twenty two

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It was a new day. I had spent my afternoon editing my '' get ready with me'' video and Faith had come over for a while with Olive who was asleep

"Do you think you and Harry will have babies? Ethan is desperate for a dad friend." She asked.

"What?" I gasped.

"Well, I heard some noises from your room on holiday so, you know..." She smirked

"Faith! Too soon. I want to be married first." I explained "God, I hope you weren't listening through the wall."

"Sounded like you were having a lovely time." She raised a brow, "Have you spoken to Tom?"

I put my head in my hands, "I'm telling him today. I hope he doesn't hate me."

"You gotta do it girl."  Faith shrugged "Bite the bullet or whatever that saying is."

"I know, he's just such a nice guy and I've been so shitty." I stared down at my feet feeling disappointed with myself.

She laid her hand in my back "He knew you weren't serious! He'll find someone else, he's a good looking bloke."

"I hope so."

"I ought to get going. I hate public transport at rush hour." She picked up Olive, put her in her pushchair  and smiled, "Good luck. Let me know how it goes, yeah?"

I nodded, "Love you, bye!" I yelled as she shut the door.

Time to get ready to go to Tom's. I was feeling guilty, but at the end of the day we weren't in love, or officially dating.

I did some skincare and threw a matching hoodie and shorts on. I applied light makeup and put my hair in a claw clip.

We were just going to his for takeaway and a chat, no reason to get dressed up, he might kick me out after I tell him anyway.

I picked up a Wagamama's on the way and knocked on the door.

"Hey!" He grinned and took the bag from my hands.

I walked in, his flat was very 'clean' looking, lots of white, light wood and minimalist decor. He clearly had taken a lot of care decorating.

We sat at his breakfast bar and dug into our food. I was a Katsu Curry girl until death.

"So," I played with my fork awkwardly, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" Tom turned to look at me.

"I've really enjoyed getting to know you, but-" I blabbered.

He laughed, "You don't have to do the whole speech thing, you know?

I frowned at him.

"It's chill, we're both adults. We don't have to be weird about it."

"Oh!" My face lit up, "Thank you Tom. You are genuinely really lovely."

"I know." He nudged me, "I didn't really like you anyway."


"Joking. You're alright." He stole the last piece of my chicken.

I gasped, "Little shit. How dare you!"

"Who you calling little? You're barely 5'0." He stood up tall as he collected our plates and put them in the sink.

"Are we good then?" I jumped off the bar stool and looked up to him with a shy smile.

"Course we are." He pulled me into a hug, "But you must leave because I need the toilet... And I think it's going to be a long one."

"Tom, what the fuck? TMI." I gagged, "See you around, yeah?"

He nodded and waved as I opened the door and left.

That went so much better than I could've imagined. I was feeling so much lighter already, even after the food I'd just demolished.

I hopped in an Uber back and put my earphones in. I opened up WhatsApp to see Harry hadn't replied to my message from earlier. I guess he was probably filming some SidemenReacts or MoreSidemen videos.

I arrived home and changed into my pyjamas (A.K.A baggy sweatshirt and shorts I'd had since I was in high-school)

I laid in bed with Netflix on my laptop. My phone was blowing up from the groupchat. I scrolled up to see what I'd missed


Yo, we want to do some
videos abroad to mix things up,
who's down to make a holiday out
of it?

I'll get us a sick yacht

We went on holiday last

Yeah but we're rich so
why not LMAO

are we invited or is it sdmn
and girlfriends only?

Everyone's invited we can get a villa

Where we thinking?

i'm thinking skegness
would be lush mate

blackpool would be sick

count me out if that's the case

Nah man. Abroad somewhere sick

Tenerife ?? Sick waterpark we
could maybe film there?

Good idea.
I'll see what I can do

Unknown? I frowned at my phone.

Girls Chat

who's Unknown number??

what do u mean?

Do you not see Unknown in the gc

No Mads are u drunk?

whoever said blackpool isn't in my contacts or something?

Must be a glitch xx

it says i can't message that

blocked u? have u fallen out??

Weird behaviour

My heart sank a little. Why had he blocked me?
I checked my Instagram and I wasn't blocked on there. Maybe it was a mistake. Harry didn't use Instagram a lot but I needed to speak to him.

tgif besties x
hope you're enjoying the story still! <3
i have a few chapters already written so i might get them out quicker !

any harry styles fans reading? i'm making some digital prints for my etsy shop uwu x
love u bye xoxo

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