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We arrived back at the villa, somehow ended up making cocktails and singing One Direction.

"Are you going to kick off at Harry?" Freya shouted over the music.

"I think I'm fine now, I just don't really want to hear them all talking about those girls when they get back" I panted from all the singing and dancing.

"Understandable. Ethan couldn't give two shits about them and even I was feeling fed up" Faith rolled her eyes "Like read the room, you've outstayed your welcome "

I headed up to my room to change into something more comfortable as I was still in my bikini and linen shirt. I threw on a baggy t-shirt and shorts that I'd worn to bed last night.

As I opened my door to go back to the girls I could hear more voices, the boys were back and they had brought the girls from the beach club. Great.

"Suck it up Maddie" I gave myself a pep talk before going downstairs "It's not that deep."

As I walked down the stairs Talia sent me a funny look. I frowned to her as my eyes searched the room for Harry.

He was stood by the kitchen island with Sadie who had her hand on his arm and was giggling.

I'd tried to keep my cool and not spoil everyone's day but this girl was really pushing my buttons now.

I slumped down on the sofa next to Faith and kept an eye on Harry, who hadn't bothered to come find me when he got back to the villa.

"Want to play cards?" Josh asked me from the other side of the sofa.

Josh was good at reading the room, he could clearly tell I was feeling frustrated.

I nodded "Deal me in!"

Mia kicked me from under the table "Mads," Her eyes widened as she nodded her head towards Harry "I wouldn't bother dealing her in."

I turned to look at Harry, still stood at the kitchen island with a drink in his hand.

Sadie was messing with his hair "You really suit the messy hair. It's hot"

"Cheers" Harry smiled down at her and shrugged "Can't be arsed to do anything with it"

That's it. I couldn't watch it anymore. I stormed over to him, cocktail in hand, and thew it in his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sadie said wiping a drop that had splashed on her face "Crazy bitch."

"Who the fuck even are you?" I swore in her face "Literally no one except the single boys want you here! Read the room."

"Howay, this feels like an episode of Geordie Shore" Will whispered.

"Maddie," Harry's wiped the cocktail off his face with his t-shirt "Calm down."

"I am definitely not getting involved." Cal put his arms up in the air as if he was surrendering.

"Why are you so pressed for?" Chris butted in "These girls aren't doing any harm."

"Oh Chris, you're just as desperate as them to get laid." I rolled my eyes.

"You're being so dramatic, get over yourself Mads." He responded

"Chris, I don't know why you're getting involved. It's literally nothing to do with you" Talia said standing up from the sofa "I think these girls should go home and we should just go to bed. This can be sorted when everybody's sober."

I grabbed my phone and headed up to find somewhere else to sleep as I certainly didn't feel like getting into bed with Harry.

"Bro, you've fucked it" I heard Ethan from downstairs "You're in the dog house"

"Mads!" I heard Tobi whisper "Come stay in here, there's a spare bed."

I slept in the twin bedroom with Tobi who let me ramble on for hours. I don't know how he could listen to me rant when he was sober and tired.

The next day I woke up feeling just as pissed off as last night. Although I had been drinking, I didn't regret what I said or did to Harry.

He wasn't really flirting back, not that he knew how to flirt anyway, but he still sat there, let her chat him up and be touchy feely with him.

We packed up our cases and got in several taxis to the airport, I made sure I wasn't in the same one as Harry. I had spent the whole day avoiding him.

I sat on the plane with my headphones on waiting for takeoff. On the outside I was a bad bitch who didn't care but I was listening to my depressing playlist which I made after I split with my ex boyfriend.

"Maddie" Harry sat down on the seat next to me.

"Do you need something ?" I lifted my headphones from my ear and turned to look at him.

"No, can we t-" He stopped talking as I put my headphones back on and ignored him.

I felt embarrassed. We had only just starting seeing each other and we had already fallen out, in front of everyone.

I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. If he couldn't simply avoid that girl or tell her he was seeing someone, how could I trust him? If he's being like that when I'm around, what's he like when I'm not there?

I didn't know if this would work between us.

pleaaase drop a vote if you've read this far! i've got the next chapter in my drafts and will post it asap

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