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Liked by TaliaMar, Calfreezy and othersMadsJordsPriv: how i feel after last nightCalfreezy: Mate you proper embarrassed me

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Liked by TaliaMar, Calfreezy and others
MadsJordsPriv: how i feel after last night
Calfreezy: Mate you proper embarrassed me. I told everyone you were mint and you were blackout by 4am
  -> MadsJordsPriv: give me a break man. and a brekkie?

A light knock on the door. Harry poked his head in.

"Oh, you're awake! Sorry just wanted to grab some clothes and brush my teeth." Harry rubbed his eyes.

"Don't apologise. This is your room, I better get up anyway." I said dragging myself out of the bed.

"How you feeling Mads?" He asked, trying to hide his grin.

He was probably thinking of how much do a mess I was last night.

"Pure shite, how about yourself." I drank the water he had beside the bed.

"Bit rough. I think I'm gonna head out for some brunch, do you want to join?" He turned to look at me from the en suite.

I nodded and smiled. "That would be nice. I should go get myself ready." I caught a glimpse of myself in his full length mirror, mascara all under my eyes, hair a mess. Yikes.

I showered and chucked on an oversized hoodie, cycling shorts and chunky trainers, applied some light makeup to make me look less dead and put my hair in a claw clip. I sat on the sofa waiting, surprisingly I was ready first.

"You ready?" Harry shouted.

"Yup" I replied " Is Cal coming?"

"Nah," Harry entered the living room "He's at Simon and JJ's cause Chip and Behz were blackout in his bed"

I nodded and grabbed my bag.

"Everyone goes to this cafe when hungover. We'll probably see someone to be fair" He said as we walked to the lift.


I ordered a smoked salmon cream cheese bagel, my favourite, and an iced matcha and Harry went for a classic full English and dirty chai latte.

We spoke for a while about the Sidemen video they were filming this week and my moving in disaster.

" So, uh- Chris said you and him were getting cozy last night." Harry spoke in between mouthfuls.

"Wouldn't say we were getting cozy," I scoffed, nearly choking on my food. "We just had a chat and- yeah..."

"Do you like him then?" Harry asked.

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