip scoffed

"You know, just dating but not official or anything," I shrugged and sipped my drink.

"Well in, mate" Lux said as they crowded Harry asking him questions.

"How have you managed that?" Will asked

"Did you pay her?" Theo joked

"Did you spike her drink?"

Eventually, everyone stopped harassing us about it and continued dancing. We had to leave the club early as the boys had filming tomorrow, they were doing ' Hide And Seek In A Mansion '
Josh had flown out Kon and Kirsty to help film, they were staying in a nearby hotel.

We arrived back at the villa and were all 'peppered'. I had never seen Simon or Josh drunk before.

"Who wants to go for a swim?" Josh shouted taking his shoes and socks off.

"No one wants to swim with you Josh" Freya laughed "It's half two, you have to be up at eight for filming"

Luckily for me, Harry had already passed out on the sofa. I rolled him onto his side and left a red kiss stain on his cheek.

"You simp" Cal spat.

I smirked "Night Airey, love ya," I blew him a kiss and headed to bed, which I was meant to be sharing with Harry but I have to myself for the night. Luckily the villa had AC, as sharing beds in the hot weather is deadly.


I woke up the next morning to Tobi standing over me, not what I was expecting to wake up to.

"Mads. I'm so sorry but you gotta go" Tobi looked at me sympathetically.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes and searched for my phone.

"We're going to start filming soon" He handed me my phone "Unless you want to be snoring in the new video? Could be entertaining."

"I don't sn-" I snapped "Ok, I'll get up."

"The other girls are going for a beach day" He said as he walked out, back to the living room.

I chucked on a pair of shorts and crop top over a bikini, brushed my hair, teeth and headed out to the living room where everyone was already up and ready for the day.

We walked down to the beach which was beautiful and spent the day tanning, classic.

Time hop

Days went by and our holiday was coming to an end. We'd had a girls night while the boys went to the casino, a games night, a boat trip.

Today was our final full day and we were going to the most well known beach club in Ibiza, Ocean Beach. Josh had somehow gotten us a couple of last minute VIP booths, that man was a miracle worker.

Liked by Wroetoshaw, Callux and othersMaddieJordan: got sand in my charging port, fuming Wroetoshaw: that's a silly bitch move -> MaddieJordan: shut it u -> Behzingagram: chill with the flirting guys😤Miaxmon: I'm such quitting social media to be ...

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Liked by Wroetoshaw, Callux and others
MaddieJordan: got sand in my charging port, fuming
Wroetoshaw: that's a silly bitch move
-> MaddieJordan: shut it u
-> Behzingagram: chill with the flirting guys😤
Miaxmon: I'm such quitting social media to be a photographer bye

We danced and drank all day, I'd hate to think of how much we had all spent.

A group of young girls approached us "Hi! Oh my God, can we get a photo with you boys please?" The brunette one asked

"She's leng" I heard Lux mumble "Course you can, what's your names?"

"I'm Sadie, this is Immy and Jas." Thegirl handed me her phone Can you take it for us? Thanks" Her and her friends stood with the boys and I snapped a few pictures.

"Thanks hun" She gave a weak smile as she grabbed her phone off me. "What are you guys doing here then?" She made conversation.

The boys, Lux, Chip and Chris mainly, chatted away with the girls as they made themselves welcome in our VIP booth.

"Wish they'd go away now" Freya mumbled "Haven't even acknowledged us girls"

I nodded

"Bit cheeky of them to just sit down with us as if they've paid for the booths" Mia added

An hour went by and the girls were still sat with us. Me and the girls went over to the pool area as Faith wanted some pictures.

When we came back the girls were still lurking around, flirting and joking with the boys.

"That one is a bit close with Harry, ain't  she?" Faith whispered and nudged me.

I looked over to see Sadie, the dark haired one, sitting beside Harry giggling with her hand on his knee. Harry looked slightly uncomfortable but was still engaging in the conversation.

I stared at him for a while, watching her flirt with him and he wasn't stopping her.

"Whatever" I necked the back of my drink "He can do what he wants."

"I would be throwing hands if that was Will, even if we weren't official yet" Mia frowned.

"I don't want to cause a scene" I fake smiled " I think I'm going to head back to the villa, these girls have killed my mood. Sorry girls"

"We'll come with you!" Talia jumped up "I'm a bit sick of them too"

Freya told Josh we were heading back and I quickly flagged down a taxi for us.

"I hope Harry doesn't do anything stupid" Faith spoke her mind "Maybe one of us should've stayed to keep an eye out"

"He wouldn't" Mia put her hand on mine "He's not like that"

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