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The door swung open.
"How nice of you to invite us round for dinner Mads" Cal clapped his hands together.

"Hi Cal" I smiled up at him from the sofa and gestured to come sit with me

"Wait. You've already had food?" He pointed at the bowl of ramen on the table in front of me "Piggy" He sat down in the corner of the sofa stretching his legs

"Yeah" I gulped " Well you see there's actually something I - We need to tell you" I stared up at Harry who was awkwardly hovering around.

Cal gave a confused look to me "Bog?"

"Don't go mad, mate" He scratched his stomach " Me and Mads are - I don't know. We kissed"

"You what?" Cals mouth dropped "When? Why?"

"Last night at the party" I mumbled

"Oh, right. Ok" He frowned "And this is what? A fling or-"

"No Cal, we like each other. I mean we aren't, you know official or anything but just seeing eachother, I suppose" Harry spoke out

Cal nodded "Alright"

"You're not mad?" I questioned him

He shook his head at me "You're adults. If you fuck it up and make things awkward, I'm not getting involved"

I jumped onto him, giving him a tight hug "Thank God, I was shitting myself all day thinking about this moment"

"Grim" He pushed me off "Where's my scran then?"

I stood up and pulled a bag of Nandos from behind the sofa. I had planned to eat it myself if he reacted badly. Cals face lit up, I was convinced this boy loved Nandos more than anyone in this world.

"Listen, I don't want to hear no funny business on holiday, yeah? In fact I'll be picking a room far away from yous" Cal shivered "It's like my sister and best mate, yuck"

"That went so much better than I expected" I whispered to Harry. Cal was in the toilet down the hall.

Harry nodded and smirked "Sneaking around is fun though, it's a shame we had to tell him but he would've kicked off if not"

I could've believe how quickly things were moving. I had spent a week staying with Harry and Cal, moved into my own flat, been to three parties, made a bunch of friends, had a holiday in two days and now was 'seeing' Harry. It was a lot, but I was so happy.

"Hey, at least you know Harry will be loyal. The boy can barely speak to a girl" Cal joked

Harry rolled his eyes at the joke. "We should probably head home. Maddie has editing to do" He nodded his head to the door.

"See you Monday Mads. Hope you're not as scared of flying as you used to be" Cal said shoving me.

I walked them out and headed back to bed with my laptop. I scheduled my 'Say it or shot it' for Monday evening and began editing the 'Pack with me'

I looked down at the time on my phone 01:39AM, although it wasn't late for me I decided to call it a night and get some rest as I still felt like I needed it after last nights party and all the shopping today.

just a short chapter! i'm excited for some holiday chapters and everyone else
finding out about mads and harry <3
if you've read this far please drop a vote or a comment !
as always i'm open for suggestions and tips too!

follow me on instagram to keep up to date with me!!! @fitsbyrene

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