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I was so angry and in my own head for the whole flight I hadn't even noticed we'd landed.

Harry grabbed my suitcase from the conveyer belt "Mads."

I stared at him and took the case. Was he expecting me to say 'Thanks Harry I forgive you!' ? Absolutely not.

"I'm going to head home now," I said to the group and gave a weak smile "Thank you for inviting me."

"Love you, Mads. I'll see you soon," Cal gave me a hug before I left.

I could tell Cal wanted to comfort me like he usually would when I was upset but I understood that Harry was also his best friend and he didn't want to get into the middle of it all.

I got back to my flat and instantly fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up a few hours later with a few messages


Freya: If you need anything, you know
you can call us M x

Mads: honestly i think i would've
gotten a earlier flight home if it
wasn't for you girls

New chat

Harry: mads please can we talk
are u back at ur flat safely?

Mads: harry, i need time
i'll text u when i'm ready to talk

A week went by and I had barely spoken to anyone. The girls came round a few times, I had a few texts from Cal and Tobi.
I finally felt ready to talk to Harry.

•Calling... Harry•

"Hello?" Harry yelled over loud music.

"Hi Harry." I spoke softly

"Sorry, are you busy?"

"I'm in Amsterdam with Chip and Freezy," Harry responded "We're in a bar"

"Oh," I paused "I'll talk to you another time."

I hung up and laid back in my bed. All week I'd been thinking about him while he was probably high and drunk partying in Amsterdam. I'm such a fool, he had probably forgotten all about me.


Harry: flying home in the morning
can i come round tomorrow

Mads: yeah that's fine

I was nervous to see him. I hadn't planned what I would say. I looked like i'd been dragged through a bush, my flat was a dump. I had a quick shower and crawled into bed, I was so exhausted I could just clean my before he arrived.

I woke up the next day extra early, straightened my hair and chucked on a causal fit. I frantically cleaned my flat, shoving all of the clothes from my floor in my wardrobe.

 I frantically cleaned my flat, shoving all of the clothes from my floor in my wardrobe

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Liked by FreyaNightingale, WillNE and others
MaddieJordan: back in ldn. it's cold here.
FaithLouisak: I can see something smoking hot 🥵
-> MaddieJordan: ur smoking hot
-> Behzingagram: please stop flirting with my mrs i'm scared she will leave me

A light knock at the door. I quickly checked myself in the mirror before opening the door and letting Harry in.

"Hi Maddie," He stood awkwardly "It's nice to see you."

He seemed more nervous than me. I made him a tea and we sat on the sofa.

"I'm sorry for ruining your top with my cocktail," I smiled trying to lighten the mood "I might have overreacted a tiny bit. It just hurt me seeing you with another girl when I thought you liked me. I-"

"I do like you!" He gasped "Mads, I like you so much"

"But why didn't you come find me? Why did you spend the entire day with that girl? Why didn't you tell her you were seeing someone?"  I rambled "I know you weren't flirting back but you still entertained it"

"I know." He scratched the back of his neck, "I'm sorry, I really am. I just don't know how to say things sometimes. I didn't tell her about us because you didn't want our fans to know. That's no excuse, I know"

He looked up at me sympathetically, I could tell he really meant what he said.

"I've been thinking about you all week, Maddie. I went to Amsterdam and was miserable. I thought it would help me take my mind off things but I was just constantly checking my phone, checking your Instagram an-"

"Harry," I put my hand on his cheek "It's okay."

A sigh of relief came from his mouth "Can we please just go back to being us?"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes jokingly "I suppose so"

"Thanks for giving me another chance" He snuggled up to me "I don't want to lose you Mads"

I kissed him on the head and ran my hands through his messy hair.

We spent the day on the sofa watching Netflix. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing, I reached over to grab it with Harry asleep on my lap.

Mia: mads you need to see this
Open link

I opened the link which took me to Tiktok profile, SadieAnderston2. Instantly, my body turned cold and I could feel my heartbeat rising.

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