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"Hey! Why don't you come back to mine tonight? Cal can get Harry home" Chris asked

"Oh, I - um" I stuttered " Cal looks pretty out of it too. I should probably help him with Harry."

"Alright" Chris spoke firmly, clearly disappointed with my decision, " Catch you another time, Mads" He pulled me into a hug and pecked my cheek.

I quickly made my way over to Cal and Harry. Cal was holding him up while Harry blabbered on about plane crashes.

"Maddie. Are you coming home with me?" Harry slurred.

"Yes, Harry." I said helping Cal hold him up

We somehow managed to carry him out of the venue and into the Uber.  I'd like to think Cal wasn't doing all of the work but then again, sometimes I do struggle to open a jar of Nutella.

We got into the flat and dragged Harry straight to bed. I tried to care for him the same way he did me last night when I was battered. Cal had abandoned me and gone to his room.

"Come on, Harry. Drink up!" I held a bottle of water in his face, "You'll really feel it in the morning if you don't."

"Harry, where's the bedding?" I nudged him trying to get him to pay attention to me.

"Sleep- with in my bed.," He mumbled "We have no spare bedding"

"Of course you have no more bedding. " I rolled my eyes, "You're both boys, you don't buy bedding!"

I laid on the bed bedside him, on top of the duvet with a blanket over me. Looks like tomorrow I'll be going shopping for bedding.

Harry rolled over and chucked his arms over me. He snugged his head into my shoulder as he drifted off to sleep.


I woke up early, for me anyway. 10:02AM
I had forgotten to close the curtains, sunshine was beaming through the room. It was a beautiful day.

Harry was asleep beside me, arms wrapped around me and head pressed against my shoulder. I crept out of his arms and into the kitchen.

"Oh. Cal. Morning" I was shocked to see him awake.

"Alright lass," Cal yawned "Did you sleep in bogs room?"

"Bog? Oh, Harry? Yeah, I - The bed needs to be changed. I'll do it today." I stuttered

"Don't know if I like the idea of you sleeping with my mate," Cal laughed "It would be a bit weird, like you're my sister."

"God Cal, we shared a bed, that's all that happened." I moaned.

"What about Chris?" Cal questioned "I hear the rumours." He raised his brows with a slight smirk.

"What are you? My dad. It's just meaningless flirt with Chris." I threw my hands in the arm.

"I just- I wouldn't want you to get with someone in the group and regret it, Mads. I care for you," He scuffed my hair up with his hand "Bog is like - well he's awful with girls and Chris is ju-"

"What?" Harry said walking into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Boggo. Morning fella, how you feeling?" Cal exclaimed patting Harry's shoulder.

"Rough as shit," Harry groaned "Cheeky for you to say I'm awful with girls. I'm a very charming gentleman!"

"It was really charming when you dribbled on your arm in your sleep last night." I laughed while I made us all cups of tea.

Harry looked down at his feet "Sorry about that."

"As long as you didn't dribble on me it's fine." I smiled and handed him a tea.

"Mads, where are you going to get bedding from? " Cal quickly changed the subject.

"Oh. Yeah. I don't know, maybe H&M home," I sipped my tea "Do you want to come ?"

"Nah, I'm meeting Chip to film the podcast." Cal put his socks and shoes on.

"I'll come. If you don't mind," Harry looked down at me with a small smile "Good shop that is."

"Alright! Get ready and we'll leave in 20 mins." I carried my cuppa tea to my room and got ready for the day.

Liked by FreyaNightingale, Callux and othersMaddieJordan: get in losers, we're going shoppingCalfreezy: So glad I'm busy today and don't have to get dragged around shops  -> MaddieJordan: shut up manFreyaNightingale: Nail slay

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Liked by FreyaNightingale, Callux and others
MaddieJordan: get in losers, we're going shopping
Calfreezy: So glad I'm busy today and don't have to get dragged around shops
-> MaddieJordan: shut up man
FreyaNightingale: Nail slay. I broke all of mine off last night😭
-> MaddieJordan: oh frey, you are one special girl
Wroetoshaw: stop being a poser we have to go

"I like the fit." Harry smiled as I walked into the living room where he was sat waiting for me.

"Thank you. You look alright," I smirked.

He was wearing his usual, black shorts with a Childish hoodie, long socks and a pair of pretty battered white air forces.

"Alright? I dressed nice for this," He said dramatically putting his hands in the air
"For once, I don't have odd socks on!"

I laughed as we walked out the door to the Uber he had ordered for us. I had never been in so many Ubers. I had planned to use the tube to save money but Harry is constantly getting noticed, so it's much easier for him this way.

We went into H&M home, which Harry picked out some bits from. Although the flat was a 'party' flat, he still enjoyed decorating it. He picked out a couple pillows for the sofa, a candle and some bedding for the spare room.

"I'll pay for these. As a thank you for letting me stay with you" I pulled my purse from my bag

"This shops proper pricey, just buy me a Nandos instead" Harry insisted.

I scanned my card and paid anyway. Yes, it was pricey. £128.50 to be exact. However, a hotel for a week would cost me that per night. It was the least I could do.

"Thank you, Mads" He grabbed the bag and put his hand on the small of my back as we left the shop.
"Let's go for a coffee while we wait for an Uber, I know a nice place around here"

We walked through the streets of London, it was a busy Sunday afternoon, Harry put his hands on my arms guiding me through the crowds of people. I was stopped by some fans to take a picture a few times, Harry had stolen my cap, so he was lucky to not get noticed as much.

We sat down in a small corner cafe, it was decorated in cream and sage green, the food looked unreal. I got us both a sausage roll, drink and slice of cake, my treat.

"Only 4 more days until my flats ready" I said with excitement.

"Oh, yeah" Harry looked down at his fighting hands on the table "It's actually nice to have you stay with me- us"

"I'm only down the road, you can come over any time Harry" I put my hand on his "I'm sure you'll be sick of me, I'll come round all the time"

"I won't get sick of you" He smiled

Maybe I should plan my chapters because these are so all over the place. Anyway!

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