twenty four

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A few weeks went by. Me and Harry were getting along perfectly, he was spending most of his spare time in my flat. He may as well move in at this rate. He had already brought round loads of clothes and had his own recording setup in my spare room for Sidemen videos.

We were laid in bed, I had forced him to watch Heartbreak High with me. Not his kind of thing, he was more interested in his Nintendo Switch.


I bought a villa lol

No u haven't

Knowning JJ he probably has

Who's coming to stay

Well where is it then??

Oh yeah lol.

the fuck? when are we going ??
get me there asap

JJ are u serious

i bought it from liam payne

WTF to be that rich you just buy
a villa randonly

I got u all a key lol use it whenever
I'm going on saturday

sweet. should we all go??

cant this saturday but u lot
go and have a sick time

i will NEVER say no to a
free and hot holiday

"Harry!" I smirked, "Are you free Saturday?"

"I think I'm going golfing with Behz and Theo" He looked up from his Nintendo Switch.

"What if you went golfing in Tenerife?" I winked and handed him his phone for him to read the group chat.

"Sound. I'm in." He jumped up.

"Yay!" I clapped, "This can be a redo of our first holiday."

He nodded.

Luckily, I had been sent a massive package of summer clothes from White Fox for a AD I needed to film.

Time flew by and it was almost time to go away. I had got my lashes and nails done with Mia and we were now going to Luton airport.

"I need this holiday so bad." Mia laughed as we dragged our heavy, definitely overweight, suitcases through the airport.

We met everyone and sat in the VIP Lounge, making the most of the buffet. Harry was late, as always.

"This absolute knob decided not to pack until I booked the Uber." Cal appeared, rolling his eyes and nudging Harry.

"But we're here now! No stress," Harry smiled, "Come on let's go board."

We walked to our terminal and we're booked in Business Class. I took the window seat, Harry sat down beside me and Freezy next to him.

"Did you know on average 28 planes crash per year? An-" Harry began to ramble about his weird plane knowledge.

"Bog. Now is not the time for all that." Cal's eyes widened and he nodded his head towards me.

"Shit. Sorry Mads!" He said with panic in his voice, "Here."

He leaned over the armrest and put his headphones over my ears, handed me a lemon sherbet sweetie and pulled a bottle of water from his bag.

"Thank you, Harry." My heart was full, he was so thoughtful.

He placed his hand over mine and gave it a little squeeze, "Try and get some sleep."

I nodded and curled up in my blanket.
Luckily, business class had adjustable leg rest and a small tv. I set my chair to lay down and put on Bride Wars.

"Mads," A warm hand tapped my arm, "We've landed."

I rubbed my eyes, "Oh, I slept the whole flight."

"Yeah, did you sleep alright?" Harry asked while helping me pack my blanket and other bits into my hand luggage.

I nodded, "Good, thank you."

We collected our bags and got in a mini-bus to the villa. The drive was quite long but the vibes were great, everyone was excited to be away and see the villa. I knew it was going to be insane, knowing JJ.

We pulled up to a gated property right by the sea. It was just off the main town. Perfect so we could have fun and not be recognised or mobbed but also get a taxi into the town easily.

It was huge, as expected, and modern. It had a pool and a fire pit. We used the keypad to open the gate and walked down the driveway with all of our cases.

"Bloody mansion this is, ain't it?" Will shouted, "We're living luxury boys!"

We were greeted by a private chef who JJ had hired for our first night, God he was so extra and had too much money.

We all explored the villa while our dinner was being cooked. A games room, a sauna, a hot tub, this place had everything!

"Mads!" Harry yelled down the stairs, "Come see the room I've bagged us!"

I ran up the spiral staircase with excitement. The room was unreal, all beige themed, a balcony looking out on the garden with a sea view.

All beds had hampers on with champagne and chocolate. Harry was quick to pop open the bottle and pour a glass, I was more keen to open the chocolates.

We headed for dinner and were served teriyaki salmon, rice and veg.

"What's the plan tonight then?" Cal asked slapping his knees, "Hit the town or stay in?"

"Got to go out surely. First night here!" Callux stood up rubbing his hands together.

We decided to go out, I quickly rushed upstairs to get ready with Mia and Freya. We sat on mine and Harry's bed doing our makeup and deciding what to wear.

"It's so sad Faith and Talia couldn't come!" I pulled a upset face.

"I know. But us three will still have fun." Freya sipped her drink.

"Mummy and musician duties." Mia shrugged, "What shoes should I wear? My feet will die in heels but trainers will ruin the outfit."

"Trainers, I don't want to hear you moaning about blisters all night" Freya laughed.

"I can't wait to make amazing memories this holiday!" I jumped on the bed, clearly already tipsy.

"I'm in for a long night." Harry said, stood by the door watching me jump around like a child.


hi it's been a little while :) i'm still here!
sorry for a little bit of a boring chapter but not every chapter can be drama packed

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